10- Akita

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ALERT! Serious SPOILERS of Season 11 - Ep 15 & 16


I still remember the smell of spring when the bushes were full of berries and my brother and I would hide from the Elders to eat as much as we could before bring the rest to the cooking ladies to prepare berries pies and jams.

We have never met our parents, the elders find the two of us, the baby me and the toddler Kataru, in the middle of the forest nearby our village, the chief and his mate adopted us as their own children, and taught us in the ways of our people respecting every living creatures showing love and compassion towards every kind.

Despite of not exactly knowing where we come from, we never bored questioning if we belong, we were happy and content with what we had and we respect and love our people.

Those days are long gone, they are only a memory playing over and over again in my mind. I am alone and confused, sometimes angry and regretful. I wish my brother was here by my side, he had always being the one protecting me from my own doubts.

Lately, I keeping having this recurring dream, where he is still alive and we are together again, not just me and him, but also someone else, a boy with green eyes, I know him, and he knows me... and than I wake and I am back to my lonely life of desolation and surrounded by corrupted ice.

My name is Akita I am a formling and my land was once peaceful and pristine, but that changed a decade ago when the Ice Emperor imposed his will and corruption upon us and destroyed my people. Now there is no one left to defy him. But I believe, one day, someone will stand up against him. I believe heroes still exist.

Miles way...

(The Land Bounty bursts out of the portal and bounces around on the mountains until they come to a stop.)

Ninja: (Screams.) Ahhh!!

Nya: Whoa, whoa, whoa! (They land upside down.)

Lloyd: Everyone okay?

Cole: Unh. Great. Now I know how my socks feel in the dryer.

Kai: I think I swallowed my teeth. (The Ninja take off their seat belts and jump down. Jay lands on his back, bumping into Kai and knocking him over too.) Whoa!

Jay: Ow. I'm not liking this realm so far.

Kai: Me, unh, neither.

Nya: (Jumps up and presses the screen for the map.) We're off the map. Coordinates unknown.

Cole: Looks like we made it.

Lloyd: From what Master Wu said, getting here isn't the hard part. It's getting home. The Traveler's Tea? (Cole picks it off the floor.) Good. Whatever happens don't- (The Land Bounty suddenly tilts slightly.)

Jay: What was that? (Lloyd runs to the window to check, and finds they are on the edge of a cliff.)

Lloyd: Oh, no.

Jay: What? What is it? (He walks over to Lloyd.)

Lloyd: No! Don't! (The Land Bounty starts tilting over the edge.) Gah!

Nya: We have to get out of here! Now! (She runs off, passing by a screen and presses for the door. She jumps out, with the rest of the Ninja following.) Cole!

Kai: Hey! Grab my hand! Unh! (Pulls Cole up.) Come on! (They look down to see how far the Bounty fell.)

Jay: Ugh. Worst parking spot ever!

Cole: (Sighs, patting himself.) I thought for a sec. (Gasps.) Oh, no!

Jay: What?

Cole: The Traveler's Tea! (Checks himself again.) It's gone!

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