happily forever

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Geetu's p.o.v.:

Now, it's been year when I talked to my mom. She told me everything how I always has been attracted to the things or persons. I never understood my feelings for swapy and when I understood it didn't felt like anymore. After that night, I never cried or talked or thought why he rejected me. I was happy that he was with his soulmate.

But one thing I got to know that a boyfriend is not important in my life, not even other's life. Love can't be found like this, love finds us in different ways. I never focused on my life's real motive, I didn't even tried to find it. And when I found it, I already had wasted my life's precious time in searching a perfect guy for me.

I was living my princess life, trying to find my Prince charming, who will save me from dark world but that princess story doesn't even exist anymore and that Prince charming even. And that tower where princess has been locked that tower too. The villains are so busy with their life that they can't get enough time to make trouble for princess and for her prince.

In my story, princess loves to lie and make stories. She tries to be happy everyday and wonders why she is doing this or that. She gets confused with other things and makes a chaos of it.

In my story, princess doesn't even know how to make food and how to make a bed, or how to repair electronic things.

But it was past, I moved on with all those things. I made a list of the things that I can't do without anyone's help and learned it.

First was the cooking, I learned it from J. She is best cook.
Second was doing bed, I learned to do with tejas's help. It was joke though I teased him that he wouldn't know him then he taught me. It took 1 hour completely to understand how to do it.
Third was repairing electronics, swapy's girlfriend taught me all the basic things. In that time we became friends. She knew that I proposed swapy to be my boyfriend but she understood me.
Fourth was learn to arrange the things and anaya teaches me that in the office. When she checked my list, she told me that she will teach me how to arrange the things. From every small detail to big details, how to know that which thing is more important than others and how we can keep them very close to our hand so that we could get them in seconds. She had very unique methods to manage.

Fifth was to drive the car, santoshi taught me car driving. I always think I didn't needed to learn to drive the car. But when I was leaning, i learned there were so many emergencies when i would need to drive the car.
And my list goes on.

In that list, vishal also helped me a little. He taught how to swim. I wasn't talking to him after that day but when anaya told him i wanted to learn the swimming. He raised his to help me and he did. He is really nice swimmer. He knows many types of swimming.

In this year, every thing got settled down. Prasad solved the problem with his love of life, j and jd got married. Swapnil asked his girlfriend to be his wife. Anaya started to use other colors too. She still getting over with her love for pink. Sneha and atish started to work on their relation ship. His family loves sneha, but sneha want to earn her degree before she could marry atish. So she went to America to complete it. While in this some things are just same as old one like tejas is still doing his online dating. I am still single as yesterday. Now it doesn't bothers me much.

I am okay ! Because now this princess don't need some prince to help her, she can help herself.

I started to spend more time with my mom and dad. I wanted to show them that i am not that girl anymore. When dad got to know I learned swimming, we went to swim for hours and ended up with mom's yellings. That day was beautiful.

Now, I have accepted the way of my life. I will have a boyfriend or not but I am depends on myself.

My lies were flower lies, they weren't having any base to stand on as per vishal's words and that's why they didn't worked. So I am still working on my lies. You would never know when you needed this one too.

Help of my flower lies....

Help of my flower lies

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Love_geetu ^_^

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