You are incredible, Magnus.

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Hello! How are you doing? I have a job interview today and I'm really really nervous. Wish me luck cause I believe I'll embarrass myself haha! I finished this book yesterday and all I can say that you still have a lot of things coming :)

„Where do you want to go?" Alec asked with his arms crossed as we put on our shoes. We got up and looked in his direction.

"We'll meet Matt." replied rather shortly. Alec frowned.

"Alone? No way. We never do things alone." he said. Nick sighed and rolled his eyes. I stayed quiet and didn't say a word.

"We can do it alone. We don't need the whole gang. You just keep looking for Jonas or other relatives." Nick replied. Alec looked at him angrily, but then turned to leave. Okay, that would be clear too.

As soon as we had everything we left the apartment and started walking. Matt sent us the address and luckily it wasn't far away. We decided to take the subway. It would be faster that way.

I really hoped Matt could help us. I wanted it all to be over. I knew I probably wouldn't see Alec, Nick and the others after that again, but I would have to deal with that. How should I ever get over Alec if I see him every day?

I have to admit that Nick and Elliott will be really missed when it's all over. Maybe I'll even miss Blake's grim face, but only maybe. I grinned.

"Penny for your thoughts?" said Nick. I looked at him.

"I only think about what will be when it is all over." I admitted. He sighed and shrugged.

"Then we'll probably go our separate ways, won't we?" he asked. I nodded a little. I wish it wasn't that complicated and we would have known each other differently.

"I don't think Blake and Alec want me in the gang." I stated. Above all, Alec didn't want that. All he wanted was to get rid of me, but in a safe way. He didn't want anything to happen to me either.

"I can put in a good word for you!" he said confidently and I laughed. It was really cute that he didn't want me to go.

"Nice offer, but I have to go back to my old life. I still have a job that I really enjoy doing." I explained. He sighed again and looked outside.

"I see, it's just that... I've never been so happy in this gang as I am now." he said. At that moment I felt the tingling sensation that I sometimes felt with Alec. I smiled a little and looked outside too.

After a while we were finally there. We got out and walked a few more minutes to this park where he wanted to meet us. From far away I saw a man who looked exactly like Matt. That must be him. We went on together and when he saw us he gave us a smile.

"Magnus! I'm glad you came!" he said and held out his hand. I smiled kindly at him and shook his hand.

"I am also very happy and grateful that you were ready to meet us!" I answered. "This is Nick, he's also a member of the group." I introduced Nick. Matt turned to him and greeted him very kindly.

Matt generally seemed very friendly to me. As if he only had good things in him. How can he be so nice when his brother is a criminal? That confirms my theory that Liam was also a good person and still has something good in him.

"I'm glad that I can help you. I know what dangerous situations my brother can put people in and I don't even want to know how many people suffered because of him." he let us know. "Let's sit down." he said, pointing to the park bench. We nodded and took a seat.

"So you don't have a good relationship with your brother?" I asked and Matt nodded.

"No, not at all. Even when he was a little boy, he was very aggressive and violent. You hardly dared to argue with him. I often had a broken nose." he told me. Woah, that's crazy.

"Was he always like that?" I asked. Matt shrugged.

"For a while everything was fine. He was nice and actually really loving, but it only lasted two months, then it was over." he said. I nodded. I thought so. "My brother is dangerous and I don't want other people to get hurt." he explained.

"Thank you, the others of our group are trying to contact your other brothers. Why aren't you in contact with them anymore?" I asked. After all, I thought that they actually got along well.

"I love my brothers, but the contact was lost. You know, our parents didn't treat us very well. As soon as we got the opportunity, we disappeared. At some point we didn't hear from each other anymore." he explained. "But I would be delighted to see them again." he said. I smiled. I could imagine that.

"We can do this." Nick said now. "You and your brothers would have to try to contact your brother. He is still attached to you as far as I know and so he will want to see you again. That is the only way to find him." Nick explained. Matt nodded.

"I'll do everything that is necessary." he answered. I thought it was good that he was so cooperative. You rarely see someone like this. "Do you need anything else to know?" he asked and we considered.

"No, I think that's all for now. Thank you." I said and he nodded with a smile.

"I'd love to hear from you again, will you?" he asked and I nodded. We'd have to get all the brothers together first.

"If we have all four of you, I'll message you." I answered. Well done. We said goodbye and made our way back home. "He was nice." I said on the way home.

"That's true." he said. "You did really great." he said now. I looked at him and smiled.

"Oh, I do something like that in my job all the time." I replied, but he shook his head. He put a hand on my shoulder and stopped. We stood in front of each other and looked at each other. The sun was already setting.

"It doesn't matter. It's generally crazy how you can do it all. You were torn from your life and yet you are so strong and even help us." he said proudly. Wow, that was the first time that someone said that. Most of the time the others were just annoyed by me, even though I always did my best. "You are incredible, Magnus." he said and I smiled.

There was that moment again. He looked at my lips and I looked at his. The difference was that this time there was no Celine here. He was coming closer and closer. It was scary, but I didn't back off. Somehow I wanted it to happen. It didn't feel wrong, even if it was. My breath stopped as his lips rested on mine. I started to move my lips against his.

He put one hand on my cheek and the other on my waist. I did the same to him. The kiss was intense and it felt like forever. After a while, he let go of my lips and our foreheads touched. My eyes were closed. We were both out of breath.

It didn't feel wrong, but it was different from Alec's kisses. My body tingled, but not like Alec. With Alec it was like an explosion in my body. With Nick it was just a little bit, but it was there. What did that mean?

"We should go." I said after I opened my eyes. He nodded and we went on. I couldn't describe what it was.

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