That's what I like about you.

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I woke up next to Celine. She was still sleeping peacefully. She slept through the night, but I hardly got any sleep. So many things went through my head. Everything that happened and what will happen. I wanted it all to be over.

I slowly got up and went to the bathroom. I opened the door and when I entered the bathroom I saw Alec standing there. He only had a towel around his waist. He looked good, just like how I remembered. He just watched me through the mirror but didn't really look at me.

"Oh, sorry." I said and turned around again.

"I'm already done anyway." he said before I closed the door again. "You can come in." he said. I turned back to him and saw him leave the bathroom. Well, at least I didn't have to wait that way.

I jumped in the shower. It refreshed me and now I was not as tired as before. After that I did my hair and put on makeup. I went back to my room, where Celine was now staring at me.

"You look good as always." she said with a grin. Right, I only have a towel around my waist. I grinned back.

"Some things never change." I said and she laughed. She got up and went to my closet. She gave me a nice shirt.

"Put this on." she said. "That looks good." she added. She went to her bag and pulled out a sweater. She pulled it over her t-shirt. "I have to take some things from you later on. I haven't much with me, after all, I didn't think that I actually had to live here." she said. I grinned. This situation seems familiar.

"What smells so good?" she asked when she smelled the fried bacon. I laughed.

"Our breakfast." I let her know. "Elliott is an excellent cook." I said and she nodded with interest. She put on fresh pants and then brushed her hair.

After we were both done we left our room. Nick and Elliott were already outside, but Alec and Blake weren't. I knew Blake was hating me now, but he never really liked me anyway.

"Good morning, my two beauties." said Elliott as he served the bacon. I grinned at him while Celine looked rather embarrassed.

"Good morning, cook." I said and he winked at me. Nick smiled at me too. We took a seat and at that moment Alec came out of his room.

He sat down without saying a word. Not even good morning. Celine looked at him reproachfully, but I indicated that she shouldn't do that.

"Where's Blake?" Nick asked and Alec shrugged.

"You pretty pissed him off yesterday." he said to me and Celine. Wow. Celine laughed. Oh no.

"Oh really? I'm sorry but none of us wanted to join your fighter club." she said annoyed. Elliott giggled and even Nick seemed surprised. Alec just ignored this.

"Celine, it's fine." I said and she nodded. She was happy because she could say what she thought.

At that moment Blake came out of his room. He went straight to the table and took a seat. He didn't even look at us. Would he always treat us like this from now on?

I understand that he is angry. After all, he now has to take care of one more person. Well, he doesn't care what happens to us anyway. I still remember how he shot Sebastian back then to save me. Why did he do that?

"So how do we go on?" asked Nick. "After all, we have to finally find Liam." he added. Blake looked up annoyed as he started to eat.

"I'm aware of that, I just don't know how." he said pissed off. It can be that hard to find a person. "Aren't you Cops? Aren't you supposed to be professionals in something like that?" he asked. Celine and I looked at each other. Well, he's not wrong.

"Yes, but if he doesn't leave any traces, we can't do a lot either." I answered. After all, it was the same with Alec. Blake just sighed annoyed. "What about his siblings?" I asked.

"They have nothing to do with him anymore. Even if we knew where they were, they couldn't help us." said Nick.

"That's not true." said Celine. "Why don't we try to find them and ask them to contact Liam?" asked Celine. I grinned. Why didn't any of us think of it? Blake seemed to be considering.

"Maybe that's not a bad idea at all." Blake said but still seems pretty pissed off. Celine grinned.

"And you wanted to send me away?" she asked. Elliott, Nick and I grinned. Alec and Blake seemed annoyed. I didn't get why Alec doesn't like Celine either. They actually got along well. Okay, we did too and that doesn't seem to matter anymore.

"Celine and I can take care of it. I just need some information about the brothers." I said. I wanted to help and not just be here.

"I can help you. I know a little bit." Nick said with a smile. I smiled back. I was thankful to have Nick. Celine grinned at me too, but in a different way.

"We can form teams." said Elliott. "Then I'll work with Celine if that's okay for you." he asked Celine. Now I was the one that grinned at her. She nodded. "Perfect, then Alec and Blake work together." he said. I'm sure they don't have a problem with it.

After breakfast, Nick came to my room, Celine went to Elliott's and Blake to Alec's bedroom. Nick and I sat on the bed with the laptop on my lap. We tried to find out about two brothers. Elliott and Celine are doing Casper, and Alec and Blake are doing Thomas and Jonas.

"Well, the names are Matt and James. As far as I know, everyone is no longer in good contact with each other, but they definitely still like each other." Nick explained to me.

„Why would they betray their own brother?" I asked. I just couldn't imagine that.

"Liam is a violent and bad person. He has done a lot to his siblings and parents that is unforgivable. I can understand his brothers." he explained to me. I shrugged my shoulders.

"But he must have something good in him. Even if we can't see it, his brothers should." I answered. Nick smiled at me.

"That's what I like about you." he said. "You always try to see the good in people." he added. I smiled and sighed.

"Yes, but it doesn't always bring me luck." I said with a sad smile. "I just can't imagine that humans were born evil. Something must have broken them." I said.

"Maybe you are right." he said with a smile. I liked his smile. It always cheered me up a little. "Let's go find them. Let's start with Matt." he said and I nodded.

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