Part 17 - Finding Shelter

Start from the beginning

"Wait, how would you know that?!" Echo demanded to know.

"Pick up a book once in a while, and you'd know too," Eclipse argued.

"So there really are people outside of Lucea? And they don't know about magic??" Luna asked.

"Dad says they have superstitions about it. There are loads of people outside of Lucea, but they don't have any proof of magic as we do. Dad says we have to keep it a secret, or magic might be taken away from us for good," Atomu explained.

"What do you mean, taken away?" Yurio asked.

"There are theories that the angels watch over us to make sure magic never gets out of hand. If magic were exposed outside of Lucea, they'd come down and destroy the magic once and for all!!!!" Atomu dramatically explained.

"Oh no..." Luna frowned.

"That's just a theory humans came up with to scare themselves," Echo rolled her eyes.

"So are angels real?" Luna asked.

"Course they are! If demons are real, why wouldn't angels be?" Atomu asked.

"If demons are real, why can't werewolves, mermaids and fairies be real too?" Yurio argued.

"Hey, mermaids are real! I've seen one by the boat!" Atomu claimed.

"You sure it wasn't just your reflection?" Eclipsed joked.

"No way! You really don't believe me?!" Atomu yelped.

"You have been known to exaggerate," Yurio muttered.

"I believe you, Atomu!" Luna happily agreed.

"Please. We've heard the things you believe, Luna," Eclipse commented.

"HAH!" Galaxy let out from the table behind them.

"AY! That's enough from you," Echo pulled out her sword and daggered it at Eclipse.

"Humans, Echo," Eclipse reminded her of the humans present around them, not so much as flinching from the swords point.

"Tst!" Echo grunted, quickly putting the sword back in her bag.

"So Echo, you've been making swords and stuff your whole life?? That's so frickin' cool!!!" Atomu fanboyed.

"I still have a lot to learn... but yes. As Luna said, I did some metalwork in Cold Stone. That's how I earned the money you're currently eating," Echo explained to Atomu, who was scoffing down food.

"Also, thanks to... Yurika's savings," Luna hesitated to say her name, unsure of what reaction it would cause.

"Glad to see her hard work is being put to.... good..... use," Yurio grumbled, watching Atomu chuck food around.

"So you make your own weapons? Very impressive," Eclipse commented.

Echo tried to hide the blush from her compliment.

"I do make my own weapons too, yes, but it's hard to come across decent material for them....... well, until now," she explained, grinning deviously at the end as she held her bags close to her chest.

"Didn't ya buy that sword, though? So much for making your own weapons!" Aki pointed out from the table behind them, poking his head up over the dividers.

"Silent, peasant!!!" Echo demanded.

"There's a reason you're not sitting with us," Eclipse commented, glancing at Aki and Galaxy from the corner of her eye.

"Yeah, that," Aki directed her attention to the mumbling Echo.

"It's so shiny....." she whispered, stroking the bag.

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