Part 78 - Precious Garden

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Yurio stood, concentrating as hard as he could. He had to release some magic! Just a little... He had to!

"Mmm..." Yurio struggled to release anything.

Then suddenly....!!!

"... AGH!!!" he screamed out as a vicious kick slammed into his head, making him smack into the freezer door!!!!

Blood gushed out as his body hit the ground.

"Hm....?" Kata stood back, prepared to attack again.

Yurio's vision went completely blank! Then... slowly, he saw shapes. Then blurs... legs walking towards him?

"Whoops. Did I kill it???" Kata muttered, leaning her head closer to see Yurio's bleeding face.


"Hey! Human!! Hummmaaaan! Are you dead???" She asked.

Yurio could see a spinning blur of her figure.

"Ah, crap. I killed my research!!!" Kata cried out.

Yurio's vision finally restored just about, to see a rough figure of Kata.

His eyes widened to recall their fight in the underworld!!!

He remembered Kata using him as a shield from Luna's water attack. Kata slamming him into the rocky walls, smashing through the ice! Her claws digging into his arm, shedding blood! Her attacks on Luna! The way she threw her body around, hurting her!!! Luna's cries and screams as she begged for her to stop!!

He suddenly forced his body up in an instant and sprinted towards Kata!!

"Hm?" Kata instantly glimpsed behind her and grabbed the fist that was raging her way!!!

"Heyyy, so I didn't kill ya!! Well, that's a relief!" Kata smiled.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?!!!!" Yurio raged, tensing desperately to try and move his fist forward.

"Experimenting," Kata answered as she let go of his fist, letting him stumble forward as she moved aside.

"GET THE HELL OUT OF MY VILLAGE!!! WHAT DO YOU WANT WITH ME?!!" He yelled out, immediately charging at Kata.

Kata dodged his punch as Yurio went in for a kick, which she dodged again. He hit again and again as if all his energy had been restored.

Huh. So he really can't use magic? And he's super angry too! What a success!

"You're a feisty one, human. But you're arrogance makes you weak," Kata taunted, grabbing his fist then kicking into his stomach!!

As he went to fall back, blood gushing out his mouth, Kata swung him over her back, launching him headfirst into the snow.

"Why you mad, bro?" She smirked.

Yurio coughed up blood as he held his stomach.

"Hm?" Kata glimpsed behind her to observe the freezer room.

"...." she paused.

"Hey, human... is... is this your home?" She asked with a somewhat... pitiful... tone.

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