Part 55.5 - Vulnerability

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A few days had gone by since Chiyo's passing, and Echo found herself sitting alone in her room, surrounded by the darkness of the evening. The warm glow of a lamp cast a soft light, creating a comforting ambience. She was seated at her desk, engrossed in writing a letter with no address.

'It's me again. Thought I'd give you an update on things... The last few days really have been something else. Luna finally found her memories... now she knows the truth of Akira and the betrayal he played in her life. But somehow... astonishingly, she still wants to save him. To save the underworld. I've been so scared of her finding out all these years. I was scared that when she realised the truth, it would break her spirit. She's always been so kind... so determined. She's a lot like you that way...

I'm not sure how to feel about things anymore... I thought I'd be happy Luna still had such motivation... but somehow, now she's stepped into reality, I feel more uneasy than ever. Everything suddenly became so real... Maybe a part of me hoped her spirit would break. I don't want to be like Akira, telling her to just be safe. But... saving the world? We already tried that a long time ago, right, Midnight?'

Echo paused, her eyes resting on the page as she sighed, feeling a mix of emotions. Uncertainty and vulnerability crept over her as she continued to pour her thoughts onto the paper.

'Do you remember that night? When it all burned down? There was someone who came to save me. I think... I saw him recently. It's been making me think a lot about my past. About you...'

Silence overwhelmed the room as Echo's expression weakened, sadness dwelling over her. Her gaze fixed on the words she had written as a heaviness settled within her. She signed off the letter with...

'I miss you'

After taking a few moments to gaze at the letter, she slowly put the pen down on the desk. She gently picked up the page. Gradually, her hand became hotter as she concentrated her magic. Within a few seconds, the paper caught ablaze, curling in on itself and wilting to ash in her hands.

In her moment of solitude, a sudden knock interrupted her thoughts.

"Uh!" she turned in surprise before quickly sweeping away the ashes on her desk and into the bin under it.

She gathered her composure, wiping her eyes and shaking her head. She walked to the door and opened it slightly.

"Mistress," Kyou's voice came from the other side as his red hair came into sight.

"What do you want?" she asked with disinterest, not appreciating the company at this time.

"To check you're alright. After the young lady passed away, it must be difficult to go through. I know how hard loss can be... so if you need to talk-" Kyou began to say, his voice filled with genuine concern.

"I didn't even know her," Echo tried to diffuse his worry.

"That doesn't disvalue the loss... Can I at least come in?" Kyou asked, wanting to comfort her.

Echo hesitated, feeling a little too vulnerable for company. She also wasn't used to others being in her room...

And yet, after a moment's pause, she muttered...


She diverted her gaze as she slowly opened her door for him to walk through.

A warm smile crossed Kyou's face as he stepped into the room. He took a moment to look around, his eyes filled with awe and surprise at the sight of Echo's room. Her desk, windowsill and shelves were covered with healthy plants, some with vines of leaves hanging down esthetically, while others sprouted high and large, taking up a lot of window space. Others had beautiful flowers growing, adding a splash of colour to the greenery.

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