You think I'm handsome?

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Good morning, guys! I have my final exam today and well, I didn't study that much. I don't know why I just couldn't get myself up buuuut, I don't worry. Have a great day, I hope you're all doing fine! <3 🧚🏻‍♀️🥂

*Magnus' POV*

I slowly opened my eyes. I immediately noticed how cold I was. My body was shaking. I wasn't in my bed. Where was I? The more I could open my eyes, I noticed that I was lying on the floor. My mouth was tied. So I couldn't scream, or at least not loudly.

The floor was stone and it was freezing cold. When I tried to sit up, I noticed that my hands were also tied at the front. Now the memories came back.

The argument with Alexander. My walk. The car and the two men who grabbed me. I remember shouting for help, but nobody could hear me. From there everything is black. Did they drug me?

Where was I now? I tried to sit up even when my hands were tied. I looked around. The room was very small. There was nothing here except a small window and a large heavy iron door. So I had to be in a basement because the window was pretty high up.

I was nervous. What would they do to me? Would they murder me? Probably not. Would they torture me? The thought makes me shiver. Would the others be looking for me at all? Celine probably would. Alec is probably happy about me being gone.

I winced when I felt a vibration in my pants. My phone! Didn't they take it away from me? How stupid. I tried to pull it out of my pocket. I saw that I had a missed call and a message. Both from Alec.

Magnus, I'm sorry. Please come home.

I felt tears rise. Shit, I wanted to come home. Do they think I ran away? No, I wouldn't do that. Not while Celine was there and in danger. They know that.

I tried to press the missed call so I could call Alec and I made it. It dialed and just when I saw that he was answering the call, my phone was suddenly torn from my hand. I looked up and there was one of the two men. He grinned at me angrily.

"Magnus? Magnus, are you okay?" I heard Alec say. I screamed as loud as I could, which unfortunately wasn't very loud, but the guy hung up. "Do you really think you can escape us so easily?" asked the guy.

He came up to me and gave away the cloth that he tied around my mouth. I breathed a sigh of relief. It was the most unpleasant of all.

"You forgot to take my phone away, so you're pretty stupid kidnappers!" I said pejoratively, and I was immediately slapped in the face. Fortunately with his flat hand so that it didn't hurt so much.

"I would watch out how you talk to me." he said angrily. "That extends your life." he said. I grinned even though I was scared.

"Oh, you won't kill me, at least not yet." I said. He laughed and sat up.

"Really? And what makes you so sure?" he asked with his arms crossed. I had to admit that he looked very scary.

"Otherwise you would have already done it. You need me for whatever." I explained and his grin persisted. I knew I was right. It was always like that. He looked into my eyes and only now I did notice his green eyes. I have seen them before. In the apartment, the night someone broke in. Was that..? „We've met before, haven't we?" I asked. He smiled.

„You're right." he said. „You remember." he added. He was the one in the apartment.

„You already tried to kidnap me." I said. He laughed. „But you don't have a tattoo." I stated.

"Oh, Magnus Bane. The brave, handsome, smart cop. Savior of the world. Alec doesn't have one either, does he?" he said. He was right and how did he know I was a cop? But didn't the other say they're gonna take care of him? What did they do?

"You think I'm handsome?" I asked with a grin. He laughed and knelt again so that we were face to face.

"I wonder if you still have such a big mouth when the life of your beloved Alec is in danger." he said and my grin disappeared. How did he know all this? "Oh, I know everything about you, Magnus. I did some research." he said as if he could read my mind. It was terrifying.

"What do you want from me?" I asked annoyed. He laughed. His laugh made me angry and it intimidated me.

"From you? Oh I don't want anything from you. You're just the hostage. We want Alec. The gang leader from the Shadowhunters. We don't care about the rest." he said. Alec was the leader? I always thought Blake was.

"Well, you're unlucky. Alec doesn't care about me. He's probably glad I'm gone." I stated. The guy sighed and put a hand on my cheek. I tried to back off, but I couldn't.

"Alec would burn the whole world down till he could dig you out of the ashes, my dear." he said. "Believe me, I couldn't have chosen someone better." he said. I just looked at him angrily. What was he talking about? It wasn't true, was it?

"And what is your plan now?" I asked. How was Alec supposed to find me here? The guy straightened up and walked around the small room.

"So first of all, we'll wait a little. Scare him a little, you know? That'll work well after your call." he said. "After that, we'll send him a little video of you begging him to save you. It'll tear his little heart apart." he explained. I shook my head.

"I won't do that!" I said stubbornly, but he just laughed. Even if I wanted to get out of here, Alec shouldn't save me. I didn't want anything to happen to him.

"Yes, you will, believe me." he answered. "They'll probably locate your phone, right?" he asked. Fuck. "But don't worry, your location is turned off for now, but after the video we turn it on and send it to him." he explained. I looked at him angrily. Such a jerk.

"And then what?!" I asked angrily. "If you have Alec, then what? Are you murdering him? This won't stop us!" I said out loud. He sighed.

"Murdering? No, that would be far too easy. He'll join our gang. We will gradually take away what he loves most if he doesn't listen to us. He will see that there is no point in chasing Liam." he said. "And when he sees that, he'll probably be part of our gang. Part of the Mortal east side." he said. This is sick, I thought.

"I think I've told you enough." he said and came to me. He tied this thing around my mouth again so that I couldn't say anything more. He knotted it at the back, and he also knotted my arms back, so I couldn't do anything without them. He even tied my legs.

I wondered why he didn't do that from the start, until I understood that this call was already part of the plan. He knew I would try calling Alec. Shit, he's good. He straightened up and smiled triumphantly.

"See you." he said and left the room. Crap.

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