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We drove on the highway for a while and slowly you could see the sun going down. It looked really beautiful. I had to look out the window all the time and didn't focus on other things.

"I love this song! Make it louder!" said Nick. He made me listening to it. I didn't know the song, but it was nice. I liked it. I imagined their taste of music differently. I thought the boys listen to rap or rock more, but this was different. The singer sang very high, even though he was a guy.

"What's the song's name?" I asked as Nick danced to it, if only while sitting.

"I could fight on a wall." said Nick. I nodded. I should remember that. "It gives me road trip feelings." he said. That's exactly what I thought.

"Let's do a road trip together sometime!" said Elliott. The others laughed but I frowned. "I'm serious!" he said.

"Isn't your whole life a road trip?" I asked. "I mean, you keep moving." I added. Elliott seemed to be thinking.

"I have to agree with him there." said Alec. I smiled. Elliott shrugged. "But maybe someday we'll make one that doesn't contain anything dangerous." Alec said with a smile. That would be a plan.

"We'll have to wait a little longer." said Elliott. "Can we stop? I have to go to the bathroom." he said. I saw Blake nod.

"Yes, I think we should generally stop for today. Let's continue tomorrow." Blake said and the others agreed. I frowned. Where should we sleep? Where should we stop?

Blake stopped at a rest area and we all got out. It was warm, very warm. I enjoyed the warm sun on my skin and took a deep breath. Almost like going on vacation, only that your life is in danger.

"Let's go get some food. Alec and Magnus, you are looking for a nice place for us. What do you want to eat?" Blake asked. I considered. Mostly there were only sandwiches at a rest stop anyway.

"Surprise me." I said and Alec nodded. The three went away, so it was just me and Alec. He looked around. "Where do we look first?" I asked.

"Do you smell that?" he asked. I frowned. I couldn't do smell unusual. "Smell more precisely." he said with a smile.

"It smells like.. fish and salt?" I asked and he nodded.

"Exactly!" he said and started walking. I followed him. What was his plan? We walked for a while until we stopped at cliffs. I was amazed. From here you could watch the sunset beautifully and you could also see the sea. It was wonderful. "I knew the sea was here because I smelled it." he said with a proud smile.

"Will the others find us?" I asked and he nodded. He sat down and let his feet hang down. If the stone broke, he would fall, but he didn't seem to care. So I sat next to him and watched the sunset.

"They'll smell the sea too." he said. A wind came up. The wind was warm and pleasant. I looked at Alec, who had closed his eyes. I did the same. I breathed in. Moments like these were precious.

"Are you looking forward to New York?" I asked. He just gave a "Mhm?". He still had his eyes closed. I looked at him. He was beautiful. "Well, because you lived in New York as a little boy." I said. I know that because he told me when we first met.

"I haven't been there for a long time." he said. True, he had told me that as soon as he got the chance, he left pretty quickly. "But yes, I'm looking forward to New York." he said and looked at me now. "What about you?" he asked.

"I was hoping we would stay in New Jersey, but New York is okay." I said and he smiled.

"Better than Texas." he said laughing. I missed his laugh a lot. I frowned with a small smile.

"You don't like Texas?" I asked and he shrugged.

"I find it a little... boring." he said and I looked at him in shock. I couldn't believe he was saying that. "Did I somehow offend you now?" he asked laughing.

"Yes!" I said. "Texas is beautiful!" I said. "I used to go there on a school trip. Celine and I had so much fun." I said grinning. Thinking back to those times always made me happy. Life was so easy then. He smiled.

"Maybe I just saw the wrong places." he said and I nodded. There was no other explanation. I closed my eyes again and listened to the sound of the water. Everything seemed so peaceful.

"Food is there!" said Elliott cheerfully. Elliott brought fun to the group. As if he were the glue in the group that kept everyone together. He was loyal and a good friend. At least I thought so.

"And our other stuff." said Nick and threw some things, like blankets and small pillows. Maybe not as comfortable as a bed, but we will survive.

They gave us the food. It was not sandwiches as expected but pizza. Since when do they have pizza at a rest area? Well, it didn't bother me. Pizza was all better. They sat down with us and we started eating.

"You chose a nice place." Blake said and Alec nodded. "Feels like vacation." he said. Exactly what I thought.

"Did you hear that on the radio?" asked Nick. "A man ran through New York City naked with high heels and a hat." he said. We started to laugh.

"I didn't even know that your father lived in New York City." Elliott said to Nick.

"Oh, really?" he asked and Elliott laughed. "Well then, take that." Nick said as he took a slice of salami from his pizza and tossed it into his face. Blake, Alec, Nick and I laughed out loud.

"More for me!" said Elliott, eating this salami. We laughed together. This went on all evening. It was weird. I'm a cop and that's how I never imagined gangs. I always thought they were strict, serious and cold. They were in the beginning, but in the end we are all human.

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