I'll tell Elliott.

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Hello! A late update cause I totally forgot, sorry! I hope you're all doing fine! <3

*Magnus Pov*

„Are you going to survive without me?" Celine asked, wrapping her arms around me. I laughed softly and let go of her. I smiled at her.

"I'm not sure, I hope so." I replied sarcastically. I don't feel comfortable leaving Celine alone, but she's with Blake and Elliott. I knew Elliott would protect her.

"I hope your father is recovering quickly." she said. "Call me as soon as you're there!" she added and I nodded. Only Nick and Alec would come with me. It was probably better that way, because that would allow the others to work on a plan.

"Can we go?" Alexander asked with the car key in his hand. I nodded and turned around. Alec turned to Blake and said something, but I couldn't hear what he said.

On the way to the car, I wondered how it would go with Nick and Alec. I kissed both of them. I liked both and both liked me. It won't work out with both of them. Did Nick know that? Did he know that it couldn't work with us? If so, why did he kiss me at all? How did he think this would end?

We got in the car and I was actually allowed to sit in the front. Well, Alec liked me more than Nick. Alec started the car and we drove off. I switched on the navigation system, after all, he doesn't know where we are supposed to go.

After Alec told me that we were actually going to visit my father, I called Hannah back. She was very happy and said that it wouldn't be a problem if I took two friends with me.

She said we could stay with her, which I thought was very nice. Since her son had already moved out, she said that it wasn't a problem since she had a room available anyway. I wondered what it would be like to see my family again. Especially my father. I left while we were having a bad relationship, but I think it's time to forgive mistakes.

We drove for a while and I stared out the window most of the time. I watched the houses and trees as they passed me. It was quiet in the car. Only the radio made music that we all enjoyed in silence. I didn't know all these songs. Must be a very old songs, or really new ones.

"Could we get something to eat?" Nick asked from behind, pulling me out of my thoughts. I looked at Alec and waited for his answer. He nodded hesitantly. Food sounded good. I wasn't that hungry, because I already ate the sandwich of Alexander today but I'm sure the other are since it's already evening.

Shortly afterwards we stopped at a burger restaurant. It looked peaceful here, I thought. Not many people seemed to be sitting here. At least not outside, even though the sun was shining. We got out and I enjoyed the sun on my skin. When we left, there was no sun. We chose a cozy place outside and sat down. I took the menu and went through everything.

"It looks almost better than Elliott's breakfast." I noticed and the two smiled as they searched the menu themselves.

"Well, I don't want to say anything against Elliott's breakfast, but if you eat the same thing every day in the morning, you're happy with everything that isn't egg and bacon." Nick explained to me and Alec nodded, grinning. I shrugged my shoulders. I couldn't judge that because I hadn't been there for so long. I appreciated his breakfast.

"I'll tell Elliott." I answered and the two laughed and shook their heads.

"Please don't, he's very sensitive there." Alec explained to me. I grinned. I could even imagine that. The waiter came and took our orders. I ordered a simple hamburger with a glass of water and lemon. The others too.

Alec was sitting across from me, which is why I mostly looked at him even when he wasn't looking at me. A strand of his black hair hung on his face. I had an urge to put it behind his ear with my finger, but I suppressed the urge.

"Do you think it will be hard to see your father again after so long?" Nick asked now, pulling me out of my thoughts. I shrugged my shoulders.

"Maybe, I don't know." I answered. I had no idea how it would feel. Would it bother me? Would it make it easier for me? "We'll find out." I added.

"You are definitely not alone." he said. "You got me." I nodded, smiling. Alec cleared his throat.

"And me." said Alec. I smiled at him too. At that moment our burgers came. We started eating silently. Nobody said a word. After we finished, we paid. I didn't eat all of it since I still get sick easily. We got up and dove on. We still had three hours ahead of us.

The journey was very quiet. We hardly talked. I already thought it would be that way. This uncomfortable mood between us. I didn't know how to break the ice. What should I have been talking about?

We were there three full hours later. In Washington D.C. I had to say that it was very nice here. We stood in front of a white house with a nice garden in the front. That's how I always imagined it. That's how I always wanted to live. It was already 7 p.m.

I took a deep breath and together we went to the door. I hesitantly raised my hand and knocked on the door. I could hear someone coming up to the door. I was very nervous since I hadn't seen her in ages. I was startled when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned my head back and saw that it was Alec's hand that calmed me down. He smiled at me, which made my stomach tingle.

I turned back when the door opened and she actually stood there. Aunt Hannah. She smiled at me happily and came up to me with open arms. She hugged me tight and I hugged her too.

"Magnus! I'm so glad to finally see you again!" She said. I smiled even if she couldn't see it.

"Me too." I replied softly. She let go of me and looked at me with delight. She looked at Alec and Nick and held out her hand.

"Hello, I am Hannah." she said and shook hands with Alec first. "Magnus' aunt. I assume you are his two friends?" she asked. Alec smiled at her too.

"Yes, I am Alec. Nice to meet you!" he said and she nodded. Nick also shook her hand and he introduced himself. I wouldn't explain to her how I knew them. After all, she doesn't need to know that I'm criminal now too.

"Come in." she said and stepped aside. "I think we have a lot to talk about." she noticed. She was probably right there.


Name of the next chapter: She left someday.

Ready to runDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora