Eat your sandwich

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Hello, hello, my friends. I am currently working on two new projects, but I didn't get to write in the past few days. I decided to always tell you the name of the next chapter at the end like a little „sneak peak". I hope you're all doing fine! 💗🧚🏻‍♀️

Shortly thereafter there was a knock on my door. I said "Come in" and then Alexander came in with a small plate. He smiled a little. I smiled back and put my phone aside.

"You aren't hungry, but I didn't save you for you to starve yourself to death now." he said and I laughed softly. He sat down next to me and gave me the plate. "I can't really cook well, but I can make a sandwich." he said. There was a sandwich on the plate. I wasn't really hungry, but when he prepared it so lovingly, I had no choice.

"Thank you, I appreciate it." I said with a sad smile. He looked at me with a confused expression.

"Are you all right?" he asked and I shrugged. I honestly didn't know how I should feel. "What's wrong?" he asked. I was glad to know now that he really cares how I feel.

"I just got a call from my aunt." I admitted. He frowned.

"I thought you were no longer in touch with your family." he said. That's right, I told him. I had told him almost everything about me. I could always trust him somehow.

"I wasn't, but she was looking for my number to tell me that my father is in a coma." I answered honestly. Alec seemed very surprised. "I know I said he mistreated me, but he's my father." I said. He nodded.

"I understand that. You always love your parents somehow." he said. I wondered if he would like to meet his parents. After all, it's his parents. On the other hand, he didn't even want to see Isabelle.

"Yes, anyway, she told me that he no longer lives in Australia but in Washington." I explained. "She said I could come and see her." I added. Alec sighed.

"Magnus, that is-"

"I know that everything is really inappropriate right now, but my aunt was always there for me. She was like a second mother for me. She already has a husband and even a son. He‚s grown up by now, but that just shows me that I've missed so much." I said. "And when my father dies, I couldn't even say goodbye." I added quietly and looked at the floor. Alec sighed and put a hand on my thigh.

"I'll talk to Blake." he said and now I looked up. I would not have expected this. "But I can't promise anything." he said and I smiled at him.

"Thanks, that means a lot to me." I said. He also nodded with a smile.

"I know." he said. He stood up. "Eat your sandwich, I'll try my best." he said and I nodded. I think Blake will be against it, but maybe Alec can convince him.

*Alec POV*

Blake and the others were still sitting at the table talking. Washington D.C. was about 4 hours from here. It's a long way, but I know it means a lot to Magnus. His father is in a coma and what kind of person would I be if I didn't let him see him?

It also has advantages. James lives in Washington, which means that we could meet him there. Magnus said that he was Isabelle's boyfriend. My twin sister. I never actually called her Isabelle. We always called her Izzy.

That worried me a little, because I didn't want to meet my sister. I think it could be dangerous, even if I miss her very much. Izzy was the most important person in my life.

"Blake?" I said and cleared my throat. He looked at me. "Can we talk alone for a moment?" I asked. He nodded, got up and we went to my room. I was sure that he wouldn't find that great, but at least I had to try.

I was the gang leader and so it was my decision anyway, but we are all a team, so everyone has to agree. Elliott and Nick will agree anyway, and I'm not worried about Celine at this point.

"What is it?" he asked, crossing his arms. How do i start Or rather, how do I ask something like that?

"I talked to Magnus. His father is in a coma." I explained and Blake frowned then. „His aunt told him and he would like to visit them." I continued.

"And? Then he should, what does that have to do with me?" he asked confused. I sighed.

"His family lives in Washington D.C." I admitted now. Blake raised an eyebrow and laughed. Great.

"And you think we actually have time for a trip to Washington D.C.?" he asked. Well, actually we have all the time in the world if you see it that way. "That's crazy, Alec." he said.

"I know, but it's his father. He could die and he didn't even have a chance to say goodbye." I said. "Besides, James lives in Washington anyway, so we could take him straight with us from there." I explained. Blake rolled his eyes.

"When will you finally stop doing everything for Magnus?" he asked annoyed. "This guy has you under his control!" he said. It was clear that he would say something like that.

"I'm not under his control!" I defended myself. "I would do the same for you." I said and he sighed annoyed.

"I won't come with you, but you can go." he said and I frowned.

"What? I'm not leaving you behind!" I said and he shook his head. Why does Blake suggest something like that?

"I don't say that at all, but we have to try to get Liam. You get James and we take care of the rest." he said. "When you get back, we already have a plan and can finally get Liam." he explained to me. I sighed. That probably made more sense. "Nick will come with you." he said. I frowned.

"Why Nick?" I asked. I mean, Nick is one of us and I actually like him, but I don't like how close he is to Magnus. I know that there won't be anything between the two since Magnus still likes me very much, but I still don't like it. Magnus wouldn't do anything with Nick, would he?

At the beginning we also had some start problems. I didn't want to take him in, but Elliott insisted. After all, they get along very well. At first it was just the three of us and then he was there too and it changed a lot.

"Because I'm going to need Celine here. She's smart and can certainly help us a lot." he said. "And Elliott probably stays with Celine, I mean have you seen them look at each other?" he asked. That's right, he was right. The two seemed to have a connection.

"Okay, we'll take Nick with us." I said. "We're leaving today." I said and he nodded. After all, we're driving for a while.


Name of the next chapter : „I'll tell Elliott."

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