I know it hurts, but it's over.

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"Matt Nolan, is that the right one?" I asked when I found a Facebook profile. Nick pulled the laptop a bit towards him and looked at him. Then he nodded.

"As far as I know, Liam's name is Liam Nolan, so we hope it's the right one." he answered. Okay good. "What can you find out through the profile?" he asked. I looked at it.

"He is 28 years old and lives in New York. He works as a professor at a university and is married to Joana Nolan. He already has a daughter called Ines." I said and Nick looked at me in surprise. Crazy what you can find out about a person with just one click.

"Wow, now I realize you're a cop." he said and I laughed.

"I would have found that out even if I wasn't a cop, that's all here." I said with a grin. "I would say that the university he works at is our point of contact." I said and he nodded.

"Maybe we could message him." said Nick. True, that would also be an option. "But what should we say?" he asked. I shrugged my shoulders. How do you ask someone about their criminal brother? I thought something and started to write.

Magnus Bane:
Hey Matt!
I am Magnus and there is something we would need your help with. It's about your brother Liam. If you are interested in helping us, please get in touch.

"Is that alright?" I asked and Nick nodded. I sent the message. Now we just needed to wait. "What if he doesn't reply?" I asked. Nick shrugged.

"Then we have three more brothers who could help us." he answered. That's right, but if nobody wants to help, we'll be back at zero.

"Do you really think they would betray their brother?" I asked. I wouldn't if I had a brother or a sister. I have no siblings, but I would never do it.

"People are not what you expect them to be, Magnus." he said. I sighed.

"Do you mean like Alexander?" I asked. Nick sighed and nodded. I already thought that he meant him with that and he was right. I always thought he was different.

"You like Alexander a lot, don't you?" he asked. I nodded, not looking at him. "I know it hurts, but it's over." he said. I nodded again. I knew that.

"It was great at the very start. He was so caring and lovely and I thought he was the right one." I explained a little sadly.

"And now he changed." Nick stated. I nodded.

"It's just not that easy." I answered. Nick put his hand on mine, which made me look at him. He looked at me with a sad smile.

"It's never easy to let go of someone, but sometimes it's the best." he explained to me. "For what do you hold something when you're the only one holding on?" he asked. He was right. "You will find someone better and it will be easier with him." he explained.

Nick and I stared at each other. It was an intense moment, but it wasn't uncomfortable at all. I noticed that he was now looking at my lips and so did I. He slowly approached my lips.

"Did you find out anything?" Celine asked as she burst into the room just before Nick could put his lips on mine. We jump back and looked at her. I forgot that Celine can't knock. She looked at us rather confused. Please, just don't say anything, I thought.

"Yes, we found Matt and messaged him." Nick replied after clearing his throat. Celine nodded with a grin. I rolled my eyes. I didn't know what that was myself. "What about you and Elliott?" he asked.

"Seems like Casper doesn't have a Facebook profile, and that makes it pretty difficult." she said. Who doesn't have a Facebook profile these days? "Any other ideas where we could find him?" she asked.

"Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter?" I asked.

"Twitter! Exactly, thanks!" she said and turned back. I laughed and Nick laughed too. Now there was an uncomfortable mood. What had happened? He wanted to kiss me and worse, I would have let him it. Why? We were just talking about Alec.

"I'm going to the bathroom." I said to escape this uncomfortable situation. Nick nodded. I got up and went to the bathroom. I closed the door behind me and stood in front of the mirror.

I put my hands on the sink and took a deep breath. I have to process all this first. Why? Do I like nick? I mean, do I like him that way? No, I like Alec, don't I? Am I losing my mind?

I looked aside when I saw Alec come through the door. I sighed and looked away. I don't need him right now. I wanted to be alone right now and he just confused me even more. I could feel that he was looking at me at the moment, but I didn't.

"Sorry." he said and turned back. He wanted to go but didn't. He turned back to me and closed the door behind him. "Is everything okay?" he asked. I nodded. Actually yes, I'm just confused. Infinitely confused.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'll be gone in a second." I said and got up. I looked at Alec through the mirror.

"Are you sure?" he asked and I nodded. If I say yes, then it is yes. Or it says I don't want to talk about it. Especially not with him. "Have you found anything yet?" asked he. Why is he suddenly talking to me again?

"Yes, we have Matt's Facebook profile. We messaged him." I replied and Alec nodded and looked down. "And you?" I asked.

"Yes, but we're also looking for other relatives. I think the more people, the faster we find him." he explained. I nodded. We also wanted to look for James, but I would say we do it one by one. "You know-"

"Magnus! He answered!" Nick called from my room, interrupting Alec. I sighed and turned to go to my room. I sat down next to Nick again and pulled the laptop towards me. He was right, Matt had actually answered. That was fast.

Matt Nolan:
Dear Magnus!
I have no contact with Liam anymore, so I'm not sure if I can help you, but I can try.
Who are you and how do you know Liam?
Best regards.

That was good. He's ready to cooperate. I started to write an answer.

Magnus Bane:
Thank you for your answer!
As you know, Liam is criminal and it is important to us to stop him before more people get hurt. We are a group of six people working to find him, but it is very difficult. We were hoping that you and your other brothers could help us!
Best regards back.

Matt Nolan:
Sure, I'd like to help.
Unfortunately I have no contact with my other brothers either. Meet me in the park in two hours. I will send you the address! I'd like to talk about this personally if that's okay.

"Okay, we'll meet up with him." Nick said and I nodded. That's a beginnging of the end and I was happy about that.

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