Part 30 - Remember Me?

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"You came here to prove me wrong, but I guess revealing this much wasn't part of the plan. Luna shouldn't continue to be deceived! Don't you agree?" Eclipse lectured Echo.

"Of course I do, but-"

"Look, Echo, I get you wanna make sure Eclipse isn't deceiving us, but isn't Akira's deception just as bad? At least if Luna finds out about her past, she'll know the real reasons behind why we fight. I know I don't want to keep it a secret for much longer. You've figured out my secret... right, Echo? Either that or Galaxy told you. If Luna finds out everything, I can tell her my secret too..." Aki went on.

"But this isn't how she's supposed to find out!! Akira isn't stable in this timeline; he's too dangerous to go near Luna! His words will hurt enough; I won't let his magic deepen the wound!" Echo declared, running off to find Luna and Akira.

Eclipse sighed.

"What a mess..." Aki grumbled.


Luna's feet pounded against the dirt path as she raced through the forest, her heart thumping. She had to find Akira. She had to know the truth!!

Finally, she caught up with him, and her heart skipped a beat as soon as she saw him.

"Akira!" Luna yelled, her voice breathless from running.

He looked exactly the same as when they first met... I guess demons really don't age much. He always looked like a young boy. Yet, at this moment... he was dressed like a grown adult, like royalty or something. But this was undoubtedly the past... because he didn't have the metal cuffs around his wrists...

"Luna... is that really you? How have you... grown...?" Akira's voice was laced with fear.

"Echo and I used a spell to get here for answers! I'm not the Luna you know... Please, I know it doesn't make much sense, but please just talk to me!" Luna begged, desperate not to scare him away.

"I don't... understand," Akira mumbled, looking around him in confusion.

"I don't either! I'm so lost! So much has happened that just doesn't make sense! I need to understand! Please, help me!" Luna begged, stepping closer to Akira.

"Uh... hey, don't get too close. We've been over this-" Akira told her, stepping back further with his hand shakily extending. But Luna grabbed hold of his wrist!

"I know we have... but I'm far stronger than you think! Look at me! I'm still standing, aren't I?! I know you think you're dangerous, but that's just not true! Not to me!!" Luna urged him to believe.

"Hm... I know full well you don't think I'm dangerous. You never did..." he smiled, his voice softening.

Akira's smile was shy and gentle, just like Luna remembered it. Luna paused at the confirmation they had met before she woke up on that island... but then... that means it's possible that...

Luna recalled Eclipse's claim...

"Explain what? That Akira's the one who took her memories?!"

"You... know me. So, then you... you really lied to me for all those years...?" Luna stuttered with a frightened tone, more upset that she thought she would be.

She already knew he had lied. But hearing him confirm it... it hurt so much.

"What are you talking about?" Akira asked in confusion.

"... We haven't met yet...! So why...! Why do you know me? Was she right...? Was it you who took my memories away? Why??? Why would you ever do that?! For what reason?! For what possible gain?!" Luna asked desperately, tears oozing out.

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