Part 25 - New Member

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While Aki was dealing with Hiro... Luna, Leo, and Echo found their own problem.

"Another one?!" Luna squealed, seeing another dragon in front of them.

Leo clung to her, his body trembling with fear.

Echo's breaths were laboured as she tried to steady herself. 

"An earth dragon...?" Echo panted as the dragon adjusted into an attack stance.

"I can do this...!" she claimed, gripping her sword tightly, ready to face the beast.

Luna's voice cut through the tension like a knife.

"Echo, no!! You're already burning up!! You shouldn't use any more magic!! You'll get hurt!!" she detested, placing her hand on Echo's shoulder.

"WE DON'T HAVE A CHOICE!!" Echo called as the dragon charged at them!!!

She tried to unleash her ice magic to freeze the dragon, but all that came out were steams. Her body was too hot to unleash the icy powers. 

"Ah!!" her panic set in as the dragon charged towards them, inches away

But suddenly, water crashed into the dragon, forcing it back, although not much. Echo gasped as she saw Luna and Leo countering the dragon's strength.

"We can counter it together!" Luna claimed, water magic still firing out at the dragon.

"Mm," Leo nodded with a trembling body, gathering all the remaining magic he could!

"...! No...! Stop, you two! You'll only grow weaker! It's too strong! The safest bet is to run while I distract it!!" Echo yelled.

"I'm not doing that, Echo!! We need to escape together!!" Luna yelled in defiance.

But the dragon pushed forward! Echo knew they were in trouble. 

Suddenly, the dragon let out a monstrous roar, breaking through the ground beneath them and reshaping it to crash towards them.

Echo raced in to attack, sword burning with power. She clashed the metal blade into the dragon's rocky skin, activating her full power. 

The sword snapped...!!!

"...!" Echo's eyes widened in a state of shock.

As the attack launched towards Luna, she quickly used her magic to manipulate two trees to form a shield. Leo clung to her desperately as Luna felt the trees blast apart, leaves rushing around her.

She shivered with fear as she opened her eyes, spotting Echo on the ground, staring up at the frozen dragon. 

"Ugh!" Luna's gasp echoed through the air as she realized the ice trailed back to a figure behind the dragon. 

His hand was on the ground, leading to the trail of ice stacks consuming the beast.

"YURI!!!" Leo suddenly called as tears filled his eyes.

He shot at Yurio and dived into a tight hug.

Echo panted in relief.

"Thank goodness..." she sighed, her body still shaking from the ordeal.

"Is everything ok??" Kyou asked with worry, appearing from the trees with Haru, along with Atomu.

"Yeah... we're ok now," she returned.

"Leo! Thank god you're alright! Atomu told me you guys were kidnapped?!!" Yurio questioned.

"Yaaayyy! Go me!" Atomu cheered.

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