Pure luxury.

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After a few hours we finally stopped. We had arrived here in New York. The ride was okay. We listened to music, some slept and I stared out of the window most of the time.

We got out of the car and first I took a deep breath. Fresh air felt good after spending most of the time in the car. The others also stretched their bodies first. I looked around. We were standing in a remote street. Where else? Blake went to the trunk and opened it.

"I was just waiting for us to finally go to New York." said Elliott as he helped getting the bags. I also took my bag. I wondered where we're going to stay. "And I hope your buddy has a great apartment." said Elliott.

"Pure luxury." Alec said with a grin. Everyone knew that was probably not the truth. We closed the car and made our way. We went for a while, but not for long. About 10 minutes until we arrived at a skyscraper. It was huge and it actually looked a little luxurious. We entered the building and Alec went to a guy in the lobby.

"Cooper, Shawn Cooper." he said. The guy nodded and gave him a gold card. I assumed that was the card for the apartment.

We went to the elevator. We squeezed ourselves in and Alec pushed to the top floor. Woah, there were a total of 50 floors. Once at the top we got out and followed Alec, cause we had no idea where to go.

Alec opened the last door in the back and we entered. My jaw dropped. He hadn't lied. Pure luxury. How do you get from such a messy apartment to such an luxury apartment? What contacts does Alec have?

"Dude, what the fuck." said Elliott. The others also looked very surprised. The apartment was bright because there were large windows everywhere. Nobody can watch you from here, after all we are at the top of the skyscraper. All the furniture was modern and it was huge.

"I thought you were kidding us?! How did you get something like that?" Blake asked. Seemed to be their first time in such an apartment.

"Shawn Cooper is dead, but nobody knows. Everyone thinks he's on a business trip in China, now I'm Shawn Cooper and I'm officially back." he said. I frowned. He was dead?

"Why is he dead? And how do you know him?" I asked.

"Shawn was in dark business. You know, drugs and all that stuff. I had contact with him once, but at some point he stopped responding." he said. "At some point I found out that he was killed in a shootout." he said. He was in contact with him? Does that mean he takes drugs? I couldn't imagine.

"That's awful." I said. Blake shrugged as he put the bags down.

"That's how it is once you are involved in everything. We live with this risk every day." he said. The others nodded. What a burden. I went in further and looked around.

We had an open kitchen and a large dining table. Next to a white sofa and a TV. Everything was white. It literally beamed. I liked it. Now it felt even more like vacation.

"There are four bedrooms. You choose who has to share a room." he said and looked at me. If I had to share a room with someone, I hoped it would be Alexander. Although, maybe it would be weird. Okay, rather not.

I noticed that Nick was looking at me too. Yikes, should I say something? Fortunately, I was released when Elliott put an arm around Nick.

"I think we'll have a great time." said Elliott. Nick grinned and rolled his eyes. I went into any door and found the first bedroom. It was large and, like every room in this apartment, had large windows.

I put my bag on the bed. We would probably stay here for a while. At least I hoped so. I didn't want to be further away from home. I noticed that there was also a bathroom, but I shared the bathroom with the bedroom next door.

I opened my bag and started unpacking. I saw the picture that I had packed in a hurry before we ran away. I took it out and looked at it. It showed Alec, Celine and me. We did that when we ate sushi together and watched a movie. I thought it was beautiful, so I printed it out and framed it.

Every time I looked at this picture I was happy because I thought I found the man who likes me and takes me as I am, no matter what. When I look at it now it hurts. How can a person change like this? Just out of nowhere.

I also missed Celine. I felt bad. I didn't want to lie to her, and it hurts to know that she thinks I'll be back soon, but I don't know when I can come back. A tear ran down my cheek. I wish I could go back in time.

I was startled when I heard a knock on the door. I wiped my tears away and quickly packed the picture away. I heard the door open and turned. It was Nick who came in with a smile.

"We'll leave later. We're trying to find a few gang members and find out more about Liam's location." he said. "Blake probably doesn't want you with us, but I'm asking you anyway. Would you like to come with us?" he asked. I nodded. I didn't want to sit around while Alec was running around and in danger. "Everything okay?" he asked now. I nodded again.

"Yes, everything is fine. When are we leaving?" I asked. Nick frowned, came closer, and closed the door behind him.

"Your eyes are red. What's wrong, Magnus?" he asked. I sighed and sat on the bed. He sat next to me.

"Why is he like this?" I asked. Nick looked at me in confusion.

"Who are you talking about?" he asked. I looked down. I had the feeling that he knew who it was about. Did Nick even know that I and Alec were closer once? Surely, it's his friend after all.

"Alexander. How can he be so nice and then suddenly not anymore?" I asked. Nick sighed.

"You know, Alexander is-" he started, but stopped when there was another knock on the door, now Alec came in. Oh, what a coincidence.

He looked at me and Nick. His expression was... angry? No, jealous? I couldn't assign it, but he didn't seem to have expected Nick here. He cleared his throat.

"Um, we'll leave then. Will you come with us, Magnus?" he asked. Did he actually ask me? I always thought he didn't want me with him.

"You want me with you?" I asked. He shrugged as if he didn't care. Well, he probably doesn't. He doesn't care about me.

"When I say you should stay here, you don't do it anyway. Just be careful and stay in the background." he said. "For real this time." he said. I nodded. Maybe I would get used to seeing him so cold at some point, but now it just hurts.

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