I have tea for you.

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"Come in." I said when there was a knock on my door. Nick opened it and came in with a cup in his hand. He smiled at me and I smiled back.

"I have tea for you." he said and gave it to me. I smiled and coughed. It had been a day now and I was in bed all day because I woke up with a cough and runny nose. I also had a little pain in my throat. It was inconvenient, but what else could I do then rest?

"Thank you, very nice of you." I answered. He nodded and sat on my bed. "I'm sorry my cold came out so inappropriate." I said and he shook his head.

"No, she couldn't have gotten any better. We didn't have anything special planned anyway." he explained. "Nevertheless, we will look around for more information later. You stay here and rest so that you feel better tomorrow." he let me know. I nodded.

"Can you even do it without me at all?" I asked sarcastically and he laughed.

"No, I doubt that. We're crying because we don't have you with us." he said laughing. I laughed a little too and took a sip of my tea.

"Especially Blake." I said and he laughed even more. I put my cup of tea aside. "Take care, I want you all four to come back safe." I said and he nodded with a smile.

"I will try my best." he replied and got up. "When we come back you will probably be asleep. So, good night, Magnus." he said.

"Good night, Nick." I said and he left my room. It was late, but the boys didn't leave the house today. I slept and read a lot. I just hoped that I would be better tomorrow.

I hadn't spoken to Alec all day. I avoided him and he probably avoided me too. Elliott and Blake had been wrong. He doesn't care about me anymore. I think I have to accept that even though it's hard.

When that's all over, I'll leave them. I will probably never see Alexander again and it will be better that way. Even if it hurts because I still have feelings for him. How could I not? After all those dates.

I heard the door close, showing me that they had left the apartment. I sighed and leaned back. I grabbed my book which was on my bedside table. I didn't know what to do so I just read. I was reading a thriller. I loved book like these. Now my life is a whole thriller. I could actually write my own book.

I read for about an hour, then was interrupted by my phone ringing. I snatched it up and saw Celine's number. It was half past eleven, but she didn't seem to care. I answered the call.

"Hi there?" I asked in a rough voice, since I was sick.

"Did you sleep?" she asked. I sat straight up.

"No, I'm just a little sick." I explained and I heard an "Aha" on the other side. "Why do you call me?" I asked.

"I just missed you." She said. "Do you know how boring my life has been since you left?" she asked reproachfully. I giggled. I could imagine that pretty good. I wish mine was boring too.

"I miss you too." I replied with a sigh.

"Why don't you just come back?" she asked. "When are you going to come back?" she added.

"I don't know, there are some problems right now. It's not that easy." I explained and I heard her gasping.

"You have problems and don't feel the need to ask me for help?" she asked. Oh no. "Am I a joke to you?" she asked. I sighed.

"No, Cel, but you can't help me with that, believe me." I answered.

"Since when do we have secrets from each other?" she asked a little disappointed. I wish I  wouldn't.

"I'll explain everything to you at some point, but first I have to get out of there." I explained. "Don't worry, Cel." I told her.

"You always say that when I have to worry." she said. I giggled until I heard a sound from outside. I held the phone away from my ear to listen more closely.

At first I didn't hear anything and I just wanted to keep talking until I heard something again. There were steps. Were the four back? I didn't see any light coming through the door. Why wouldn't they turn on the lights?

"Magnus!?" Celine asked loudly so I could hear it even when I wasn't holding the phone to my ear.

"Fuck. I have to go." I said and hung up. I put my cell phone aside. I turned off my light and I slowly got up and went to my door. I put my ear to the door to hear something.

I heard footsteps, but they weren't that close. My heart was beating faster and I was somehow dealing with fear. I was a cop and was actually used to something like that, but if you are in a situation like this it is something different. I hoped it was just Nick or Blake or any of the four.

I opened the door slowly and quietly, but only a little. I looked through this gap but couldn't see anything. There was nothing there, at least not where I could look. I opened the door a little further to see more.

My heart stopped when I saw a flashlight from Blake's room. I closed the door a bit and watched what happened. Maybe it was just Blake, but why should he use a flashlight?

My heart stopped again when I saw a person come out of the room. The person was wearing a mask and was quite tall. Blake wasn't that tall and Blake wouldn't wear a mask. My heart was racing and I felt tears of fear rise when I saw that the man had a gun. Shit, I couldn't even defend myself. I had no gun, nothing.

The man left the room and looked around with the flashlight. I put a hand over my mouth to avoid breathing so loudly. I closed the door because I was afraid he would find me. I slowly took a few steps backwards.

When I felt myself run backwards into a person, I winced like never before. I wanted to scream, but I couldn't. I quickly turned and took a few steps back. I held my hands in front of me to protect myself and closed my eyes. That's it. I'll die.

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