Part 52.5 - Can we focus?!

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"Well, to be blunt about it, you seem somewhat irresistible, Luna," Yukine pointed out.


Time seemed to freeze as Luna's eyes widened in disbelief, and Yurio's jaw dropped, his face mirroring a mix of shock and embarrassment. A rush of emotions flooded Luna, causing her face to instantly turn scarlet, a blend of surprise and embarrassment washing over her.

"H-HUH??!!!" Luna squealed, freezing in shock as steam fizz from her.

"Hey, don't talk about Luna like that! That's way outta line! Have you no shame?!!" Yurio yelled, his voice oddly high and stuttery as he struggled to contain his own embarrassment.

"Not particularly," Yukine replied, his tone blank and seemingly unaffected by their reactions, as if he was genuinely puzzled by their surprise.

"Come on, guys; there's no need to argue about this!" Luna interrupted from in between them, still flustered.

"I'm protecting your pride!" Yurio told her, throwing his hand out in a gesture of emphasis.

"I was simply pointing out that Luna seems to lack experience with deeper feelings such as love. She's too kind, caring and trusting. It seems she doesn't realise the impact of being so open to others. I wish to ensure that kindness is not taken advantage of," Yukine explained, voice softening as he met Luna's gaze with sincerity.

Luna's blush grew as she stood lost for words by Yukine's explanation. But Yurio soon broke the tension...

"What?! Are you kidding me with this?! Luna's just a good person, alright?! It's not her fault if others get the wrong idea!" he yelled, anger continuing to boil over.

"Guys!" Luna nervously attempted to interject, her hands hesitantly hiring to try and get their attention.

"So you're admitting it? Luna does move you," Yukine wondered, raising an eyebrow, a flicker of curiosity in his eyes as he observed Yurio's reaction.

"N-NO!! It's not like that!!" Yurio's voice cracked, his panic and frustration intertwining in a jumble of emotions. He stepped back, his face revealing a mix of disbelief and defiance.

"Oh, really? I find that hard to believe..." Yukine muttered, his voice laced with scepticism, his eyes narrowing as he analyzed Yurio's every move.

"Shut up! What gives you the right to make assumptions like that?!" Yurio yelled in frustration and embarrassment, fists clenched as his body jolted forward in anger.

"What gives you the right to deny it? I thought you wanted to protect her. But as far as I'm concerned, you've done nothing to really protect her since we've met. Maybe that's why you're fighting to get stronger... do you feel helpless?" Yukine asked, trying to understand him better.

"Ah! HELPLESS?!! Oh, you'd just love that, wouldn't you?! You like feeling all superior just cause you saved Luna when I couldn't?! What gives you the right to act like you even know her more than me when you've only just met her! Do you like her or something?!-" Yurio's voice rose, his words fueled by a surge of resentment and vulnerability.

"You wouldn't understand how I feel! A human could never comprehend it..." Yukine interrupted, his voice cutting through the air like a sharp blade, his tone tinged with a mix of bitterness and resignation.

"What, so all humans are just inferior to you?!" Yurio argued.

"If you're suggesting you, then yes, that's exactly what I mean!" Yukine fought, their gaze locked in fury.

"That's how you speak to the people that took you in?! The hell is your problem?!" Yurio yelled.

"Too many to count," Yukine told him plainly, his words devoid of any trace of sympathy.

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