Because you love him, sweetheart.

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No no no. That was not good at all. What was she doing here? She should be in New Jersey. How did she find me? She came running up to me and put a hand on my cheek.

"Are you all right?" she asked worriedly. I shook off her hand and took a step back. I wiped away the blood that came out of my nose. Nick also came to us.

"What are you doing here?!" I asked confused and a little angry. She frowned.

"I could ask you the same thing!" she said a little angrily as well. "And who were these guys?" she asked. "And who are you?" she asked, looking at Nick. I sighed and let my hand nervously run through my hair.

"You don't understand all of this. Do you actually know what situation you put yourself in?" I asked angrily. She looked at me in confusion. "In the same stupid situation as me!" I said.

"I just saved your ass. Why are you so angry with me?" she asked. I sighed. What should I do? She is now in the same situation as me and I wanted to avoid that. This was the worst that could happen.

"I'm sorry." I said. "How did you find me and why did you search for me at all?" I asked confused.

"You hung up so quickly and then didn't answer. For three days! You said you have problems and you had phone with you all the time so I located you." she explained to me. Was she serious? "What are you doing in New York?" she asked.

"I'll explain that to you later." I said and turned to Nick, who had crossed his hands. "What now?" I asked. He sighed.

"I'll call the others." he said and I nodded. He took out his cell phone and went to the side a little. Celine looked at me reproachfully.

"Who is this?" she asked confused. How would I explain it all? I didn't want her to be here. She shouldn't be here. She should be safe. How could that happen?

"This is Nick." I said. "It's all complicated, Celine." I added and at that moment Nick came back.

"We'll meet in the apartment." he said and I nodded. Celine frowned.

"Where are we going? I'm not going anywhere before someone explains everything to me." she said stubbornly. I sighed. Seriously?

"Celine, I swear I'll explain everything to you, but now you just have to trust me and come with me." I said. "Please." I added. She sighed and then nodded.

When we got to the apartment the light was already on, which meant that Blake, Alec and Elliott were already there. Did they know what the problem was? We entered the apartment and when everyone saw Celine their eyes widened. Blake came up to me angrily and pointed with his finger in my face.

"Are you completely crazy? A stranger in our apartment? I swear to you-"

"Enough!" Alec called and interrupted Blake. Oh no, Blake really seemed angry. I can't blame him. I was angry with myself too.

"Alec?" Celine asked and came in further. "Wait, what's this about? You leave and make me think you're trying to get over your broken heart while you're actually having a good time with Alec here? Are you serious?" she asked angrily. I shook my head.

"No, it's not like that! I have-"

"What else? Why are you lying to me?" she asked disappointed. I sighed. I sensed that she would be mad at me.

"I'm sorry, but there's an explanation for everything." I said and she crossed her arms. "Blake, I know it's a bad situation, but she's my best friend. She's in the same situation now, just because she saved me and Nick. Please, we have to give her protection." I told him.

"No way! Listen, either she disappears or you two leave!" he said stubbornly. I looked at him angrily. Was he serious? How can he be like that? Alec said nothing, just watched. Asshole, I thought.

"Fine, then we'll leave." I said and turned to Celine, who is still visibly confused.

"Blake!" Nick said loudly. "You aren't serious, are you? Magnus is one of us and if his best friend is also in trouble, we have to protect her." he said. I turned around. Nick also seemed angry. Alexander was still silent, as if he didn't care.

"I see it that way too." interjected Elliott. "We can't just let them down." he said. Blake looked angrily between us. Finally he turned around and left.

"Do what you want. I don't take responsibility for her, or Magnus." he said before slamming the door behind him. Crap. Why is everything escalating? I looked at Alec and he also looked at me, but averted his eyes as soon as our eyes met.

It hurt me. It hurt me so bad. Did he want me to leave? Didn't he care that I would be in danger? My heart was cramping and I just wanted to cry, but I didn't. It was just inappropriate right now.

He went to his room without saying a word. I sighed. Everything was fucked up. Elliott came up to us and held out his hand to Celine.

"I am Elliott." he said with a smile. Celine frowned but shook his hand. "You are Celine. Magnus told a lot!" he said. Celine grinned a little too. I was grateful to Elliott the moment he put a smile on her face. He was good at making others laugh.

"I hope so." she said and he laughed. They looked at each other for a while.

"Celine, can we talk now?" I asked and she nodded. "Thank you both." I said to Nick and Elliott. "You know, for not letting us down." I added. They nodded.

"I would never let you down." said Nick and smiled at me. I smiled back. "Wait!" he said and ran to the fridge. He took something cool out and gave it to me. "For your nose." he said. I grinned.

"Thanks, Nick." I said and he nodded. I led Celine to my room, where she first sat down on my bed. The way she always did.

"What's going on, Magnus?" she asked a little sadly. I sighed and sat next to her. I felt so bad.

"I'm pretty fucked up right now." I said and now I felt the sadness again that I felt when I looked into Alec's eyes earlier. "I have problems and now I've dragged you in there and that's the last thing I wanted." I admitted.

"Explain it to me." she said and I nodded. I told her everything. From start to the ending. I told her that I found out that Alec was the wanted criminal. I told her how he brought me to the others and everything else that happened. I told her what I felt and how much it all bothered me and it was so good. It was so good to get rid of it. All these lies.

When I had finished telling everything she sat there and said nothing. She seemed overwhelmed and I can't blame her. In the beginning I was too. I sighed. I had tears in my eyes all the time.

"I'm so sorry I lied, but I wanted to protect you." I said in a breaking voice. A tear ran down my cheek. She put a hand on my shoulder.

"Mags, it's okay." she said. I shook my head. No, it was not okay.

"No, I don't even know why I followed Alec and why I let him pull me into all this." I explained. Celine smiled sadly and wiped my tear away.

"Because you love him, sweetheart." she said. I looked at her in surprise. It was the first time I really heard that and I knew she was right. I loved Alec.

"But he doesn't love me." I replied and Celine sighed.

"He doesn't know what he's missing." she said with a smile. I smiled back sadly. Celine hugged me and I pulled her close to me. That is what I needed. A hug from my best friend. "We can do it together, okay?" she said and I nodded. Of course we can.

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