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Good Morning. I don't have anything spectacular to tell you so enjoy the chapter and I hope you're
all doing fine!🧚🏻‍♀️

*Alexander's POV*

Magnus was in my arms and was sleeping peacefully. I watched him because he was beautiful as he always was. I stroked his upper arm and enjoyed the smell that enveloped me. Could there be anything better?

I was so happy to finally tell him what I want. I loved him and I can't change that. It was the right decision and I'm sure of it. When he told me he was kissing Nick, I was so angry. Not at Magnus, but at myself , because I was stupid. What did I expect? That he would never find anyone else? Especially when I treated him like that.

I'm angry with Nick, though, because he knew I loved Magnus and yet he kissed him. Magnus wasn't my boyfriend, but that doesn't change the fact that a friend shouldn't do that. Friends? We probably weren't friends. At least we aren't right now.

I don't want to talk to him. I don't even want to look at him anymore, but that can't be avoided. He's in my gang and I can't just throw him down. Well, I could, but the others would be mad.

I was planning to go back to New York before this afternoon. So that we'll be back with the others at night. As far as I know, they already know where Laim is and that was good. Actually very good. They are working on the perfect plan and I am sure that they will make it great.

I didn't want to think about what will happen once we got Liam. Magnus and Celine would leave us. They would leave the gang and I actually wanted that, but the thought of not seeing Magnus anymore hurts. Of course I could go with him too, but that's not an option for me. I don't fit in this world. I never did.

When I kissed Magnus' forehead, he slowly woke up. He mumbled and hugged me tighter. Nick had already got up, which is why he doesn't have to watch the spectacle, even if he deserved it.

"Good morning, sleepyhead." I said softly and he looked up at me. He looked very tired, but he smiled.

"Good Morning." he muttered. "That's how I like to be woken up." he said and I laughed softly. "We have to pack today, don't we?" he asked and I nodded. I was looking forward to going back. I missed Elliott, Blake and even Celine. Celine was a good person and brought light to the gang, just like Elliott always did.

"Yes, the others already know where Liam is." he explained to me. "Our help is needed." I added. He sighed and sat up. I sat up as well.

"Well then let's go." he said and I laughed. We got up together and went to the bathroom. We brushed our teeth, fixed our hair and put on fresh clothes.


After we had breakfast and finished packing, we brought our suitcases into the car. Magnus opened the trunk and I put the suitcases in. Nick helped me.

As Magnus left to get one more thing he forgot in the house, it was just me and Nick. We didn't talk yet. I was mad at him because he betrayed me. He knew I liked Magnus and he still kissed him, while I tried to protect him.

„Are you happy now?" Nick asked out of nowhere. I looked at him with a hateful expression. „I mean you got what you wanted." he added. Did I?

„You knew all along that Magnus liked me, not you." I told him. Didn't he notice? I mean it was pretty obvious and I'm sure Magnus told him as well sometime.

„And he still kissed me." he answered which brought up anger inside of me. I don't want to be remembered. „I know Magnus and I know that he likes me too. Maybe not as much as he likes you but he does." he let me know. I smirked.

„You think you know him because you kissed him once. Tell me, what does Magnus like? What are his dreams? Tell me about his family, about his mom. Tell me some stories about his past. Tell me any story, that you're not in." I said and he stayed quiet. Yeah, that's what I thought. „Believe me, you know nothing about him. I was the one, that dated him before you even got to know him." I told him. I was there first.

„Yeah, don't forget why." he said. I looked at him angry and as I wanted to say something, Magnus came back. He stopped and looked at us.

„Is everything okay?" he asked and I nodded. Yeah, everything was perfect, I thought.

"And where do you think you are going before you actually met me?" I heard a female voice call after I packed my last suitcase in the trunk. Magnus closed the trunk and I saw Isabelle approaching me. My heart stopped.

"Isabelle." I whispered softly and she smiled at me. She had a beautiful smile. I hadn't seen her in so long. Her hair was long and black. She was wearing a tight red top and blue jeans. She was beautiful as she was then, only now she was a woman and not a little girl.

"The only real one." she said and came up to me. I opened my arms and hugged her tightly. I actually didn't want to see her. I wanted to avoid her, but seeing her now was just great. I had missed her so much.

"I've been looking for you for so long, big brother." she said and I smiled. I let go of her and looked at her. I was older than her, but only 5 minutes, yet I am her big brother.

"And now you've found me." I said and she laughed. Izzy turned to Magnus and Nick and introduced himself.

"Glad to meet you. I'm Magnus." Magnus introduced himself after Izzy revealed her name. She smiled.

"So thanks to you, my brother is here." she said and he laughed. Actually, it was even true. "I'm sorry about your father." she said and he nodded his thanks.

"I think maybe you and Alec will need a while for yourself." Magnus said and I smiled at him. Nick and Magnus would go away and only Izzy and I were here.

"Wow, I can't believe it!" she said. "You look so good and different." she noticed and I laughed. "Still, I would have recognized you immediately." She said.

"So Jace called you?" I asked and she nodded. She crossed her arms and sighed. I knew that it was not an advantage that she was here now, but it still feels good to see her again after so many years.

"Yes, he did and I freaked out." She said. "But I was really disappointed when I heard that you would be leaving today without you meeting me." She said. My smile disappeared. I know, that was really dumb but I didn't know what to do. I don't want her to know about all of this. I was scared that she might get in trouble as well.

"I am sorry." I said honestly. "I just knew we wouldn't see each other very often. It's all very complicated." I explained. She smiled a little and put her two hands on my shoulder. Shortly after, she pulled me into another hug.

"I don't care." she said. "I just wanted to see you again." she explained. "I know you have to drive back home today." she added and let go of me.

"That's true." I said. "The duty calls and I think it would be better if Magnus came back to his usual environment. Maybe that will help him." I explained. She nodded understandingly.

"I think it's great that you accompanied Magnus here." she said. "I mean, I'm sure he's your type too." she grinned and I laughed. He really was. "Is there something going on there?" she asked.

"Is that the first thing you want to know?" I asked laughing and she punched me lightly on the shoulder. "Ouch!" I said.

"Of course I want to know that!" She said. "But I want to know more about you." she explained. „How are you? Do you have a family? Kids? A job? A flat or a house? Do you still have those ugly shoes?" she asked me and I laughed. I would have to tell her some things, even if I can't tell everything.

"I think we go for a walk and tell each other everything." I said, holding my arm out to her. She hung her arm in mine and we went.

"A long walk ." she said and I laughed. That would be necessary.

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