Better my death than his.

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Hey! Usually, I wouldn't upload today BUT I really need your help. Please try, because i'm desperate haha. So: This Saturday I will meet the Shadowhunterscast (Tessa, Alberto, Katherine, Matt, Harry and Dom) and I'm really bad at finding questions to ask. I will have a meet&greet with Matt (Alec) and one with Alberto (Simon Lewis) - Also one group panel, so I'd appreciate if you'd help me to find questions for especially those two. Of course you could tell me questions for kat or harry but i'd appreciate some for alberto and matt.

If you have any ideas what I could ask them/ what you wanna know about them, let me know here in the comments OR text me here on wattpad OR on my instagram: fiffisedits.
Thank you, for that I'll upload today tho gahahaha

Everything happened so quickly. I couldn't do anything. I couldn't react. I heard Blake groan in pain. He was also on the ground and was bleeding profusely. I ran to him and pressed my hand to his wound. Shit, he'd bleed to death.

"Alec? What happened? What is that loud noise?" I heard Celine say through the mic. Fuck. We had to leave.

"Blake, stay with me." I said. "We have to go, they'll be here in a minute." I let him know and he nodded. He was breathing heavily and was in great pain. I helped him up. "Liam turned on an alarm and stabbed Blake." I let Celine know. I heard her swear. Blake couldn't walk properly. He groaned in pain all the time. We would have to go down.

"Okay, Alec, listen to me. They are on their way to you. You have to go through the laundry shaft!" she explained to us. "You can't use the stairs." She said. Crap. "You can do that." she said.

I grabbed Blake so that I carried him on my shoulder without hurting him even more. I left the office with Blake because that would be the first place they would look. I ran to the room where the laundry shaft was. You would have to slide down and I was sure that it would not be comfortable, but we had no choice. It led to the basement and that's where we had to go.

I locked the door and let Blake down. He pressed his hand on the wound himself. Everything was bloody and that worried me. He needed help, otherwise he wouldn't survive.

"Listen, Blake, we need to get out of here. You'll get help, okay?" I said. He looked fairly pale and his eyes also seemed to close. "You have to stay strong!" I said. "We have to go down the shaft. Can you do it?" I asked and he nodded. I hoped so.

I heard loud noises from outside. I was not only worried about Blake, but also about Magnus. I didn't know if he got the code word before the alarm went off. If he was actually inside, he wouldn't be able to get out and I couldn't even help him.

Blake was allowed to slide first because if the gang members found us here, he couldn't fight, but I could. He slipped off and I hoped that he would reach the bottom pretty gently.

"Celine?" I asked. "What about Magnus?" I asked worriedly. That was important. I had to know that. I heard Celine sigh and I didn't like that.

"I don't know, Alec." said Celine. "I've lost the connection with him." she said. Fuck. That was not good. I didn't know if he was outside or not. I wanted to run downstairs and make sure he was fine, but I couldn't. Blake wouldn't make it out alone. He would be alone in the basement and bleed to death. That's exactly why I slid down the laundry shaft as well.

The way down was not very pleasant, but luckily it was not very steep. I might get some bruises, but I could live with that. When I got to the bottom I coughed hard because the shaft was really dusty.

I looked up and Blake had arrived safely. He stood crooked and was still holding onto his wound. I breathed in relief. We wouldn't lose anyone here. Not Blake and not Magnus. Nobody was here except us, but it wouldn't stay that way for long. I grabbed Blake and we made our way to the window Elliott was talking about.

"Blake! Alec! Here!" I could hear Elliott calling. I could see him. He was standing at a window that was quite high up. He was right. He will have to help us. We came up to him. "What happened?" Elliott asked in shock when he saw Blake.

"Not everything went according to plan." I said. "Help him first." I said, lifting Blake up so Elliott could grab him. Together we managed to get him outside. Now it was my turn.

Elliott grabbed my arms and pulled me up. I myself helped with my legs. I was pretty easy with his help. We both helped Blake, who could hardly stand on his knees. His eyes kept falling shut. He needed help, as soon as possible.

"Celine said we should come home, there is someone waiting to take care of Blake." Elliott let me know and together we put him in the car. At least Celine had taken care of Blake's help directly. I looked around.

"Magnus isn't with you?" I asked. Shit, he should be here. Elliott shook his head and sighed. Fuck, fuck, fuck. We can't go home without Magnus. I turned and wanted to go but Elliott grabbed my arm.

"No, Alec." he said. "You can't go in again." he said. I broke free.

"What do you want me to do? Should I leave him behind?" I yelled. "Is it that what you want?" I asked angrily.

"We don't know if Magnus is still inside! He got the code word, just before the Alarm went on! Maybe he was chased and had to flee somewhere else." he said. The probability is very low. "You wouldn't survive." he said. I couldn't just leave without him.

"And if not?" I asked. "If he's still inside?" I wanted to know. "Then he's inside and we're going home as if he didn't exist?" I asked. Elliott sighed. From a distance we could hear a crowd approaching us. Crap.

"We have to leave and you'll come with me." he said. Fuck. "We'll come back later, if he won't appear at home!" he said. He grabbed me and we ran to the car. We got into the car and drove off. Blake was sitting in the back and Elliott kept telling him to try to stay awake. I just stared out the window.

I could only hope that he made it out in time. If not, I would never forgive myself for that. Never. I couldn't live like that. If Magnus died, I'll be dead inside.

"It would have been your death." said Elliott. A tear ran down my cheek, but Elliott didn't see it because I had turned to the window.

"Better my death than his." I stated. I could feel Elliott's eyes on me, but I didn't care. Nothing interested me right now.

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