birth chapter bitches (taehyung's pov) part 6

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Taehyung was panting, barely able to breathe right now. "F-Fuck."

His knees were weak and his legs felt as though they were going to give out at any moment.

He was in this position because he had just gone through every floor in the hospital up to 6 and there were 10 floors. And he had just given birth to his twins.

This hospital was huge and none of the elevators were working because everything was in lock down mode. So he had climbed up the stairs through 6 floors and still had found no sign of Jungkook anywhere.

He began tearing up and gripped onto the gun harder. He was scared and wanted his husband back.

He attempted to catch his breathe and began walking back to the stair case. He stared at the steps in front of him and braced himself.

He was walking up the stairs and let out painful groans every so often. He accidentally tripped on a step and he fell all the way back down as his head hit the ground.

His vision became blurry and he wanted to just cry. But for some reason memories of him and Jungkook began popping up into his head and he closed his eyes painfully.

He took a deep breath and slowly began to sit up. He looked at the new big cut and bruises on his legs and arm.

He held onto the railing tightly this time and painfully began to walk up the stairs again.

Finally he got to the top, and was now on the 7th floor. He was limping and pointing his gun at any doors he came across. He had checked every single door so far but the room down the hall.

For some reason he was scared to go inside. He really felt like something was off with the room.

Still... he was desperate to find Jungkook.

He grabbed onto the knob of the door and slowly twisted it open. He saw a man tied up, and the man was bleeding from his chest, with his head hung low. He was unconscious.

Taehyung's eyes filled with tears.

No. Please no...

He gasped and put his hand over his mouth, trying to hold in his sobs.

He wasn't able to force himself to walk over to the bleeding body to confirm that it was Jungkook.

And he didn't need to. He could tell from the figure of the body that it was Jungkook.

Taehyung looked at the gun in his hands. He was contemplating whether to just end his life right then and there.

But then he thought of his baby twins and smiled weakly, with more tears escaping his eyes.

I'll always have a piece of him.

Taehyung was about to close the door and walk back to his babies but suddenly he was pulled into the room, by someone who covered his mouth and eyes.

Sorry it took long my phone was acting up.

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