Chapter 35

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"Let's play fuck, marry, kill." Hoseok smirked at Gummie's proposal. "Okay then, Gummie, I would fuck you" Hoseok hovered over the boy on the bed "I would marry you" Hoseok peppered kisses onto the boy's chest "and I would kill everyone else and leave you alive so that you can be all mine forever."

Gummie melted into Hoseok's words and let him do as he pleased with him. They both made love even though it wasn't even 10 in the morning yet.

Hoseok pounded continuously into the smaller and made a comment that made Gummie shake to his very core. Something he had always hoped he would be asked but not during something like this, "M-Marry me, Gummie."


By now it was already night time and Gummie was in the living room, still awake, and trying to figure out if his boyfriend was really asking him to marry him.

Hoseok had already passed out on the bed since the only thing they did that day was have rough sex and he was exhausted. But it still bothered Gummie, was it just something he said in the moment, was he kidding, or did he actually want him to answer?

It was all too much to try and figure out in one night. Maybe he didn't mean it.......................... but what if he did?

That's it! Gummie ran to the bedroom and jumped on the naked boyfriend beginning to shake him awake. He groaned lowly but didn't wake up.

"Hoseok, wake up! C'mon wake up!" The naked boy didn't respond at first but once Gummie straddled him he began to rub his eyes open and smiled lazily at Gummie. "Gummie, why'd you wake me up? Is something wrong?"

The smaller shook his head no and put his hands on Hoseok's face, "Do you— by any chance remember what you said earlier Hobbi?"

A smirk appeared on his face and he lays his hands on Gummi's tiny waist holding him tightly, "Are you taking about when I was pounding your ass and I told you to marry me?"

The memory brought a flustered pink shade onto the boy's cheeks, "Y-Yeah."

Hoseok smirked at his boyfriend's reaction, "Yes i remember— what about it?" The smaller looked at his boyfriend cluelessly— "Well... is this your way of asking Hoseok?  It's not really romantic darling..." He began playing with his hands.

Hoseok's smirk grew, "No baby i'm not asking you to marry me.  Think of it, like you have no choice, you're marrying me anyways so."

Gummie went speechless, "Okay then. I guess I'm your fiancé then." Hoseok hummed while smiling stupidly. In love.

"Let's go to sleep baby. Rest up really well so that I can take you ring shopping and then wedding dress shopping." Gummie giggled, "But you aren't supposed to see me in the dress, it's bad luck."

Hoseok grabbed Gummie's face squishing it a bit and kissed his forehead lightly. "Who cares about bad luck? I have you and no matter what i'll have you. You must be really tired Bo Gum please sleep since you make me worry."

Bo Gum smiled sweetly at his fiancé knowing that he cared and loved him dearly. He grabbed the blanket next to him and threw it over himself and Hoseok.

He wrapped his arms around Gummie securely as they slept peacefully. In love.

I'm so done with everything and everyone honestly i'm just glad people read the dumb shit i write at this point.

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