88 - Unexpected Help

Start from the beginning

-"I promise..."

Their show of affection, however, was cut short when more creatures started attacking them. Lloyd pulled Akita behind him and used his elemental powers, nevertheless, there were too many of them. They need back up, but all the others were very much in the same situation.

Akita helped Lloyd, defending both of them with a shield, but that was costing all her strength, she started to weaken again, causing Lloyd to be concerned about her wellbeing. They were moving towards the centre of the void, but too slow. Sooner than he would expect, Akita slowly dropped on the floor.

-"Red... Red.." he called for her, defending and attacking anything coming on his way.

-"I can't move anymore..." - She said.

Before he went on his knees to pick her up, he blasted a few more creatures to gain time, Akita, however, made a decision to ask for help from the one she knew Lloyd wouldn't accept. She moved her hand over the bracelet making the colour of the stone to change, just before losing consciousness.

From nowhere a portal opened and a giant dark grey wolf with red marks jumped out of it, grabbing Akita and running fast away from the creatures and closer to the centre of the void.

Lloyd wasn't sure what to think about that, but he wouldn't let that, whatever it was, take his girl away from him. He ran after the dark wolf.

-"Who are you?" he asked already to attacked her

-"The evil twin." she replied, shape shifting and making sure Akita was ok.

-"Stay away from her!" - Lloyd said, angry.

Morrigan just ignored him, running towards him in full attack mode, but as she was near enough for a confront, she used her powers and dropped a few creatures that were about to get him.

-"You are welcome" - she spatted at him attacking a few more creatures.

As creatures kept coming after them, Lloyd joined forces with her.

-"who has asked for your help?" - he asked un-politely.

-"She did! I should know you are useless to protect my sister."

-"Go back to where you have come from Morrigan. You are not needed."

-"Yet, I am dropping far more creatures than you, Dragon Warrior."

Back to back they carried on offending each other and fighting warrior creatures in perfect synchrony, as if they have done that before.

-"Would never occured to you, Dragon Warrior, why would Amatesaru have a twin? Why would she give half of her powers to another hybrid creature like me? Why would she train me and protect me the way she did?"

-"What are you trying to say, Morrigan? After all, you have done, do you really expect me to believe a word you are saying? "

Together they clear the area, making the way inside the centre of the void free to access. Morrigan dropped on the floor grabbing Akita in her arms. Whispering words on her ears.

-"Stay away from her Morrigan!"

-"Stop the nonsense talking, Dragon Warrior, let's get inside this thing, quick, she doesn't have much time, the eye of the void is consuming her."

-"You are not going inside Morrigan!" - He said coming towards Morrigan to take Akita out of her arms.

But as he did, Morrigan placed her arm in front of his hand and he grabbed her arm instead, causing a huge surge of power between the two of them, enough to make everything around them to shake.

-"What was that?" Lloyd asked, not believing his eyes.

-"Exactly what i was trying to tell you, i am part of her. Can't you see? I am her shield and she knew the time would come for me to be here to save us all."

Lloyd just stared at her, he noticed for the first time the marks on Morrigan's legs, identical to Akita's. He felt shocked by the idea of having yet a third one of them, why would Ama do that? did she know that would happen? As if she could hear his thoughts, she looked at him with a cynical laughing.

-"Don't worry, Dragon, once this is over you wouldn't have to deal with me:, ever again. So I hope!"

Morrigan turned her attention back to Akita. Who stood her hand to Lloyd, he realised she was frezen cold. He kneeled by her side and kissed her forehead.

-"We will be fine, Red" he repeated once again to her.

-"I know." - she whispered back to him.

Morrigan align her bracelet to Akita's and together they repeated:

"Blood made us sisters, life made us friends, love kept us bonded, and forever we shall shield one another, until the end."

I ship #lloykita #lokita loykita

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