I'll be fine.

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Good morning! I'm done with school, wohooo. I had all my exams soo yeah.
I hope you're doing fine 🧚🏻‍♀️❤️

*Alexander POV*

"FUCK!" I called out and kicked a trash can. It's all my fault. I knew it was only a matter of time before something like this would happen, but I was hoping that I could protect him. We were standing in a side street, looking if Magnus was here anywhere, but he obviously wasn't.

"Did he say anything?" Celine asked and I shook my head. Magnus had called back but he said nothing. He couldn't.

"I could only hear him screaming softly." I admitted quietly. Celine looked at me in shock and I saw tears forming in her eyes. "They have him." I stated. Now we knew that he didn't run away. Celine sobbed and Elliott hugged her tight. It was good that Elliott was there for her.

"We have to get him out of there." Nick said now. I nodded. At least we agreed there. "Where do we start?" he asked and I shrugged. He could be anywhere.

"We can't search all of New York for him." Blake said with his arms crossed. "We can't do more than wait." he said and I looked at him angrily. Waiting? Was he serious?

"Waiting for what? Until they torture him even more? Until they murder him?!" I asked him and pushed him. I didn't want to show my fear, but I couldn't help it. Blake grabbed my arm angrily.

"Listen! Your emotions cloud your judgment." he snapped at me. "You gotta think like a gang leader and not like a teenager. You're going to kill us all!" he said angrily. I pulled my arm away. He was right.

"They won't kill Magnus." Celine said after getting free from Elliott's hug. "They want something from him or you or whoever. Otherwise they would have already murdered him." she noticed and wiped away her tears. "We'll hear from them." she explained. Having a cop in the group might not be a bad thing.

"What about his phone?" asked Elliott. "He got it with him, so we can locate it, or something?" he asked. Celine shrugged.

"They probably turned off the location, but we can give it a try." She said. "We have to go back to the apartment. I need my phone." she explained. We nodded and made our way. I had hope, but it would be too easy, right?

*Magnus POV*

After some time, this guy came back into the small room. I didn't know how long I was lying around here because I lost the feeling for time. Everything was uncomfortable and meanwhile my wrists already hurt. I wanted it to all be over, even if it didn't even really start yet.

The guy whose name I still don't know came up to me and released my mouth. I breathed a sigh of relief. I finally could breathe normally again. He kept my arms and legs tied together.

"Show time." he said. He briefly left the room to bring in a chair. What's happening now? He came up to me, grabbed me and lifted me onto the chair. He tied me to the chair with another rope.

"What are you up to?" I asked. He pulled my phone out of his pocket and grinned.

"Oh Magnus, I told you what my plan was." he said. "We let Alec worry for three hours now, I think it's time for the video." he let me know. I glared at him. He looked at my phone and grinned. What was there to grin about?

"You have a nice message from Alec." he said. "I'll get you out of there, no matter what it costs me. I'm so sorry." he read out and laughed. "How ridiculous." he said.

"You crappy bastard!" I shouted at him. "Just because no one ever loved you it's not ridiculous!" I said and his grin disappeared. I had to admit that his angry look intimidated me much more. He came up to me and punched me in the face with his fist. I couldn't avoid or fight back because my hands were tied. It hurt way more than a slap with his flat hand.

I moaned softly in pain. I tasted blood in my mouth and felt it in my nose. Crap. He came close to mine with his face and looked at me angrily.

"You have a really big mouth." he said. "Don't think I'm not going to murder you, because if you get on my nerves I'll do that." he said and put his hand around my neck as he did when he broke into our apartment.

He straightened up again and pointed the camera at me. I didn't look straight at the camera. I didn't want to do that and I wouldn't. He shouldn't be coming for me. He shouldn't find me. He shouldn't save my life if it destroys his.

"Go on, say what you have to tell him." he said angrily. I shook my head. "Come on!" he shouted at me, whereupon I startled.

"Don't look for me. It's okay." I said softly as I stared at the floor. I got another slap in the face. I can take the pain, even though it went through my whole body. I was strong, I can handle that. It was painful, but it was more painful to know that Alec would see that. I didn't want him to. I spat out the blood I had in my mouth.

"You don't have much time. Your little friend suffers here and it gets worse hour by hour until his innocent heart finally gives up." he said, which was probably meant for Alec. "We don't want that, do we?" he asked. I gave him an angry look. My face hurt. No, actually everything hurt.

"I want just you to come, Alec. The others stay where they are, otherwise he won't survive." he said. "Do you want to say anything before I send him this nice video?" he asked me. I took a deep breath.

"Find Liam and not me." I said and he laughed at that. "I'll be fine." I said and then I got another punch, but in the stomach and not in the face. I groaned loudly in pain. That was a lot more uncomfortable. It made me want to puke but I couldn't. How long will I have to endure this?

"Well, and now we're going to send this video to your friend." he said. I tried to suppress my tears. Even if Alec said he wanted to get rid of me, I knew he would get me. I couldn't explain why it was, but I knew he did care. He just doesn't want to show it. His messages showed me. "Plus the location, we don't want him to have to search too long." he said.

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