I'm going to wait for you.

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Hey! First of all, I want to say thank you here too. Thank you for 10.000 reads! It means a lot to me and amazes me everytime. I hope you all have a great day! 💗

*Celine's POV*

I was standing in the bathroom and brushing my hair. I took a hair tie and tied my hair into a bun. I was nervous and excited at the same time. We were about to implement the plan and the Liam's brothers were already here. I only had to wire Alec, Blake and Magnus and then the whole action could start.

We had discussed the plan several times and I am sure that everyone understood their task. We can do it, I assumed, but nevertheless it was quite a thrill.

"Hello, my beauty." I heard Elliott say. I turned to the side and saw him standing on the door frame and grinning at me. I smiled. I still hadn't spoken to him about my decision but I had the whole conversation going through my head.

I realized that Magnus was right. It is not my world. Yes, it's fun and I really like the people here, but this constant danger is stressful. Maybe not yet, but it would be over time. I would definitely regret it.

There are also many dangerous situations in my job, but that's different. I help people there. I do things that are right. This is not correct. Hurting people is not right. I see, this time it saves other lives, but someone is always after you. I just couldn't do it

"Are you nervous?" asked Elliott and I nodded. I came up to him and he put his hands on my waist. "Me too, but everything will go well." he said and I smiled a little. "Is everything okay?" he wanted to know. I sighed and freed myself from his arms. I went back to the bedroom and Elliott followed me.

"Can we talk?" I asked. Elliott frowned and nodded. I sat on the bed and he sat next to me. He looked at me.

"Did I do something wrong?" he asked. I shook my head. How could he do something wrong? I took his hands.

"I've been thinking." I said. "About us." I added. Elliott didn't change his expression, just listened attentively. "You know, I haven't felt that way in a long time. No, I've never actually felt that way." I explained. Elliott smiled a little.

"Neither did I." he answered. I looked away. I didn't really want to leave him. He was too important to me, but I knew it was the best. If Magnus could do it, I could too.

"And I was certain that I wanted to leave the future open to us. I wanted to know what would become of us, because I felt that we had so much potential." I said. Elliott nodded. "But I realized that this life here, as the criminal Celine, is a completely different life than the one I had." I explained. It was difficult for me to say that and I felt tears in my eyes.

"It's okay." he said, squeezing my hand a little. I shook my head and looked at him again.

"No it's not." I said. "I noticed that this life here with you is not what I wanted back then before it all happened. I wouldn't be able to do it." I admitted and my voice trembled. Elliott just nodded.

"It's okay." he said again.

"Elliott, I'm trying to break up." I admitted as a tear run down my cheek. Breaking up wasn't really the right word because we never talked about what we were. He nodded.

"I know, Celine, and that's okay." he said. I frowned. He smiled a little.

"How's that okay?" I asked in confusion. He stroked the back of my hand with his thumb and looked deeply in my eyes.

"Because I'm going to wait for you." he said with a smile, that lit up my world as it always did. I looked at him in surprise. I expected everything, but not that. I shook my head.

"I can't make you wait for me, El." I said. He was still smiling and wiped my tear away.

"At some point our paths will cross again, I know that." he let me know. Now I smiled a little too. "You are special, Celine Carter." he said. I gently placed my lips on his.

I knew I would miss him, but maybe he's right and our paths would cross again someday. That would be nice. I let go of him and we got up. After all, we still had a lot to do.

We went outside, where Blake, Alec and Magnus were already waiting for us. I still had to attach the microphones to them. I had to put it in such a way that you couldn't see it and that it worked. It would be very inappropriate if one didn't work.

First I attached the microphone to Magnus. Unfortunately, I was the only one who knew how it works. We bought the microphones from a shop in New York City. It wasn't cheap, but we had no choice.

"What do we do if one microphone fails?" Alec asked. I was hoping that this question would not be asked because I had no idea.

"Then we have a problem." Elliott answered for me. He was right there, but we didn't assume that. We had tested the microphones. Everything is connected and everything should work. Everything will work.

Liam's brothers were also sitting here watching me how I did it all. I felt bad somehow because I knew that I was the only one that couldn't do anything. I sat here while the others were "fighting the evil" inside, but then I consider that I have to have everything under control. This is also a lot of pressure because if something went wrong I would feel guilty.

After I had done everything for all four, I took a deep breath. It was a lot of work and really not as easy as I thought. The four stood there and packed themselves up. Now it would all start. Elliott came to me and hugged me.

"Drive carefully." I said because I knew they would be very stressed when they leave. Still, I didn't want them to have an accident. It shouldn't fail because of that. Elliott released me and nodded.

"Dont worry that much." he said and I nodded. At least I tried. Now I hugged Magnus. I was particularly worried about him because he will be alone. Elliott would not enter the building, but Magnus has to distract everyone.

"Take care of yourself, okay?" I said to him and he nodded. "I want you to come back safe." I said and he smiled.

"I wouldn't let it happen any other way." Alec interfered. I smiled. I would certainly feel safer if Alec stayed with him, but I know Magnus could do that by himself too. I trusted him.

"See you, guys." I said. She nodded and left the apartment. There were only Matt, Thomas, Casper, Jonas and me. Let the plan begin.

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