Mr. Beautiful

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Hello! I hope you had a good day. Mine was pretty boring, as any other day in quarantine haha.

I stood in front of the mirror and tried to fix my hair. My hair actually always looked good, but today it didn't want to. Why exactly today? Today, when I go to Pandemonium with Celine. I sighed and sat on my bed.

I was looking forward to the evening. We haven't been partying for a while. Most of the time the work was to blame and when we were free we were too tired and just wanted to relax. It was different this time, because we want to experience something again, meet new people.

The doorbell rang and I jumped up. That must be Celine. I ran to the front door and opened it. As expected, Celine stood in front of me and smiled. She was wearing a tight blue dress with long sleeves and a little neckline. Her hair was open and curly. She looked really great.

"Wow, the men will surely fight for you." I said and she smirked. I grabbed my jacket and came outside to her. I locked my door.

"I can only give that back." she said and I laughed. "David will drive us over and pick us up if necessary, and it will probably be necessary because we ain't gonna be sober." she explained. I smiled and followed her to David's car.

"So David. Your friend?" I asked and she rolled her eyes. As far as I know, they're just friends, but I sense that there could be more. At least I know David is crazy about her.

"Yes, and ONLY a friend." She said. "So leave it, Mags, and don't make any uncomfortable comments while he's driving us!" she said and I innocently raised my arms.

"I'll behave." I replied with a laugh. We got in. Of course I had to sit in the back. David would never let Celine sit in the back.

He let us out at the Pandemonium and drove back home. We went in together and already there was a lot going on. It was warm and stuffy, but that was normal. Most people danced, others were already making out. We first went to the bar to order something.

"So what are you going to do today, Magnus Bane?" Celine asked while sipping her tequila. I let my gaze run over the crowd, but so far nobody seemed interesting.

"I let myself be surprised." I replied and she laughed. I also took a sip of my tequila. After we had emptied our glass, we went to the dance floor.

"I'm going over there. Someone smiled at me." Celine said after a while, pointing unobtrusively to a blond-haired guy. He was muscular and looked really good. I grinned and nodded.

"Take him, honey." I said and she went up to him laughing. I watched them a little and it seemed to be going well. They seem very interested.

After a while I went off the dance floor and sat on a chair at the bar. I ordered another drink, but with a little less alcohol. After all, I felt that I was slightly drunk and I don't want me to lose control.

"Why so alone?" asked a black-haired man who was sitting on the bar chair next to me. He smiled at me and I choked on my drink. Woah, hello, Mr. beautiful. "All good?" he asked after I coughed a few times. I nodded.

"Yeah, I choked." I let him know and he laughed. I saw his eyes. They were blue and beautiful. He was wearing a black hoodie and a blue jean. Not necessarily an outfit to party, but it suited him very well.

"Yes, I saw that." he laughed. I laughed too. "So you didn't answer my question." he said. That's right.

"I'm not alone here, but my best friend just picked up a guy." I explained. "Why are you alone?" I asked. At least I didn't see anyone standing next to him. Before he answered, he also ordered a drink.

"Oh, I just wanted to have a drink. Not necessarily partying." he said. That made sense. I nodded and stared at him. I couldn't take my eyes off his beautiful face. "Do you come here often?" he asked. I shook my head.

"No, I rarely have time for it." I explained. "And what about you?" I asked. He shook his head.

"No, I'm drinking something here for the first time." he answered. How lucky I am to be here today. He took a sip and smiled at me. I like the way he looked at me. I don't know why but it made me feel special.

"Where are you from?" I asked. I usually don't ask people I meet in the bar. I don't usually care. Most of the time we just make out and then I never hear from them again. It was different with him because I was actually interested, even if I had the urge to kiss those lips.

„Oh, not from here. I'm actually from New York, but I like to move around." he said. I frowned.

"What bring you to New Jearsy then?" I asked. I mean, it's not as special as Las Vegas or Los Angeles. He shrugged.

"I don't really know but I like it here." he answered and I nodded. "Do you live near here?" he asked. I nodded again.

"Yeah, well 15 minutes from here with the car." I answered. "A friend brought us here, so I wont drive drunk." I said and he laughed.

"I thought so. You seem very modest." he said and emptied his glass. He licked his lips. Oh god, alcohol is not good for me and Mr. beautiful neither.

"Is that so?" I asked flirting and he grinned charmingly. He leaned forward to say something in my ear.

"Yes, and also you look damn good." he breathed into my ear in a rough voice. Oh, this man will be my end. I looked at him and he grinned at me, like he wanted me to kiss him.

So I switched off my head, grabbed his hoodie and pulled him over to me. I pressed my lips to his and he sighed in surprise. Still, he returned the kiss and moved his lips against mine.

I felt warm. His lips tasted like alcohol and when I felt his tongue I felt even warmer. He got up and put his hands around my waist. It felt weird. Somehow different than usual. What does he do to me?

Suddenly he stepped back. I stared at him, confused and out of breath. He also seemed to be out of breath. No wonder it was pretty intense.

"I don't plan to sleep with you tonight." he said. I didn't know how to understand that? Didn't he want me? He called for the waiter, paid for mine and his drink, and then turned back to me. "Give me your phone." he said and without asking I just did it. He seemed to type in something and then returned my phone to me.

I stared at it. He had given me his number. Alec. So that was his name. The name suited him. I grinned.

"Alec. I like your name." I noticed and he smiled.

"I hope to hear from you, um ...-"

"Magnus." I finished his sentence because he didn't know my name yet. He grinned.

"Magnus." he repeated. I smiled. "See you." he said and disappeared. Wow, that was... different.

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