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I slowly opened my eyes when I heard the twittering of birds. I was blinded by the sun, which is why I immediately closed my eyes again. On the second try, it worked. I looked around and noticed that everyone was still asleep. Everyone except Nick, but he wasn't here. I sat up.

I rubbed my eyes and got up. I might be able to get breakfast in the meantime, I thought. I went to the shop that was at the rest stop. Everything seemed to be very quiet.

When I entered it I saw Nick, who probably had the same idea as me. He already had two bags in his hand and came up to me. He smiled and so did I.

"Good morning, are the others still asleep?" he asked. I nodded. "I thought I'd get breakfast for us." he said. I could see that.

"Yeah, I had the same idea." I said with a smile. Together we turned and left the shop. We made our way to the others. "How long have you been awake?" I asked. He shrugged his shoulders

"For a while, couldn't sleep." he said. I nodded. I have to admit, the floor wasn't that comfortable, but bearable. "We would probably leave soon. After all, it's not that far anymore." he said. True, we would probably eat breakfast here and then drive off.

"Do we have a flat or anything there?" I asked. I wondered if we should be sleeping on the floor there too, but Nick nodded.

"Yes, Alec knows a few people there. He has already arranged it. That's how we always do it." he said. I nodded. It made sense.

"It's actually cool that you can travel so much. Nothing to hold on to." I said. Then he laughed.

"Somehow." he said. "If it just would not always bring so much danger with it." he added. "I also think it might be nice to have something to hold onto sometimes." he said.

"You mean something like Celine?" I asked and he nodded. I smiled and looked down. "Didn't stop me from going to New York either." I said. He laughed.

"Because you had no choice. Otherwise, Celine would be with you." he said. True, she would have left everything there for me. This time she didn't because she knew I needed distance.

"But you have your boys." I said. He smiled and nodded. Even if Alec said the they wasn't his friends, I don't believe him. He has no one else and I know that they mean a lot to him.

"Yes you are right." he said. We went back and everyone was sitting now. We weren't gone that long. I saw Alec, who took a deep breath when he saw me. Did he think I ran away?

"Where were you?" Alec asked angrily. I frowned. Nick held up the bags.

"Getting breakfast, chill." he said and Alec rolled his eyes. He probably slept badly. Actually, that was normal for him. "Here, eat." said Nick and sat down. Everyone reached for a croissant and we started eating.

"We have to leave then. Who knows if Sebastian survived. Maybe he has already contacted Liam." Blake said. The others nodded and after eating we packed everything up and got back in the car.

We drove off and after a while I thought that maybe I should check my phone. I pulled it out of my pocket and saw that I have missed some calls and messages. From Celine, of course, or from work colleagues.


Magnus, I know you're upset
but I'm still here if you need me.
Thursday; 09:23 p.m.

Please, just keep me updated
if you're okay. I don't ask for more.
10;56 p.m.


Hey, are you okay?
Friday; 08;12 a.m.

Mags, why aren't you
answering me?
11:42 a.m.

Where are you?
03:26 p.m.

Are you mad at me? :(
05:37 p.m.

I'm getting worried.
08:17 p.m.

I hope you're alright.
11:43 p.m.


Magnus, I'm really worried.
Saturday; 06:12 a.m.

No one knows where you are
and you don't pick up your
stupid phone.
6:23 a.m.

I swear I'm gonna search for you
and you know I would find you because
I'm a freaking Cop!
06:45 a.m.

07:01 a.m.

Oh shit, that was bad. Really bad. Why didn't I check the phone? Okay, not that anyone could blame me. It's not like I have time for that.

What to do know? What am I going to tell her? And where am I? I can't tell her where I am. This is all messed up.

Hey, I'm alright. I'm sorry I
didn't answer but I told you I
needed some time off.
8:14 a.m.

Thank god, you're alive.
08:15 a.m.

Where are you?!
08:15 a.m.

I'm sorry but I
need time alone.
08:15 a.m.

Are you kidding me?
08:16 a.m.

You disappear out of nothing
and didn't answer my messages
for days and now you can't even
tell me where you are??
08:16 a.m.

I'm so sorry, Celine.
08:16 a.m.

I miss you, okay?
08:16 a.m.

I miss you too.
08:16 a.m.

Then why don't you
come back? 😔
08:17 a.m.

I can't right now, I'm sorry.
08:17 a.m.

I'm sorry if I did something
wrong but talk to me if I did
and don't run away.
08:17 a.m.

It's not you.
08:17 a.m.

I just have a lot to go
trough right know.
08:17 a.m.

I know, Mags. You
liked Alec a lot.
08:17 a.m.

I did.
08:18 a.m.

I do.
08:18 a.m.

Is there nothing I
could do for you?
08:18 a.m.

Give me time. It's
all I'm asking for.
08:18 a.m.

08:18 a.m.

But when you
come back...
08:18 a.m.

Then what?
08:19 a.m.

I'll kick your ass.
08:19 a.m.

And then we'll eat sushi
and watch movies all night long.
08:19 a.m.

And we will take a break from work.
08:19 a.m.

Let's go on vacation!
08:19 a.m.

08:19 a.m.

Sounds like a plan.
08:19 a.m.

08:20 a.m.

I love you.
08:20 a.m.

I love you too.
08:20 a.m.

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