Meadow - New Zealand

Start from the beginning

"So, where's your brother?" you asked.

"He's having fun with his friends, never you mind about him," he smiled, biting on his egg sandwich. You made a conversation with him, getting to know each other until the bell rang, indicating a few minutes before next class, and you finished your sandwich. You finished your drink and tossed the paper cup in the nearest bin. "So what class do you have next?"

. . . .

You only had Maths and History with Toby. It was the end of school and you rode your bicycle back home. You spotted Toby walking at the streets with his brother Ralph. You slower down to their pace. "Hey,"

"Hi, ____!"

"Ooh, got yourself a girl?" the man beside the New Zealander chortled.

Toby pulled a face, crossing his arms. "She's my friend,"

"When will you ever get a girlfriend?"

"When will you?" he retorted.

"Uh, my house is a few metres away. Bye," you waved.

"Ah, see? Now you scared her,"

"It's your fault first, bruh,"

The voices became muffled as you cycled away from them, heading to your house.

. . . .

The next day was a normal Tuesday, going to school, riding your old bicycle. You went to your locker and spun the combination, opening the door of your locker. You placed your books in a neat pile in it and took a few books that you needed. You closed the locker and went to the first class, English, the only class you had with Ralph.

You went to your seat, reading your textbook instead. Someone familiar sat beside you and you broke your gaze away from the textbook, meeting a pair of pale green eyes.

"Sup, mate?!" he yelled loudly 1/2 of the clamorous class could hear it. "You're Toby's friend, aren't ya? Looks like it,"

"Yeah," you nodded.

"Toby and I wanna say sorry for yesterday. Well, his fault first being all 'She's not my girlfriend, I don't like her that way' bla bla yada yada," he said, imitating Toby's voice, intending it to sound girly.


. . . .

It was the last class, History, with Toby while Ralph went to Science class. Toby was already in his seat beside the window when you stepped in. There was a random student sitting beside him, so you decided to sit at the only available seat, which is at the back of the class.

Your History teacher always came five minutes late, so students were just walking to their friends' desks, chatting away. A crumpled paper landed on your table. You unfolded it and read :

Really sorry about yesterday! Meet me later, okay?

The teacher finally came in and the students rushed back to their seats. They all-including you too of course- paid attention to the teacher, who was explaining about The Civil War, although a few would pass notes to each other.

An hour passed, after lectures and lessons given, the bell rang. The teacher dismissed the class, though a two or three jocks were already running out, yelling out reasons like 'Training!' or 'Coach calling!'.

The others laughed quietly as they went out after the jocks, Toby waiting outside for you. He was about to say something when you approached him but Ralph butted in, his arms around your shoulders, giving you a squeeze. "How's my best mate doin'?" he chortled.

"Hands off, 'else she won't come near us again," Toby frowned.

"This is a friend hug, Toby. Understand it," he chuckled and let go of you. The three of you stepped out of the school building. Sometimes Ralph would take both your hand as well as Toby's and swing it with his hands, which was pretty fun yet amusing.

"_____, I was thinking..Ralph and I wanted to see the sunset with you at the meadow 5:oop.m. later," said Toby.

"Me? Nah, I got loads of homework t'do! Sorry," he gave Toby a wink which you didn't notice. "You should accompany Toby instead," he added. You gave a nod and bid them goodbye, since your house was just a metre away.

. . . .

You finally finished the last question of your homework, leaning against the chair, breathing deeply. You took a glance at the digital clock beside you. It's glowing numbers showed 3:45p.m. You put your books in your bag and zipped it close, putting the bag on the table.

You rushed downstairs, informing your parents that you were going outside to the open field, and they said their normal 'Be safe on the way' before you stepped out of the house, walking through the small forest to the grassland.

You arrived, feeling the breeze hit your face. Toby was sitting cross-legged on the ground. You advanced towards him and his sheep, who was held by him, bleated. He turned around and smiled. "Good to see you, again,"

"Yeah, you too," you sat down with him.

"I've something for you," he said as he nervously gave you a bunch of red tulips. (Just so you know, it means 'perfect love') "Ralph said I should give you these. Don't know why he recommended it. Got it from the flower shop. Hope you like it,"

"Uh, thank you," your cheeks were tinted pink. You took it from his hand and put it on your lap, gazing at the scarlet bulbous cup-shaped flowers.

The sun was barely above the horizon and the sky was full of colours. Pink, orange and yellow. The clouds turned into a mix of orange and grey. It was a stupendous sight. You stared at the sunset, your jaw slightly dropped. You almost didn't notice Toby was holding your hand, his gaze fixed on the breathtaking twilight.

Soon, the pale moon showed up and the stars were visible during the night. You stayed a little bit longer with him, having a small conversation with Toby.

"____, there's something I've been meaning to tell you," he said all of the sudden.


"I like you," he blurted out. "Like-like you. But we just met a few days ago and if you don't feel the same way, that's fine,"

You were blown away. Honestly, you never thought he felt that way. It was silent for a few minutes. Then you broke out the silence. "That was...flattering," you smiled. "You're the first guy who said something so..," you tried searching for words.

"Sweet?" he suggested.

"Yeah," you lightly laughed. "That was a funny word. 'Like-like'," you commented.

"Then, if so," he took a deep breath. "I love you, ____,"

You cheeks felt hot hearing his confession. It was a good thing it was dark during the night. "I feel..the same way," you slowly uttered.

"You should've said 'I love you too'," he said.

"Shut up," you attacked him in a hug, wrapping your arms around his neck. You unexpectedly found yourself planting your soft lips on his. He gladly kissed you back, his arms slowly wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer.

He pulled away. "Don't you think we should be heading home? Your parents will get worried,"

"Yeah," you agreed.

"This time, I'll definitely walk you back home," he got up, holding out a hand, which you took, getting up as well. You and Toby walked together, hand in hand, his sheep following behind.

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