do you love me ??

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geetu's p.o.v.:

"Hey, vishal is asking for you." Naina said to me and went away.
I was working with santoshi trying to solve the problem on her project. And this naina came saying vishal is asking for me.

"Why he would ask foe you ?" Santoshi asked me.

"I don't know, have to find out." I said.

"Is he in the bad mood ?" Sonali asked me as I  shrugged my shoulder saying 'no'.

"Have you done something ?" Sneha asked me.

"No. I don't." I said.

"She is working really good this days." Santoshi said.

"Like I was bad at my job this years and suddenly from now where I have  stared to work good." I said as they all laughed.

I shrugged my shoulders and went towrds the lift, i was going take a life as santoshi yelled at me from her table.
"All the bedt girl." She screamed as i gave her a tight smile.

When I reached to his cabin, some words fell on my ears.
'He is calm from the morning.'
'It could be storm before calm.'
'Don't say anything. I love my job here.'

I knocked on the door and entered when I heard the faint voice of 'come in.'

"You wanted to meet me." I asked him.

"Yeah, actually please seat down." He said to me. I stopped for seconds but sat down anyway.

'I think this is going to be long conversation' my inner self told me.

"I am sorry." He said to me.
Why everyone keeps saying sorry to me.

"For what ?" I asked, he dragged his chair close to me from the original place.

"I heard about your rejection." He said. Now i am doubting him, is he really stalking me or have men behind me.

"How do you know that ?" I asked.

"I was there. Remember i am friend of jd. You were so busy in all setting that you didn't noticed me." He said.

"Oh okay. But i am fine." I said and started to got up from the place. He held my hand and motioned me to seat down. I followed his eyes an sat down, i don't know why but his eyes are telling different story like he is really sorry for what happened.

"I know, i have made mistakes like forced you to stay in my cabin. But i wanted to tell you something. Its personal and I was keeping this inside my heart but i guess i can't take it anymore." He said still looking down.

"Well what do you want say ?" I asked knowing where this conversation is leading. But i am here digging up my own grave.

"I love you geetu." He said.

"I know that. Now can I go." I asked me.

"Just please. Let me say this once and when you will leave this office with your decision. I won't bother you anymore. " he said. I looked at him if he is lying or what ?

I has been with him for yeas but he never behaved like this in this time. He is behaving weirdly but everyone has right to explain themselves. I let swapy to open up about him and i guess i can hear his side too.
I nodded my head in yes as he continued.

"I didn't met you in the office for the first time. I met you in the pet shop where you were forcing your brother to have a dog. You already had chose the dog and has him in your arms. You were giving your puppy eyes to him to let him buy and when your brother got agree with your demand. The dog, someone already has purchased him before you. So you  have to him go."

"What are you ?., stalker ?" I asked.

"I used to come over there in summer. At my fathers home. I wanted to buy a little puppy for sister and that's when i saw you. And then i saw you in my office. You were selected in summer camp and you came here with your friends. " he added completely ignoring my question.

"And then you were on full swing with your friends. You used to come late office and then used to give some stupid lies to the presenty person. For some time it was fun to see how you always managed to convince him with your friends. And your friends were used to cover your lies very well." He said.
Now i am focused on what he is saying.

"And in that lies, you and your friend again lied saying you are having boyfriend and his name is swapnil. You pretended that very well too. But your face says all the things better. You never focused when you lies some thing you rubs your thumb on the fingers like you are relaxing yourself ans saying that everything  will be fine." He said.

"How did you know this ?" I asked.

"Your friends has not told ne anything or nah I haven't send men behind you. You were scared when your photo was uploaded on company official account and your fear said everything. " he said.

"What do you want ?, just come to the point. I dont want you to drag all the things here." I said.

"Can you give me a chance to solve all the things ?" He asked me.

"No. I dont want to." I said.

"You can take your time and will let me know. I will wait for you." He said looking with a hope that i will say 'yes' to him.

I have made up my mind that i want time to understand what i want in my life. No one can decide that and the first step of this is to have a talk with mom. She started this. So she will finish this too.

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Love_geetu ^_^

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