Divorce Lawyer in Love (Part 3)

Start from the beginning

"Then next time stay with us... I miss my son and my grandson." His mother spoke gently.

"I appreciate it," Kongpob responded to his mother. She touched his cheek gently and nodded. 

"Go now." Offering a smile and kiss to his mother's cheek Kongpob left after his son blew a kiss to him. Kongpob smiled before putting on his suit, grabbing his suitcase and walking out with a pancake in his mouth and some coffee in his other hand...

By the time he was able to get to the courtroom, Em was waiting for him as they were the two in charge of the case.

"Is he here?" Kongpob questioned wondering about their client.

"Not yet. I think he wanted to catch a glimpse of his children."Em said to Kongpob who sighed.

"I understand that, but if he causes a scene here with his ex-wife, things will only get complicated for him in the courtroom." As if on cue, their client Mr. Taylor walked over to them and a few steps away his wife, Beauty walked out with two children in hand. 

She was dragging them along with her lawyer new husband Tum. Kongpob tried his best not to react and he could see the longing in his client's eyes. He himself could relate to that as there had been a period in time when he had not been allowed to see Wayo by his parents. Why would they allow him that luxury when he spent most of his time drunk? 

He was glad that Wayo did not get to see most of that, nor could he understand it. Even so, Kongpob had still hurt his son and would spend the rest fo his life making it up to him if he could.

"Dew, Kim." The man whispered.

"We need to go inside." Em spoke up as they could both see the children try to struggle out of their mother's grasp so they could get to their father. In the end their mother dragged them away before they could get to him.

"Mr. Taylor... I know it's hard but you're going to have to wait until after the trial to hold them."

"How can you be so sure that we'll win? He's one of the best lawyers there is." Mr. Taylor spoke. 

"That may be true. But we're better." Kongpob spoke with a smirk. 

"You have to trust us. You hired us because we're the best." Em told him. Mr. Taylor nodded and walked inside with Em following him inside so that they could begin. Custody battles, mixed with that of divorce tended to be messier than anything. They had been going to court for an entire week. Today, was the last day. 

It had been a back and forth between the two parties. In fact, Mr. Taylor hadn't been willing to give his wife a divorce. Not because he loved her, but because he had feared that she would take their children away. 

She had asked for a large sum of child support and another large sum for a divorce settlement as she had been married for five years. They had one girl and boy, twins. The trial was long simply because of Beauty who was claiming Mr. Taylor abused her and the children. 

They had evidence to prove that it was contrary to what she was saying including the children's teacher. They had hired a psychologist who talked to the children in regard to their father. In the end, it was revealed that the children had been coached to lie and Beauty and her boyfriend constantly punished them. They would not beat the children but starve them. 

Tactics like these were just as horrible and if not more traumatizing. Kongpob had worked extra hard on this case as he related to it on many levels. He thought of his son and was incredibly glad that he had been the one to keep him. He was afraid to think about what Yo's life could have been like had he been with his mother. 

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