Chapter 4

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Namjoon's POV

(later that night)

I was walking home from where Jin lives. Not that he invited me to come visit or anything but i always go there. I followed him home the first day i saw him. Now i just come whenever i feel empty. I just came today because i felt full. The first day of school as a sophomore was the best day of my life. It's when i met Jin. He was a freshmen but he was so smart he was put in my class. The moment he walked into my class my heart skipped a beat. He was so beautiful. How could anyone be that beautiful?

The teacher told him to sit in the empty seat next to me and my heart began to beat fast it was all i could hear at this point. He sat down and realized how long i had been staring at his flawless face.

"Are u ok? Why are u staring at me?" even his voice was angelic. but once i opened my mouth i sounded like an ass.

"i just never knew someone could look that hideous *scoffs*" idk why but i just didn't know how to be nice to anyone besides my friends.

he pouted his plump lips and looked down at the desk. i could tell he wanted to cry. but then he just sighed and took out a piece of paper to take notes.

i eventually gave him a note telling him to meet me after school and that i was sorry. I was supposed to ask him out but instead being that shitty human i am i beat him up. I wasn't happy but i wasn't sad... when i want something i get it eventually. one way or another.

(namjoon arrives at his house)

I walk my house smiling to myself as i thought about what me and Jin did.

"Hi hyung!" Hoseok greeted his hyung as soon as he opened the door.

I just waved and set my stuff in my room and changed clothes.

I heard moans coming from the living room and chips crunching. I came out of my room when i was finished chasing into my pjs.

Jungkook and Hoseok were both holding note pads and eating chips at the same time. It looked like they were taking notes. Yoongi was in the kitchen eating chips while on his phone.

"Why are u watching porn? In the living room? While eating? With note pads?" i finally asked

kook wrote something down on the note pad and looked back at the screen studying it all. "Taking notes"

Yoongi came into the room "for what?"

"Tae! Gummy!" jungkook and hoseok said it at the same time and wrote another thing down.

"Speaking of which... me and Jin kissed today." i finally confessed.

All the boys went silent and all u could hear was the whimpering and moaning coming from the TV.

"Aish turn that off i can't even be shocked hearing those moans!" Yoongi said sternly.

Hoseok reached for the remote and turned it off. "Did this really happen?"

"Yes!  It was amazing!  I pinned him to the wall and his lips felt so goo-"

Yoongi interrupted me.  "Whoa!  We don't need the specifics."

"Wow hyung i guess u really do always get what u want.  Congratulations!" Jungkook said sincerely.

I felt true happiness for a split second till i realized Jin told me that he would be leaving.  The love of my life would be leaving me.  Very soon.  And what hurt me even more is that i was that reason he was leaving.

Yoongi noticed that my expression change within a second "what is it?"

i can't hide it from them.  they need to know too.

"Guys we need to talk."

Jungkook furrowed his brows "Ok..."

"Jin told me that he's gonna leave the school in 3 days..."

My friends looked at me as if they felt sorry for me.

Here it goes...

"Jin said he would be leaving with Tae, Jimin, and Gummy."

Now the boys looked at me with their mouths wide open.

Yoongi swallowed hard "what?!"

"No, no, no, theres no way!" Jungkook got off the couch and backed away from us like if he walked far enough it would be a joke.

"Wha-  but i-  i-i never got to show any love to Gummy yet"  Hoseok said with his voice cracking.

Yoongi did his pissed off walk. "I'm gonna go plan to kidnap Jimin if anyone needs me"

Hoseok was crying and i felt so bad.  It's true.  He never knew what to do for Gummy to show u really loved him.

"W-Wait! I know what we can all do! I'm gonna move out! Tomorrow!"

i was so confused "What? How will that change anything?"

"Gummy's an orphan right?" Hoseok asked me

"Yes" Jungkook added finally coming back into the circle.

"I'll adopt him!" Hoseok said it cheerfully and bouncing up and down.

"ME TOO!" Jungkook said it so loud. "I'm gonna go make the call to adopt him!" Jungkook said leaving the room and taking the phone out of his pocket.

Hoseok did the same heading to his room.

So i guess we are all going to move out. Instead of kidnapping or adopting my princess i'm just going to offer him a room in my house. My room. 😏

Guess we'll be fine!

I rushed through this so idk if it's bad but ehhh 😐😬

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