You don't have to.

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Good Morning! So basically this is not Alec's or Magnus's POV but I want to know if it is even interesting for you to see another's POV, especially because in the second book I would do that more than here. I just don't know if you like seeing Celine's POV.
I hope you're doing fine! 🧚🏻‍♀️

*Celine's POV*

"Guys, that's good!" I said excitedly. "All you have to do is find out where he lives and then we can get him." I stated. Matt, Casper, Thomas and Jonas sat in front of me and listened attentively. We already had them here with us because we didn't seem to have to wait for James.

There seemed to be problems with Alec's sister, so James had to stay where he was and it wasn't too tragic. In the end, we don't need all of them, because all they have to do is find out where Liam lives and give us information.

Blake and Elliot were also here. They listened to me even if they knew the plan. I spent the last week alone with them here and it was easier than I thought. Elliott and I got along very well anyway, if a little more than we should and Blake was neutral. He didn't seem to be that pissed off the last few days because he had to concentrate very hard on the plan.

I was worried about Magnus since his father died recently. I wondered if someone was there for him since I couldn't at the moment. I wish I could quickly go to Washington d.c. and hug him, but that wasn't possible. We have to have the plan when they come back.

I had to admit that I thought it would be much worse. Some things were even fun. I was aware that it is all dangerous and we are not always doing the right thing, mainly because I am a police officer, but your life is always exciting. Before I came here, my life was always black and white. Now there is something new. Maybe I'm just crazy.

"Well, the plan looks like this," I started. "You will look for gang members and tell them who you are. They will know about you, Liam mentioned that once for sure, at least former gang members meant it. They will take you there and you will meet him. You are wired, so we listen to everything you say and you will have a small camera with you. " I explained.

"You won't stay with him, so you will come back to us. Your work would be done after that." said Elliott and stood next to me. I smiled at him and nodded. "Can you do that?" he asked and the brothers nodded.

"I think we have the easier task." Matt noticed. He was right because it's definitely harder for us to get in, but we'll have a plan for that too. Once we know where it is and what it looks like and how it is guarded, it will be easier for us.

"It is important that you pay attention to everything and give us all the information afterwards." Blake said now. "But nothing will happen to you, we guarantee that. You'll leave tonight." he added.

"Okay, we can do it." Casper said and I saw his brothers nod. I was really grateful that they helped us, because without Liam's brothers it would all be much more difficult. "We will not disappoint you." he let us know.

"I'm sure." I said with a smile. "You can rest a bit now before you leave." I explained and she nodded. As long as Alec, Nick and Mags weren't here they could be with us because there was enough space. I was currently spending my nights in Elliott's room, so mine and Magnus' room became free.

Casper, Matt, Jonas and Thomas went to their rooms and only Blake, Elliott and I were here. I sighed contentedly and leaned against the table. I was sure that Liam wouldn't hurt them, but I was still a little nervous.

It all felt like a secret police mission, just a little cooler. In my job, it wasn't all that exciting.

"You did really great." said Elliott with a proud smile. I laughed softly.

"Thank you, I want to make sure they are prepared." I replied and he nodded. Blake took his jacket and put on his shoes.

"I'm going to get something to eat." he let us know and we only nodded as he left the apartment. Elliott turned to me.

"I think you have prepared them very well." he said and came closer to me. I nodded. I knew I had explained everything to them for the third time, but better safe than sorry.

"You know, actually all of this is kind of fun here." I admitted and he laughed. Elliott was now very close to me and smiled at me. Elliott always smiled. He was like the sunshine of the group.

"Especially since you've been here." he said and my heart beat a little faster. That happened more often when I talked to him. He treated me well. Very well. I couldn't complain.

"It's like I belong to this gang, as if I don't have to leave as soon as we have Liam." I noticed and he took my hands. That made my stomach tingle.

"You don't have to." he said. "I mean it's clear that you probably want to go back to your old life and I accept that, but you always have a place here." he explained. "Especially with me." he added. I smiled and put one of my hands on his cheek. I stroked his cheek with my thumb. It all felt so right.

I put my lips on his without hesitation and kissed him. He seemed surprised, but he didn't back off. He moved his lips against mine and put his hands on my hip. There was fireworks in my body.

I knew I like Elliott and I also noticed that he really likes me. He protected me but trusted me. He looked at me like I was the most important thing. He likes to be by my side. The signs couldn't be ignored. At least not for me. I would even say that I even fell in love with him.

It was crazy. Who would have thought that I would fall in love with a criminal? I don't even see Elliott as a criminal. He was good. A good person, even if he sometimes did some things that weren't right. He did it to protect people.

He told me that he made a lot of mistakes back then. He has done many criminal things such as burglary, theft or violence. He knew it wasn't right and today he was ashamed of it. He continued until he was picked up by Alec that he seemed to have stopped. He finally joined the gang. Elliott was the youngest in this gang. He was only 19. Four years younger than me.

You can tell that he's young by his behavior sometimes but it didn't matter to me. I liked him the way he was.

I loosened my lips from his and smiled. He laughed too. I've wanted to kiss him for a while, but I had to wait for the perfect time. It had come now.

"Maybe I will actually stay." I said and Elliott looked at me in surprise.

"Really?" he asked stunned. I nodded, grinning. "Are you sure?" he asked again.

"Yes, Elliott. I would really love to stay." I answered. He laughed, wrapped his arms around me and picked me up. He turned me and cheered. I laughed out loud. When he let me down again, he kissed me softly again.

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