You are not the solution for everything

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"Okay, are you ready?" Alec asked just before we got to the police station. I had to pick up some things, such as my apartment key. I also had to tell Celine a story. I nodded. "Be quick." he added. I nodded again and went in.

All eyes immediately fell on me but the deepest gave I felt was Celine's angry and worried one on me. I said nothing, but went straight to my office. I noticed Celine following me.

"Magnus Bane! What the hell is wrong with you!? And where have you been so long?!" she asked angrily. When we were in my office, she closed the door behind her so that not everyone would be able to listen to us.

I opened my drawers and searched for important things. I also took some documents with me. Who knows, maybe I need it. Celine watched me confused and crossed her arms.

"What are you doing?" she asked confused. I sighed. Show time.

"I have to get out of here." I said in a shaky voice. It hurt to lie to her. I lied to her only once in my life and that was at her high school surprise party and I felt even sorry for that. Usually I would never lie to Celine with such a big thing.

"What are you talking about? Are you finishing work earlier?" she asked completely confused. I kept looking for a few things. "Can you stop rummaging around when I talk to you?" she asked angrily. I stopped and looked at her. I was already in tears.

"No, Celine. I have to leave. Out of town." I said. Ouch, it hurt my heart. I don't want to imagine how I would feel if Celine just disappeared. Why am I doing this?

"What? Why? And for how long?" she asked. I shrugged my shoulders. I wish I knew. I wish I hadn't gotten in there at all. I wish Alexander wouldn't mean so much to me.

"I just need a break, but I don't know how long. That thing with Alexander won't let me sleep anymore. It affects everything and I can't pretend I don't care." I said while a tear ran down my cheek. I took my things because I was ready to go.

"Listen, I know Alexander hurt you, but you'll get over it." she said. "You got me." She said. I shook my head slowly. "Come on, you can't just leave me like that." she added also with tears in her eyes.

"You are not the solution for everything." I said, walking past her. I left the police station in a hurry. When I was a little further away I leaned against the wall of the house and tried to breathe normally. It was difficult for me because I was actually crying. Crying miserably. I wish I could tell Celine, but it would probably only put her in danger. She would also think that I completely freaked out.

"Magnus?" I heard someone say. I saw Alec approaching me. "I see it wasn't that easy." he said. Really? I got up and wiped away my tears. He shouldn't see me that way.

"Just disappearing like that is just easy for you." I said coldly. He seemed surprised about it, but said nothing. He probably knew that I was right. "We still have to go to my apartment." I said and started walking. He followed me.

"You did the right thing." he said. I laughed sarcastically. Funny.

"Nothing I'm doing here is right." I said and I was absolutely right. I just wanted to go home, but what if Alexander was right and these guys ended up killing me while I was sleeping? That was not necessarily on my week schedule.

When we arrived at my house, Alexander accompanied me inside. He knows my house pretty well.

"Why did you want to come with me? I mean Nick suggested to come with me." I asked as I packed the most important things.

"He can't protect you like I can." he said. "Would you rather have him with you?" he asked a little skeptically.

"He was at least the friendliest of you." I replied and he frowned. He was nicer, but I was happy that Alexander was here. I felt safer with him.

"Nick is not friendly." said Alexander. I already thought he would say that.

"You only say that because you don't like him." I said. "At least he's nice to me." I said.

"Why do you think I don't like him?" he asked confused. Is that a serious question?

"The way you look at him tells me." I explained. He shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't care about him." he told me. I didn't believe him. You don't look at a person you don't care about like this. There must be some bad vibes between them. "Look, Nick seems nice but in the end he's just like the others. He just pretends to be better." Alec said and I laughed.

"You mean he's just like you?" I asked. I didn't look at him, cause I was still packing some things but I felt his gaze resting on me. He sighed. Maybe it was a little too hard.

"Yes, you're right." he answered. Now I looked up. I didn't expect his answer. We both looked at the door, as we heard a loud noise. As if someone wanted to break in. Oh no, that didn't sound good. "Come on, take your bag and let's leave! They found you." he said stressed. He came up to me, grapped my arm and pulled me with him.

Quickly, I grabbed the frame with a picture of Celine, Alec and me in it. I put it in my bag, just so that Alec couldn't see it. I just thought, I might want to have it later on. I'll probably miss Celine, and this could help.

Alec opened the window and let me get out first. Kind of cute that he let me go first. Then he jumped out and he grabbed my hand again to run away together. I wondered what kind of guys they were. What makes them so dangerous? And why are they chasing me now?

Ready to runOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora