Ice cream ?

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geetu's p.o.v.:

" Come on, don't feel bad anymore. ", sanyukta said to me with smile.

" yeah, geetu leave it ! ", nikita said to me.

" NO , NEVER ! ", i exclaimed.

Now, i am here at anjali and nikita's home. After today's accident, I didn't find any courage to face swapnil and I know if i go there with this confusion on my face then J will find it without any another minute and she will dig it to the end of all this. I don't want to show her my stupidity.

" yeah, you will ", anjali said in the middle.

" what ? ", I asked her as she showed me her phone.

She is talking to her boyfriend as she is sitting on the dining table and I am sitting on the couch with nikita and sanyukta is in the kitchen making dinner for us.

" It was an accident geetu  ", nikita said to me with smile.

" NO !, I will never forget that ! ", I said.

" geetu stop your drama, It's too much to handle. ", sanyukta said to me while she came from the kitchen with pot.

" NO ! ", I said to her.

" yes actually It's too much to handle and we can't handle it. ", anjali said in the middle.

" Niki ", I cried because of her words.

" ANJALI ", she raised her.

" Can't you understand that I am talking with my boyfriend. ", she said to us.

" then keep your voice low. ", nikita said to her. She nodded her head in yes.

" but why did you said his name. ", nikita asked me.

" I just got confused because of them. ", I said to her.

" Okay !, and why did you did that sanyukta. ", she asked to sanyukta.

" why ? ", anjali said on her phone but her word is perfect to our conversation.

" we was just playing that game. ", sanyukta said.

" that was not an game, they planned it all that. ", I complained to nikita.

" really san ? ", she said to sanyukta.

" Nope ! , actually that was really an accident because we didn't planned it all but when he reacted like that then we can't stop ourself and we played it. ", san explained her plan to us.

" OHHHHHH ! ", niki said to her.

" you know his face- ", sanyukta started to tell her in excitement but ringbell stopped her.

" I will take it ! ", sanyukta said to us and went to open the door.

" I am not going office tomorrow. ", i said to nikita.

" We will see that and don't behave like child. We will solve this problem." ,niki said to me. I huffed.

" yeah, you are not child ", anjali said on her phone.

" this time she is right you know ! ", niki said to me. I nodded to her.

" Hey ! ", dhaku said to us as she came in living room by moving san aside.

' what the hell is she doing here ? ', I said to myself.

" HI...... ", santoshi said as she came in living room.

' she too ? ', I said to myself.

" hi guys ! ", niki said and hugged them one by one.

" geetu... ", dhaku chirped but i ignored her.

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