She left someday.

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Hello, hello! Happy pride month, y'all! I hope you are all doing fine! 🧚🏻‍♀️

"How are you?" Hannah asked me while she brought each of us a cup of tea. "I know like nothing about you. Tell me all about your life!" she said excitedly. Where do I start?

"Well, my life is actually pretty uninteresting." I answered. At least it was before Alec came into my life. "I am a police officer and I work with my best friend, Celine. You know her. Oh and I live in New Jersey." I explained. Nick and Alec sat next to me but they stayed quiet.

"Do you live with your partner?" she asked with a grin. I laughed softly. That's what I had always dreamed of as a child. Living in a small house with my boyfriend or girlfriend but life is different, I know that now.

"No, um, I had a girlfriend for two years, Camille, but well, we weren't made for each other." I said. Her grin disappeared and she gave me a sad smile.

"And? Isn't there someone else you liked very much?" she asked. What a question. I wondered how to answer it.

"Yes, there was someone, but it's more complicated." I admitted and now I could feel the eyes of Alec and Nick on me. Still, I just focused on Hannah.

"Oh, you're still young! The right one will come soon!" She said. I nodded. I knew that the first topic would be my love life. After all, I always raved about my dream life with my partner. "My husband, Michael, is still working. He'll be here soon." she let me know. "He can't wait to meet you!" she said and I smiled. I was also happy to meet him. Hannah was a kind-hearted person, so he had to be one too.

"And your son?" I asked. "What about him?" I continued. I always hoped to meet him at some point. I always thought that we would get along well.

"Oh, he'll come over tomorrow. He also wanted to meet you." she explained. "He moved out two years ago, but he still visits us often. He's a good boy!" She said. I could imagine that.

"Did you have a good relationship with my father?" I asked. She nodded. I actually thought that my father was no longer in touch with anyone. That he didn't want anything to do with all of us.

"Yes, he messaged me a few years ago. He apologized for everything." She said. "He saw his mistakes and he came back." she explained. I nodded. "He is my brother, so of course I gave him another chance." she explained. Yes, just like I would give him another chance.

"However, your father was not completely physically fit. The years all alone broke him. The alcohol had destroyed him." she let me know. "It was a matter of time before something like this would happen." she explained to me. He was an alcoholic, I was always aware of that.

"I just wish he had called me too." I answered. She nodded and sighed.

"He was afraid." she admitted. "He was afraid that you still hate him. He was afraid of the reproaches you could have made him." she explained to me. I swallowed hard. Kind of sad. It was hard for me to hear that because I would not have blamed him if he had apologized.

We talked for a long time. Very long. Until midnight. I also met her husband. Michael was nice, as was Hannah. I liked him and he welcomed us very warmly. Nick and Alec too, even if they weren't part of the family.

"I sleep on the sofa." said Nick. There was a double bed and a sofa available. So if Nick were sleeping on the sofa, Alec and I would be sleeping in one bed. "I don't care what you do, but I go to sleep because I'm so tired." Nick said. Understandable, after all it was a hard day and it was late.

"If you want, I can sleep on the floor." Alec said but I shook my head. It's not that tragic. We were old enough. Alec also went to bed, but I decided to take a shower. I felt dirty somehow. So I jumped in the shower and washed myself.

As soon as I was done, I sneaked quietly into our room. The light was already out and I was sure that the two would be asleep. I slowly lay down next to Alec and covered myself.

"What happened with Camille?" I heard Alexander whisper next to me. I turned on his side and saw that his eyes were still open.

I had never told him about Camille. I never wanted to talk about her because it was still a wound. In addition, you don't talk about the ex on your dates.

"She left someday." I noticed and I could see in the dark that he frowned. We faced each other so we could look at each other. It's been a while since we looked at each other this intense. It gave me a comfortable feeling.

"She just left?" he asked. I shrugged gently. I don't like to think about it. What Camille and I had was nice, at least in the beginning.

"Yeah, you could say that." I said. He looked at me sadly. I could see that, even when it was dark. "Our relationship was not always easy. There were many judgments." I said. "She was older than me and more mature for it. Often things were said to her, like that I'm way too young and she should leave me alone and there was nothing I could do about it." I said. "Our love was real, yes it was, but at some point it changed." I admitted.

"She was getting quieter and no longer spoke to me much. She avoided me." I explained. "We started arguing more often and she yelled at me and one day when I got home there was a letter from her. That was all that was left of her because her things were gone." I explained

"Magnus, I'm sorry." he said. I sighed.

"I have never seen her again since." I said. „And I still don't know why she changed and why she left." I added.

"You don't deserve that." Alexander said lovingly. I snorted. Oh, I'm not sure about that.

"I have no luck in love." I said and turned on my back. "I know that now." I added. There was no answer to that, just a soft sigh. Alexander turned to the side and didn't answer. He knew, I was right.

Name of the next chapter: Hello, dad.

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