37 - Good-byes

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AN: Hello my lovelies!! Here we are end of the season!! This is a long chapter, embrace yourselves, you might need a tissue, I did.


Akita and I went back to the Temple of Time, Nya fixed me a camera so I could take some pictures from the Celestial Clock and the imprints on the walls.

Also, it could be my last opportunity to spend time alone with Akita, now that Sorla has what she needs to fix our way back home, I wouldn't have many chances to tell her what she means to me, only if I find the courage... I don't understand why I find so difficult, nearly impossible to open myself to her.

I look at those beautiful eyes of her, and all I want is to kiss her, to let her know how I feel... but I just can't find the right words... I mean, I am not bad with words, but, I terrible on letting my real feelings to show...

I thought the Temple would be the perfect place to tell her, but when we got there I felt something really strange as if something was calling for me from behind the locked door.

-"Akita, can you hear anything?" I asked her knowing her senses are far more sensitive than mine.
-"No, I can not. Why? What is bothering you, Lloyd?"
-"I feel as if something or someone is calling for me."
-"From inside?"

I approached the door, and place my hands on it, touching the door surface and moving slowing just like I did before, this time, however, there was definitely something different than last time, a vibration from the other side, and as if responding to my touch the celestial clock suddenly move, ever so little, enough to make Akita and I to jump.

-"I know... I saw it too."

-"It is almost as if someone is trying to tell us something."
-"Yes... That is what I thought too."

We just stay there staring at the clock for a long time, but nothing else happens, I sense the force calling me slowly fading away, and then it was gone.

-"It is gone now." I said to Akita.
-"Gone? How... where..? what exactly did you feel, Lloyd?"
-"I don't know... It felt like a strong heart beating, pulsing on the same rhythm of my own, I have felt that before, with my father, like a bloodline connection."
-"Your mother maybe, if she was born here, maybe she has some kind of connection with this place, you find her ring here, don't you?"
-"Maybe... Well, it didn't sound like my mother, if any sense... doesn't matter, it is gone now, anyway... I will take those photos and we can go back."

--The other side of the door --


I was concentrating on sending mother another 'SOS call', when I felt a strong presence in the Temple... My brother, Lloyd... he is here!! A few days ago I felt his presence, but I was not as strong, so I thought I was mistaken, but this time I am sure is him.

-"Lloyd, are you there?" I said on a frequency only a bloodline can receive.

I touch the door, and as if he was touching the other side I see my hand materialising by the bloodline connection we share, it made me strong enough to cause the chamber to vibrate and slight move the celestial clock on the other side of the door that separates us.

As if I had absorbed a surge of energy, it went really high and suddenly drop and I complete pass out, missing the chance to communicate with him somehow. When I recover my sense, he was already gone, I could no longer feel his presence, but I was even stronger than before.

It made me realise, that if he has been to the Temple of Time twice in only a few days, that can only mean he is in the Never Realm, and that is probably the reason I am stronger everyday. Maybe if he comeback once more I can even have strength enough to open the door. Lloyd, can you hear me? Please come back?

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