Chapter 5

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Jungkook's POV

(in the morning)

I woke up to my alarm going off as usual.  I groaned and turned it off.  I remembered the events of last night with a small smile forming on my face.

(events of last night)

jungkook: h-hello? is this the xxxx orphanage?

girl over phone: yes it is. How can i help u today sir?

jungkook: uhm... i want to adopt someone. I am 18 years old, a legal adult. I have my own house and an extra room for the kid.

girl over phone: well uhh... i'm not sure sir, i think u have to be a little older than ur a-

jungkook: please!!! there is a specific boy i need! hi-his name is Kim Taehyung, he's 16 years old, a sophomore at xxxx high school and i lo-

girl over phone: sir u can't just pick a kid to adopt! and u also-

jungkook: if u let me adopt Taehyung i'll give u 50 thousand dollars!

girl over phone: .............................................

jungkook: so may i adopt taehyung?

girl over phone: ...fine. but u better have the money with u! u can come get him today.

jungkook: yes i will thank u! *hangs up*


i get to take my taetae home with me today!!! he will finally be mine and i can have him alllllllllllllll to myself! i'll baby him for as long as he lives!

i hop up outta my bed and into the shower. then i get changed into this just to look more sophisticated and older:

i start to comb my hair and try to look extra good for my tae baby but i'm worries on how he'll react

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i start to comb my hair and try to look extra good for my tae baby but i'm worries on how he'll react... he probably doesn't want to be anywhere near me after all the hell i have put him through.

I pase back and forth in my room debating on if i should get flowers or not...
he does deserve the best after all u have done...
time to go get flowers!

as i walk out of my room into the living room and i see yoongi on the couch with his glasses on and a notebook and pen with him as well.

probably doing homework or something...?

"Jungkook get over here."

i turn on my feet in a shuffling motion and stand in front of yoongi on the couch.


"Do u think Jimin would be scared of having his first kiss with me the day i kidnap him?"

"WHAT?! I thought u were joking about kidnaping him!!"

Yoongi raised his brow. "Are u kidding? Of course i wasn't joking... now what do u think? Would he be scared?"

"Right after u kidnap him and tell him u have actually loved him since forever u want to take away his first kiss?"


"He won't be scared."

Yoongi does his gummy smile. "Great!"

"He's gonna be terrified."

I stand up and walk out of the house not forgetting to lock the door.

I take deep breathes preparing myself for whatever might happen... or more specifically preparing for how Tae is going to react.

I love him.  More than anything. And the last thing i want is for him to hate the idea of being with me 24/7. But i'm gonna be selfish because i don't know if i could even survive a day without seeing Taehyung...

Time to go get some flowers...


I walk into the orphanage with the white roses in my hand. I know that Taehyung loves white roses. They were his mother's funeral flowers. I guess that those flowers make him feel safer... maybe it'll help.

There's a woman at the front desk who looks really annoyed and has her head phones into her ears. I knock on her desk to get her attention.

"Ugh what do u want?" she asks it so rudely i wonder how she even got hired.

"Hi i'm here to pick up Kim Taehyung and take him home." Her her eyes go wide. She must've recognized my voice from the phone call yesterday.

She clicked her tongue. "Do u have the money?"

I reached into my pocket and took out an envelope filled with cash. I put it out for her to grab. As she attempted to grab it i pulled it back fast and her face changed into confusion.

"Bring out Tae... and then u get the money." I'm not stupid i know that if i gave her the money she would have called security on me and i probably would've ended up in jail.

She rolls her eyes and steps into the next room.

Taehyung's POV

"Taehyung?" I hear Ms. Nam call my name. She really doesn't like me so i cheer up thinking she wants to have a conversation with me.

"Yeah?" I say in a squeaky voice.

"Pack ur clothes. Someone is here to adopt u."

The corners of my eyes get teary...



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