I'm the better man!

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Today, I graduated. It was an emotional day and I'm it's not over yet. We're gonna go for a drink tonight and I'll give my best teachers a present, because I'll probably never see them again. Also, I'm gonna have a little celebration with my family. It's been cool and funny three years and now I have to grow up. My marks are great, better than ever. I hope you're all doing fine. 🧚🏻‍♀️✨

I was awakened by my back pain. I rubbed my eyes and sat up. Nick lay on the sofa and slept. We had been here for two days and it was very uncomfortable. I was allowed to sleep on the mattress because it was a little more comfortable than the sofa. I thought we could switch sometimes, but he didn't want to.

My stomach growled. I haven't been eating a lot in the past few days. There was no Elliott here and we didn't cook ourselves. I mean, it wouldn't even be possible. We have to run a little each time to get something. After all, we can't even cool something here.

I felt very dirty. There was no shower. I definitely wanted to look for a gym or something to get a shower. It was so exhausting. All these things with Alec have mentally stressed me but this is physically stressful.

I missed Alec, Celine and the others. I was still pretty angry, but I didn't feel like all this anger anymore. I just wanted to be happy again. How long has it been?

Nick has been acting very weird in the past few days. I can't say exactly why, but it seems very.. obsessed. He was never like that. He tries to be close to me all the time. He likes to touch me, even if it's only on the arm. Somehow that bothers me. I tried to avoid it all, but I'm afraid of being rude.

Sometimes he scared me. He got angry very easily and often. Especially when I mentioned Alec. He changed. Just like that. Out of nowhere. I didn't know why or what he was up to. Why was he like that? Sometimes I was afraid that he would actually hurt me, even if I couldn't imagine it. He was always so loving.

"Good Morning." I heard Nick's sleepy voice say. I looked at the sofa and noticed that he woke up too. He smiled at me and I smiled back.

"Good Morning, Nick." I answered and got up. The floor was cold, as always. I wondered why I wasn't sick yet. There was no heating here. Nick also got up.

"Are you hungry?" he asked and came close to me. He did that more often. I nodded and stepped back a little. "I'll get us something then." he said. I nodded again.

"It's unusual to wake up without Elliott's breakfast." I noticed and he grinned a little. "I mean, that must be even more unusual for you, after all, you live with them longer than you." I said. He shrugged and went to his bag to put on another shirt.

"Oh, it doesn't matter, because at least I have you with me." he said. "And that's all I ever wanted." he added, looking at me. He came up to me again and put his hand on my cheek. That made me uncomfortable.

"Nick, listen." I began. "I like you, but I'm still in love with Alec and I know there was something going on between you and me and I know it was really rude of me to just shut you out but right now, I love Alec and I can't let anyone else in for now." I admitted. His smile disappeared and he seemed a little angry. That worried me. He scared me. I started to sweat because he made me feel anxious.

"Why Alec?" he asked angry. "I mean he's like a teenager. You should find a man like me." he said. I frowned and stepped back so that his hand was no longer on my cheek. He grabbed my wrist rough that it even hurted a bit. He pulled me close to him, way too close. What was happening? I could feel his breath on my lips. "Believe me, I'm the better man!" he said.

"Nick, please let me go." I said. He seemed angry at first, but facial expression softened as if he had realized that what he was doing wasn't right. He sighed and nodded. He let go of my wrist and I sighed in relief. He was so scary. Why was he doing that?

"I am sorry." he said. "I didn't want to make you uncomfortable." he said and turned around. He reached for the key. In fact, there was a key to the door. We found it under the sofa. There was also a key for the car, but the garage door couldn't be opened, so we couldn't use it. "I'll go get some food then." he said and I nodded. He left the hall and closed the door. I sighed.

Something was different. It wasn't Nick I was living with. It was as if it were a completely different person. When did it really start? I think after Alec confessed his feelings to me. From then on he behaved strangely.

He talked little and I saw the looks he gave Alec. They were freezing cold. Alec didn't really notice because he ignored him, but I noticed it. I didn't think much of it though. Only now do I really become aware of it.

Was he jealous? Maybe, but do you act like that when you're jealous? I wouldn't do it. I don't understand why he comes so close to me. He never did that before. Didn't he notice that I'm uncomfortable? Didn't he notice that I don't want that?

I mostly tried to avoid it, but what should I do? Just leave? That would be too dangerous, after all, there are a lot of gang members out there who are after me or Alec. Besides, it would be very unfriendly to leave, right?

He had grabbed me. Who knows what else he would do. What should I do? I was afraid, even if there might be no reason. I had to leave, somehow, or at least not be alone with him anymore.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket. It had little battery, but it would be enough for a call. Without thinking, I called Alec. I was angry, very angry, but maybe he could help me.

"Magnus?" I heard Alec in surprise. He sounded a bit sleepy. Maybe I just woke him up. „I'm glad you called." he said. Me too, because I felt relief when he answered. "Are you okay?" he asked.

"Yes..,well, I'm not sure." I admitted nervously. I stared at the door all the time because I was afraid that he would come back.

"What's wrong?" he asked worriedly. I swallowed my fear.

"Nick is acting weird." I explained. "Somehow different than normal." I said. I didn't know how to describe it.

"What do you mean?" Alec asked confused. I could hear that he was concerned. There was always that undertone when he was worried.

"He comes very close to me." I admitted. "I think he could hurt me." I meant. "I'm afraid of him, Alec." I admitted. I heard Alec jump up and walk around the apartment.

"Did he touch you?" he asked angrily. I was silent. "Magnus, answer my question." said Alec.

"No, not directly." I explained. "Just my arm or my cheek." I let him know. "Earlier he roughly grabbed my arm and pulled me close to him." I admitted. Alec snorted angrily.

"That bastard, I'm going to kill him." he said angrily. "I'll get you, where are you?" he wanted to know. Unfortunately, I didn't know that myself. I couldn't even send him my location because my battery wouldn't let me do it.

"I don't know exactly." I admitted. "He said you found this place when I was sick. It's a hall with a sofa and a mattress. There's also a car here." I explained.

"Okay, I think I know where that was." he said and I sighed in relief. "I'll be there as soon as possible. Just act normal." he said and hung up. The anger was forgotten. I was just happy that he was on the way.

"Who were you talking to?" asked Nick. I was startled and looked up. He stood there and looked at me skeptically. Fuck, how long has he been standing there?

"Um, my aunt. She said we should meet again soon." I lied. He frowned and came up to me. He snatched my phone out of my hand and looked at the display. Now he looked at me.

"Alec." he said. "You are lying to me?" he asked and grabbed my wrist and pulled me up. Fuck.

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