Spending time with J

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In the bedroom:

Geetu's p.o.v.:

"You know JD is coming back from his post." J said to me.

"That's good na." I said while munching chips.

Currently we are in the park, sitting on a bench. And talking about some other things. As i promised j that I would spend my time with her as I could and that's what I am doing.

"Yeah, I know." she said to me but her face telling me something different.

'What's going on girl ?', I thought to myself.

"What are you planning to do ?" I asked as I couldn't stop myself after thinking.

"Nothing....!" she said clearly ignoring the fact that she is trying to hide something.

"Tell me na !!!" I asked as there is no that she could hide something from me.

"Why don't you believe that there is nothing to say. " she said.

"Okay then I can clearly see that you got someone else beside me and that's why you are behaving like this to me." I said while trying to put little drama in front of her.

"No, there is no one beside you.", J said.

"then tell me what you wants to say. ", I said.

"There is really nothing to say.", She said it again.

"Okay fine, I am going. You stay here and try to find some words to say.", I said as i got up from my seat and started to walk towards the exit.

"Okay wait !" she stopped me in between with her words.

"then say it.", I said.

"I want to propose him.", she said.

"who ?", I asked.

"Your boyfriend !!", she said with face saying don't you know whom ?

"I am not having boyfriend for your general knowledge.", I said.

"Stupid, I want to propose jd.", she said as I sat down beside her again.

"But he is already your boyfriend.", I said.

"I want to propose him to be my husband.", She said.

"that's great news though", I said but she made face like saying i know you are understanding.

"Okay, I will help you. Tell me how should i help you.", I said as she got excited with my words and said,

"first we need to know about his every day's schedule and then we need to do some arrangements and mainly we need to do this privately. I want to surprise him. ", she said.

"Okay, then i am in. ", I said as she nodded her head.

"I will take naik with me and you will take swapnil with you.", she said.

"for what ?", I asked.

"Stupid, first you and me will tell them both at the same about my plan and then we will decide a plan about how to propose him.", she said.

"You know what ?", i said as she made her chin up pointing ' what ? '

"You already have planned everything and now you want us to follow your orders around", I said.

"You are right babe !, you always got this points.", she said.

"I know.", I said as i checked my surroundings  till i spotted ice cream truck.

"I will help you in everything if you brought me large ice cream cone.", I asked her as she followed my eye sight and spot ice cream. She face palmed her and nodded.

"Okay, then let's go !", I said.

"But first promised me that you will help me into this.", she said.

"Yeah, yeah  i will but first i need ice cream.", I announced as i got up from the seat and started to walk towards the ice cream truck, she followed me too.

As soon as we reached to ice cream truck, i ordered one large chocolate ice cream cone and one butterscotch ice cream cone, she gave me both ice cream and j gave her money.  I handed butterscotch to j and i started to eat my ice cream.

"Let's go ! it's 7:00 pm, they must be waiting for us. ", she said as i nodded my head to her.

We came out from the park and started to walk on the foot path, not wanted to cross the road, too lazy to do that.

"tell me, how long you have been planning into this ?", I asked her knowing that she is planning this from long time.

"from last 3 years.", she said as i got shocked to myself.

" j, you have been planning on this from years. ", I asked her with the shock was written all over my face.

"yes, my love. ", she said.

"why ?", I asked her again.

"because i want everything perfect.", she said.

"but that doesn't explain why you are planning for this from long.", I said.

"see, jd is so picky and his choice always changes as like his mood swings, that's why i am planning for this from long.", she explained to me.

"you know, he is not picky, you are the one who is picky in every things, like today's breakfast.", I said.

Today, when Tejas made pancakes for us, he added maple syrup on the top of pancakes, while j loves honey on pancakes and she denied it and told tejas to make another for her.

"That's my habit geetu.", she said.

"That's your habit, people calls it picky. ", I said.

"Oh really well i don't care about them though.", she said as we continued our walk to our home.

"So, what's the first stage of your plan ?", I asked her.

"Well tomorrow, you will go with swapnil and I will go with naik. We will explain them about my plan and then i will tell you later all other things.", she ordered me. I only nodded my head to her knowing that she is not going to listen to me in any way.

"well, i am taking naik with me to gaming zone, they are displaying all the games there and letting people to play with him.", She said.

"Where should i take swapy then ?", I asked her.

"You think about it.", she said.

"I know you told me your plan today that means you also have planned this too.", I told her as she smiled knowing i have hit her point.

"Okay so there is a food festival about fast food near kk mall, you should take him there. I know you both like food.", She said. We both are foodies.

"Okay.", I said.

We both reached home as we welcomed with the food made by both of the guys. Well, we are both so lucky that both boys knows how to cook very well. And they always made us food whenever we came home late like today.

I know, I am updating after so much time. Vote and comment !

                                                                                        - love_geetu ^_^

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