news in office or first day of lies

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" any more requirements ? ", anaya asked to the users for another suggestions or requirements for system. After all user is the main and last person who judge the system by it's own way and we have to satisfied his or her all wishes through our model and work.

" nothing. ", one person said as she nodded to him.

" then we will start to plan this project very soon. ", she said as they gave her smile.

" Mr. sapat, take this files and all papers and gave to the planing team. ", she said as she passed all papers to him.

" Thank you for today. ", she said as they gave her smile and started to leave the discussion room.

" done ? ", I asked her.

" yeah done for now ! ", she said to me.

" sit here !, i will go and grab a coffee for us. ", I said.

" yeah, please. ", she said to me and i gave her smile.

I got up from the seat and went to the window where coffee machine is located. I took two cup from the desk and poured the coffee in the cup. After pouring coffee in both cup, I came back to her and placed the coffee in front of her.

" geetu, i want to ask you something. ", she asked to me.

" yeah go ahead ! ", I said and sat down beside her seat.

" I heard about yesterday's accident. ", she said as my breath stopped in the middle way.

" what you heard ? ", I asked her back.

" that you got boyfriend. ", she said as my whole heart stopped at her words.

' see, I told you she just wanted to ask you that scene and nothing else. ', my inner self told me.

" how did you know that. ", I asked her.

" whole office is speaking about you. ", she said to me.

" huh. ", i questioned.

" babe, news is already spreaded in the office. ", she said.

" So, you got boyfriend. ", she asked to me.

" yeah. ", I whispered as she have already know about things.

" good. ", she said as i just nodded at her not knowing what to say.

" who is he ? ", she asked me after taking sip of her coffee.

" who is who ? ", i asked her as i don't know anything.

" we are talking about your boyfriend na. ", she said to me.

" he is my school friend--' I stopped in the middle knowing that i am telling her something different ' nope he is my college best friend. ", I said.

" school friend or college friend ", she asked me.

" umm... ", I started to shutter as she gave me the serious and dumb look at the same time.

" He is college friend. ", i said without shuttering.

" then why did you said that school friend. ", she asked me again.

' Actually she had to do masters in press not in the computer science. ', my inner self told me.

" school friend umm actually i thought that you were asking me about my first boyfriend. that's why i said school friend. ", i said to her.

' Boyfriend in school. In school you didn't make a one boy as friend and here you are telling her about your first school boyfriend. ', my inner self told me.

' shut up ! ', I scolded at her.

" Ohh..... good. ", she said to me as i sighed.

" who proposed first. ", she asked me.

I didn't answered her first 5 minutes after lot of thinking i blurred out that, " he did, he proposed me. "

" ohh, when did you said to yes to him. ", she asked to me.

" what ? ", I questioned her back.

" when you said to ' yes ' to him " , she asked to me.

' In your dreams, you remember when you first time met him. You got an dream about him. In that he was proposing you and you said yes with blush ', my inner self remembered me.

' it's reality stupid ', I told her.

' yeah, but you playing game of lie then put at least some your dreamy thing ', she said to me.

" In my dreams. ", I whispered those words without thinking twice.

" huh ? ", she questioned me.

" On the next minute, when he proposed me. I couldn't stop myself and i said yes to him. ", I said.

" good, give me details. ", she said to me.

' what should i tell her now ', i asked my inner self to help.

' dream. ', she replied in only one word.

" Tell me ", she said to me.

" That was our group anniversary. We went to the hotel where he came down on his one knee and asked me to be his girlfriend.  ", i told her as she just nodded to me.

' will she believe in my words. ' i asked my inner self.

' she have to ', my inner self said.

" geetu.... ", she was going to say something but vishal came in the room and stopped her in middle of her words as i sighed.

" hey, you done with your meeting. ", he asked her as her eyes lit up.

" yeah ! ", she said with blush.

' why the hell is she blushing to him. ', i asked myself.

' are you jealous ? ', she questioned me back.

' nope, but she blushed. ', i said.

' you know what, you have already so many things in your plate. So, focused on them not her blush. ', my inner self told me as i nodded at her.

" geetu... ", someone snapped at me and pulled me out from my world.

" yeah, vishal. ", i said.

" It's sir to you and one more thing is dress properly like office attire. ", he said and left me with confusion.

' why is he behaving like this. ', I questioned her.

' I think, he lost his mind on yesterday's scene. ', she answered me.

" geetu, I will talk to you later. ", she said to me and left me alone in discussion room.

" what the hell ", i whispered.

' what is wrong with my clothes ', I aksed my inner self.

' fault is not in your clothes. you are faulty person. ', she told me as i sighed.

Here you go guys:

new chapter with 1067 words.

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- love geetu...

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