mommy's rules

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I remember that my parents were not prepared to send me to Mumbai but when I told them that I really want to do job and that I will stay with my college friends. When my parents was get ready, Prasad was not ready, but when the father explained to him, he was very upset with my decision but he also get ready after some days. They were all ready to send me, but they all applied some rules on me.

Let's go to the flashback.

"  I really want to go dad ! ", I requested my dad.

"  NO !", he said on the next minute of my sentence.

" but I really want to go na, I got an job there and also they are giving a perfect amount as salary. " , I explained to him.

"  how are you going to take care of yourself. ", prasad said.

" I am not kid anymore ! ", I protested.

" we can see that ! ", prasad said while taking look of me from top to bottom.

"  except my clothes.", I said as i got to know that i was wearing barbie shorts and t-shirts.

" you are not going there and that's final ! ", prasad stated and started to leave the room as i started to make my fake tears in my eyes because that's my last chance to make it.

"  dad... ", I cried.

" you can do job here in our company. ", prasad said.

' NO !, NEVER ! ' , I yelled at my inner self.

" but i already got my job there. ", I said.

" I will allow you but you have to follow some rules of us. ", my mom said while giving me assuring smile.

"  OK then.", I said.

" I am first. ", my dad said as they sit down on the couch so did I.

" yeah go ahead ! ", I said.

' I got a feeling that i am giving an interview to them. am i ready for it ?, It's okay it's just a simple rules for you and nothing else. ', I said to my inner self

" 1. You have to call me two times in a one day.

 2. you are not going outside after 11 pm.

3. you are staying away from water because you has hydrophobia.

4. and last If you need anything means anything you are going to call me. ", he said after giving me long list of rules.

" And now me ", Prasad said while raising his hand like child.

" yeah, yeah ! ", I said.

" 1. If you are thinking that you are free then you are wrong, you will always be under my protection.

' yeah yeah !, that means you are not going to leave me until my death. ' , i said to my inner self.

   2. If any boy turned out bad, then you will inform me about that and that's final !. Also stay away from boys, I don't like them as near you.

'  That means he will never allow me to make boyfriend. ', I said to myself with sadness.

   3. If you leave that job on any condition then i will drag you here and there will be no change in this rule. " , he announced his rules like a boss.

"  So, now mommy's rules. ", my mommy said.

"  You never has boyfriend before so my rules is about boys that you are going to have in your future as your boyfriend. ", she said.

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