you need boyfriend

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chapter ' you need boyfriend ' with 1053 words.

------------------------------- love geetu.

Next day after couple day,

On the job :

" Quit the job ! ", dhaku exclaimed.

After spending the morning with swapy, I felt that my remaining day would be fine but nothing happened like that. Today at the office, I had to went for meeting with vishal. All the meeting time I had to spend with him and he didn't leave a chance to come near me.

So, santoshi, dhaku and I decide to grab the coffee from cafeteria after meeting tension and now we are thinking what to do with that vishal. Because he is not leaving any chance to come closer to me.

" good one !, geetu do that ", santoshi said.

" what ? ", I questioned.

" See !, If you quit the job then vishal will never try to cross your path and you will get free from this. ", dhaku explained me her vision.

" You are suggesting me to quit the job. Impossible ! ", I said.

" Quit the job then we will find another job for you. ", santoshi said.

" Never ! ,I came here with the excuse of this job. I told dad that I want to do this job and that's why prasad allowed me to come here. ", I explained them.

" It's just matter of some time. quit the job today and we will start to find another on the next day. ", dhaku said

" Never ! prasad will find this within the minute. ", I said as they both hummed in the ' yes '.

" listen !, we have to find the solution of vishal.  we didn't want to create another problem for me. ", I said after some time as again they hummed with me.

" you need boyfriend for yourself. Who will take care of him for you. ", satoshi said after some minutes.

" huh. ", I said to her because i am not getting her words.

" she said ' you need boyfriend ' ", dhaku repeated her words.

" Okay, then what kind of qualities does need for boyfriend. ", I questioned to her.

" He has to be caring, loving, handsome, intelligent, active for every task, gentleman, some sort of funny, loyal, respect, attentive, and many more. But one important quality is he has to know how to take care of his girl. ", she explained.

" It is impossible to find all these qualities in one boy. ", dhaku said while giving glare at her.

" yeah actually. ", I said.

" you know what !, if you had boyfriend then vishal never come up in your life. ", dhaku said as i glared at her. She is taking my side or santoshi's.

" Yeah !, let's go find someone who will fit as the position of your boyfriend. ", santoshi said.

" Seriously ! ", I said in disbelieving tone.

" then, we can find the fake one. Who will be your boyfriend for months or weeks. ", dhaku said.

" Never babe. I will bear vishal more than having a fake boyfriend. ", I said.

" but geetu, It's an matter of some months and weeks. ", dhaku again said as santoshi shook her head to ' yes '.

" look, I will find the fake boyfriend but we will never guess his real intention behind that, what will happen if he started to take chance of this lies or what will happen if he started believe that he is my real boyfriend by himself. ", I explained them.

" yeah, that's true ! ", dhaku said.

" We can't ignore this dhaku. ", I said to her.

" Yeah ! ", she whispered in understanding.

" then ", santoshi said.

 I pouted at her words and started to sipping my coffee as they also started to think again. I think there is an only one option to go back at my home and never come back here.

" Idea !, I know it will work ", santoshi exclaimed while making us more confused.

" tell us your idea then we will decide that it's going to work or not. ", dhaku said while challenging her.

" we can register your name in matrimonial site and you tell him that you are searching another boy for marriage and not interested in him. ", santoshi said.

" yeah !, you can go for it ", dhaku said.

" Seriously guys ! ", I said.

" Look, now you are 27 years old and I feel that this is the right age for the wedding. Then what is the problem to think about. ", dhaku explained to me.

" Yes, and then my mom will take it seriously and if my mom started to think about my marriage and then your mothers will also started to find a perfect guy for you too ! ", I said.

" this can be happen with us. ", dhaku said as santoshi nodded in ' yes '.

" Thank god ! ", I whispered to myself that they understand my point.

" But we have to get married at one point na. ", santoshi said to me.

" We don't, you are the one who wants to get married at this age. ", dhaku said.

" we are 27. ", santoshi said.

" It's not an age for marriage. ", dhaku said.

" but- ", I cut santoshi sentence in between and said " enough guys !, you want to pull me out from one problem or want to push me into another one. "

" Friends are meant to be for this. ", dhaku said with smirk.

" Okay then, I am heading to my home. ", I said as i got up from my seat.

" what about office hours. ", santoshi said.

" No, not today !, give excuse to sanyukta that i am not feeling well. ", I said.

" Okay then, call me after reaching home. ", dhaku said.

" I will. ", I said.

I am heading to my sweet home, because today's day is just an bad day for me. It's not that bad swapy met me after this long time.


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