1 : The Unforeseen Accident

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Utkalgarh always had been a nature nourished well populated city and as usual it was getting ready for the new year holidays. And the weather already had started to get much cooler as it was the end of December. The Sun almost had reached the western sky and its rays felt pleasant as the cold afternoon breeze had started blowing.

The University Lane Bus Stop was filled with Utkalgarh University's postgraduate third semester students as they were going home for the new year holidays. The students were busy talking with their friends, they were talking about their exam papers as they had their last exam today, few were planning for their next get-together, few were talking about their holiday plans and the most concerned group was talking about their career choices.

There weren't many vehicles on the road, a bus honked loudly and all of the students looked back at the road, those who had to get the bus to go to the bus depot got prepared with their luggage and the others checked their watch. A sudden murmur got their attention and they looked over. A tall and very handsome young gentleman who was in a simple white shirt and a royal blue jeans with a small tabloid bag got down from the bus while being stared at by everyone present there. However that person did not looked like he was annoyed, he was amused. The gate keeper, without any success, was trying his best to get the attention of the waiting passengers.

They did not even buzz from their places until the mysterious man's firm, gentle yet dominating voice rang through their earlobes "Don't you guys need to get the bus?"

That was enough for everyone to move from their trances and mind their own business. But those who remained at the bus stop could not stop peeking at the young man, his simple full sleeve white shirt could not hide his creamy fair complexion. Though his neatly combed ear length jet black hair had become messy because of the wind, the almond shaped golden brown eyes on his semi-square face made him look more ethereal. At that moment he was the only centre of everyone's attention yet he did not looked bothered at all; he just kept standing at a corner.

Everyone had different kind thoughts on him and their murmur was enough loud to be heard by him yet he kept maintaining his ever calm demeanor. Only when a very daring girl thought of approaching him, he brought out a vibrating tab from the bag and attached it with a pair of earphones.

The person who had called him seemed to be very friendly with him as his face was apparently glowing while talking. The girl tried to listen to their conversation but she could be only hopeless.

Suddenly his facial expressions changed into a grim one as if he could not decide whether to be happy or not.

With the same grim voice, he asked the other person "should I be happy?"

Hearing the answer, a deep frown formed on his face "why does he want to meet me?"

Giving a mocking smile, he replied "that's not the case, there must be something going on in his mind."

As he listened to the other side, disbelief spread all over his face "wait! Right now?! Amrita, you know where I am and why I came here .......NO! ABSOLUTELY NOT! I won't meet anyone here! What! He is already on the way to here! And you must be the one who told him my whereabouts."

Frustrated, with an almost cold voice he replied "fine ! I'll handle it."

Hanging up the phone, he concentrated on the road but his expression said that whoever was coming to meet him, the meeting would not go well.

Few more minutes later another bus honked, the atmosphere became the same again and this time again another unearthly handsome man stole everyone's attention.
This young gentleman who wore a simple full sleeve black shirt and a black denim also was tall, equally mesmerising with his fair pale skin, nape length coal black hair and a pair of sharp light brown eyes. Though his immense cold attitude was giving a creepy vibe, which kept the others at a distance but that could not stop the stares at him.

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