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Good Morning! Don't be too hard on Alec after you read this chapter, no bullying allowed! 😂
From now on, I'll be answering you comments, cause I keep forgetting that haha. <3
I hope you're all doing fine! 🧚🏻‍♀️

It was late, just before midnight. Celine slept next to me, but I couldn't sleep. No matter how hard I tried, it just didn't work. I had to think about anything all the time. How can Celine sleep so peacefully?

We have come a long way today. Alec and Blake met Jonas and he is on our side too. Jonas also lived in New York. Strange that he still had no contact with Matt.

Celine and Elliott also managed to contact Casper. But they won't meet until tomorrow. After living in Manhattan, it's not that difficult either. We haven't heard from James yet. He hasn't read our message yet, but I very much hoped that he would do it by tomorrow at the latest.

As soon as Nick was out of my room, I used the opportunity to stalk Isabelle's account. She herself is 23 years old, the same age as Alec. I'm pretty sure they're twins because it's her birthday on September 12, just like Alec. Alec had never mentioned that it was his twin sister. This also explains why they almost look the same.

She was probably James's girlfriend, but it was all very new. Only for two months as far as I know. She is a designer and is very interested in fashion. You can see that because she is beautiful and her style is great. I couldn't really find much about her family, so either she doesn't post anything or she doesn't talk to them. What I did see was a picture of Alec and her when they were little children. They were still in the children's home. How terrible it must be to be separated.

She also lives in Washington, d.c., which means she is not very close to us. Does she miss her brother? I think so, it's her twin brother after all, right? I turned on my back and stared into the air.

I hadn't talked to Alec about it yet, but that just didn't let me sleep. I know that he told me that he didn't want to look for her as it would make everything more complicated. I now also know what he meant by that. But now that I've found her, it might be that he's interested, right?

I sat up and sighed. I looked at the clock. A quarter to midnight. Uff, how long would I keep turning back and forth? I got up slowly. I had to talk about it somehow, but I couldn't do that with anyone except Alec, because it's about his sister.

I sneaked up to the door and opened it quietly because I didn't want to wake Celine. I left the room and I saw that everything was quiet and dark. Only the lights from the street lit up the apartment a little, so at least I didn't stub my toe.

I went to Alec's door and saw that there was still light in his room. I took a deep breath. That hopefully meant he was still awake. I put my hand on the door and knocked three times. I was nervous because I didn't know how he would react. I also had my cell phone with me so that I could show him the profile.

"Yes?" I heard him say. I took a deep breath and opened the door. I saw Alec sitting on his bed looking at me in surprise. Only the light on his bedside table was on. Maybe he can't sleep either. "Magnus? It's just before midnight." he said confused.

"I know, I didn't want to bother you." I said and closed the door behind me. Alec seemed a little exhausted.

"Are you all right?" he asked and I nodded. I kept twisting on one of my rings because I was pretty nervous.

"I'd like to talk to you about something." I admitted and he frowned. "You know, when I was looking for James today, I found someone else." I continued and took a few steps forward.

"Okay?" he said and slid aside so I could sit down. I sat on the edge of the bed. "What have you found?" he asked and I sighed.

"Is it possible that your twin sister's name is Isabelle Lightwood?" I asked and his eyes widened. He was silent and said nothing at first until he finally cleared his throat.

"You found my sister?" he asked flabbergasted. I nodded. "Did you message her?" he asked and I shook my head, even if I was thinking about it. I knew it wasn't my decision to make.

"I wanted to tell you this because I thought that was your decision. She's with James and lives in Washington, d.C., besides-"

"I don't want to message her." he interrupted me.

"But she's your twin sister." I said. "I know you're afraid to drag her into this, but Isabelle means a lot to you, right?" I asked. Alec looked away.

"There is nobody who means a lot to me." he said coldly. Ouch. "Our paths separated years ago. I'm not going to try to contact her now." he said.

"And what about her?" I asked and he frowned. "I mean, what if she's been looking for you for a long time because she misses her brother. Now you've found her and you're not even trying? Not even for one meeting?" I asked. He looked at me angrily. „You keep running away from everyone!" I added which seemed to make him angry.

"It's none of your business!" he said a little louder. "If I contact her now it would be a mistake! I will never get rid of her. Just like it happened with you!" he said angrily. I looked at him hurt. My heart broke in two. No, it broke in a thousand pieces. I opened my mouth to say something, but nothing came. I had nothing to say to him.

I just nodded disappointed and got up. I left the room without him or me saying a word. So that's how he thought of me. He won't get rid of me? Wasn't he the one who wanted me to come with him?

I took my jacket and put on my shoes. I needed fresh air. Just take a deep breath and clear my head. I couldn't sleep anyway.

I breathed in the cool air. It felt good and I enjoyed it because I hadn't left the apartment today anyway. It wasn't really quiet because it never was in New York.

I just decided to go around the block. A short walk never hurts. My hands were in my jacket pocket. I thought about different things. I was so angry and hurt at the same time. Why does he say something like that into my face when he knows that I still like him very much? Wasn't he at least able to say it nicer?

I was on a quieter street. Nobody walked here, and almost no cars actually drove. Which was why I got nervous when I heard a car slowly drive next to me, but a bit behind. I turned around. It was a white van. Great, as if it weren't scary enough it also has to be one of those pedophile-vans.

I straightened up again and tried not to show that I was nervous, even though I was. Somehow I had forgotten that there are people who are after me. I walked on, but the car was still rolling alongside me.

Suddenly it got faster. It drove forward a little and stopped. I saw two men get out and they looked at me. Shit, what now? I stopped and hurriedly turned. I ran away, but before I could, the two grabbed me. Fuck.

"Leave me alone!" I shouted loudly. "Help!" I shouted, hoping someone would notice me, but who should be paying attention here? There was nobody here except me and these guys. I was scared and I could feel that i started to sweat. Why me? Are they going to kidnap me now? I tried to get away but they grip was too strong. I couldn't defend myself.

"Hel-" I shouted again, but stopped when I felt these guys put a towel over my mouth. Shortly afterwards I became dizzy and it was becoming increasingly difficult to stand. My eyes got heavier and eventually everything went black.

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