Magnus, stay awake.

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Good Morning! Here you get a little action haha.
I got ill which is why I have to spend my days in bed, but at least I can write :)
I hope you are all doing fine! 🧚🏻‍♀️

„I think the rules are clear." Christoph said to me as he led me into a room that looked like an office. So am I not being locked up? It's a good start. "The contact with your shadowhunter friends is over. You will never see Magnus again." he let me know. He dropped into a huge chair.

"As long as he's safe, that's not a problem." I said. I would do anything to protect him. Even if it means never seeing him again. Christoph nodded.

"You will do what we tell you. Your friends will no longer look for Liam. Magnus will tell them, I'm sure." he explained further. "You will soon see that you are one of us. You will like it, believe me." he said. I doubted that.

"Who are you?" I asked confused. He behaved like he was the leader. What position did he have?

"I am the co-leader. I do the things that Liam can't do because he would be in danger." he said and I grinned. Oh really?

"So are you doing his dirty work?" I asked whereupon he looked at me angrily. He didn't scare me. He wouldn't kill me. Otherwise it would all have been unnecessary.

"Be careful what you say!" he said, pointing his finger at me. I just grinned. How pathetic. I was the leader of the Shadowhunters, but I would never let anyone do my job. It's not what a leader does. I never really felt like a leader. We were just a group and we didn't need a leader.

We both looked up when a woman came in. She had blonde hair and wore a black dress.

"Heidi, what do you want?" he wanted to know. The woman looked very nervous. Are they also afraid of him?

"Chris? There's a young lady outside. She asks if she could join the gang." Heidi said skeptically. Chris also seemed very surprised.

"Really? How does she know about this gang?" he asked. Heidi just shrugged. Do they accept people so easily? That would explain why their gang is so huge. We never added new people except Celine and Magnus. "Okay, let her in." he said now. "You'll stand still and won't say a word." he said to me.

The girl named Heidi disappeared and came back with another person shortly afterwards. She brought her here, and then left again. I swallowed hard. It was Celine. How did she get in here? What was she doing here?

Celine smiled and looked at me and Christoph. She didn't seem to show that she knew me. He didn't recognize Celine either. Right! Celine is new, they have never seen her with us.

"Hello! Nice to meet you. I am Emily and I always wanted to be part of a gang. I think yours is the right one for me." she said convincingly. What was their plan? Were the others here too? They had to make up a plan as soon as I left.

"Emily, so what brings you to this gang?" he asked with his arms crossed.

"I had a friend who was in the gang here. Of course I don't want to reveal her name, but it wasn't the right thing for her." she said. In any case, she was a good actor.

"Well then-" Christopf started to speak, but stopped when there were gunshots outside. Shit, what happened now? He jumped up and started to run out, but Celine stopped him because she was pointing a gun at him. Chris stopped.

He looked at me angrily. I felt that it wasn't planned that way. I didn't know what was happening outside and who the shots were aimed at, but I hoped it wasn't one of my friends. That made me a little nervous.

"So a shadowhunter." he said with a grin. "Why don't I know you?" he asked confused. Celine grinned too, still pointing the gun at him.

"Oh, you must know me by the name Celine. Too bad we just never saw each other before." She said. "Your plan almost worked, only that you didn't realize that nobody gets left behind in our gang." she said. Now Chris' grin disappeared. He seemed very angry.

"And what are you going to do now? Shoot me?" he asked. I also asked myself that. That wasn't really wise. If we keep him alive, we would all be in even greater danger. If we shot him, we risk war with the gang. Also, I don't think Celine could shoot him.

"Don't you think I could?" she asked and then he laughed again. At that moment the door opened and someone grabbed Celine from behind. The gun fell from her hand and landed on the floor.

Chris looked at me and I knew he would want to run towards the gun. I grabbed his shirt and hit him in the face with my fist. He released my grip and hit me back. Fuck, it even hurt.

I pushed him and he fell to the floor. I went down to beat him up, but kicked my legs so that I also fell on the floor. Shit, he was good. He got up, pushed me to the ground, and hit me in the face a few times. It hurt very bad, but I just tried to ignore it. Giving up now would not be an option. I could taste the blood in my mouth because I definitely had a lot of it in my mouth.

I turned to throw him off me and I even succeeded on the second try. Now we both lay on the ground and looked at the weapon not far from us. We both tried to rob ourselves and just before Chris could catch them someone else took the gun. Crap.

We both looked up and I was so relieved when I saw that it was Magnus who got the gun and not one of them. He pointed the gun at Chris. Magnus' face seemed to bleed more than before. Did he take part in the plan? Why, it was too dangerous in his condition.

"Leave him alone." he said exhausted. His eyes were almost closed. He seemed very exhausted. As if he was about to tip over. Chris grinned and got up.

"You are really cute. You would do anything to protect the other." he said. "Only you would never kill anyone." said Chris and ran towards Magnus.

"Stop!" I cried because I knew that Magnus was about to lose consciousness. He couldn't win against Chris in this condition. Suddenly I heard a loud shot and shortly afterwards Chris slumped and fell to the ground.

His chest was bleeding. Magnus had shot him. I looked at Magnus, who dropped the gun with shaky hands. He breathed heavily. I got up in a hurry. His knees also started to shake and before he fell to the ground I caught him.

"Magnus, stay awake." I said, but he seemed to be losing consciousness. I put my arm under his knees and lifted him up.

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