Part 21.5 - Echo vz Kazuko

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Kazuko launched at Echo! Echo swung her sword with lightning speed, sending outbursts of sunlight at Kazuko. He was good, but he was also arrogant, which made him underestimate Echo's abilities.

Echo's sword collided with Kazuko's, and the impact sent a shockwave through the cave. Echo's body temperature was rising, and she could feel herself getting weaker, but she refused to back down. She had to protect her friends, no matter what.

"Not bad for a human," Echo commented as they bashed blades.

Kazuko's sword aimed at Echo's chest. She sidestepped and swung her sword, which he deftly dodged.

"Why, thank you! But I'm afraid your compliments mean nothing. I don't take admiration from anything a demon has to say," Kazuko returned coldly, matching Echo's incredible footwork.

"Well, what a shame. Because I could really fall for you..." Echo tested, advancing her position as she slashed her sword against his.

"Uh... really???" he blushed.

"Wow, you're dumb," Echo sighed, instantly drawing back her sword for an attack.

But as she threw her arm back, a swift motion threw the sword from Echo's hand.

Kazuko had made a move in that small space of time?! Her eyes widened as she followed the sword leaving her hands.

How... can a human possibly have the skills to catch her off guard like that?!

"Not as dumb as you may think," he grinned, digging his sword into her side.

She heard the clinking of her sword reaching the ground.

"Aghh!" Echo screeched as she felt her blood being sucked from her with the blade!!!

"I should probably mention... My mother ran the military. So, I basically got to train with weaponry since the day I was born. She wanted me to be a great leader someday..." Kazu-

"I DON'T CARE!!!" Echo interrupted in pain.

"Hm. No need to shout," he muttered.

"Oh, right. You're probably cranky since you're in so much pain right now!" he chuckled.

"Clever little weapon this~ I'm sure you've noticed... once inserted, it sucks the blood - and magic - of its victim. Effectively, it steals strength until there's nothing left. So tell me... how's your fighting spirit now? Can you even stand? Can you even tremble?" Kazuko taunted as Echo attempted to fight back but found her body was physically unable.

The magic was being drained vastly. She was already getting tired from fighting. But her magic gives her the strength to keep going! ... strength that she was losing drastically.

"You're pathetic...!" Echo released as much sun magic into the blade as she could, heat burning Kazuko's blade.

"Aaah...!" Echo grunted, feeling the heat of the metal on her hand.

But she refused to move it! She had to keep going until he budged.

Kazuko's breaths grew deeper as sweat melted down his body from her sun magic. His hands began to burn...!

"What's wrong? Your fighting spirit's not looking too good, either. Is the heat of the fight getting to you?" Echo smirked.

"Your magic's strong; I'll give you that...! But aren't you being affected too?!" Kazuko panted, hands trembling as they sizzled.

"Hah... don't....!! UNDERESTIMATE ME!!!" she yelled out, her entire body shaking as an outburst of heat unleashed from her body!!

"Aghh!!" he caved, dropping the weapon and backing away quickly.

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