
437 19 26

Jack POV
As soon as Kaylee left the apartment, Leigh quickly tried to chase after her but Daniel stopped her.

"Leigh don't-"

"SHUT UP SEAVEY!" She yelled.

I knew for a damn fact that was all going to be blown out of proportion as of right now.


"And I'm the one viewed as a cheater! I have that label now!"

"Don't fucking yell at her bro." Jonah said, crossing his arms.

"Thank you Jo." She said.

"That doesn't mean I'm defending you as a person, I'm defending you cause you're my sister." He then looked her dead in the eyes. "You still fucked up."

"Bro why say that to you're fucking sister?" Zach said with a confused but disgusted face.

"Oh shut up Herron, you are the one who ratted them out." I said without thinking.

"Hey Jack maybe you should stay out of this one, I don't think this will turn out so well." Corbyn said as he put a hand on my shoulder.

I turned around and sighed. "Yeah but by the way I'm so sorry for blaming you. I-"

"Hey dude, it's okay I forgive you but we can talk about this later." He said signaling the argument everyone else was in. "Speaking of, I'll go try to catch up with Kaylee." He said then bolted out of the room.

"Leigh you know how it feels to be cheated on, or do I need to remind you about that?" Jonah said.

As soon as those words left his mouth, I became furious with him.

"What the fuck Jonah! Out of all of us, you know not to go down that path."

"Look now you're actual boyfriend is standing up for you." He said then faced me. "How does it feel to know that you're little girlfriend kissed one of your best friends?"

"First of all, me and Leigh aren't fucking dating so get that through you're thick fucking skull."

"Second stop treating and acting like you're sister is a slut or some shit like that." Zach spoke up.

"Stay out of this Zach!" Daniel yelled. "See you can never keep your mouth fucking shut!"


"At least I don't fuck around with someone when I know how someone else feels about them!" Daniel said looking at me.

He brought up the fact that I knew he liked Leigh before liking Kaylee.

"You just couldn't understand the fact I was ONLY JUST FRIENDS WITH HER!" I yelled back.

"What the hell are you talking about!" Leigh questioned.

"Yeah, did Leigh try messing around with another guy? Maybe even Zach?" He said and she looked shocked. "Don't look surprised, its a slutty move I can now see you pulling." Jonah said.

All our mouths dropped open. We knew he didn't mean it but once Jonah is mad he continues to go off, even if he doesn't mean any of it. He just has such a short temper.

"You- you didn't mean that Jo." Leogh said shaking her head.

He chuckled, "Oh I definitely did. Could you not expect me to know that you didn't like Jack in the beginning of your friendship? Or how about you confessed your feelings about Daniel to Kaylee before they dated?"

Jonah was letting out all of her secrets.

I never even knew she liked me.

"Or all the times you flirt with Zach and just okay it off as joking around!"

"Jonah stop!" She yelled.

"She never did bro." Zach spoke up, trying to step between them.

"And now you had your tongue down Daniel throat knowing he is in a relationship for almost a year now!"

"Chill out dude." Daniel said.

"Stay out of this." He said pushing him back.

"Guys!" Corbyn yelled from the doorway, he hand wrapped around Kaylee arm.

She had tears dripping down her face but she quickly wiped them. She looked more mad then upset and I knew bringing her back wasn't going to make things end well.

"Fuck the both of you!" She yelled, pointing her finger and Leigh and Daniel.

"You know I would never do that-" Leigh spoke up but Kaylee cut her off by slapping her across the face.

"Don't you fucking dare lay a hand on my sister!" Jonah yelled coming between them but she didn't listen.

"Do you want me to kiss you're best friend Daniel!? DO YOU! Or how about your boyfriend Leigh!"

And with that, Kaylee walked up to me and grabbed me, kissing my lips. I was shocked and quickly pulled away.

"What the fuck!" Me and Leigh both said.

"I basically just kissed you're best friend and your boyfriend." She said.

"WE ARENT DATING!" Leigh yelled.

"Yeah and I'm not fucking Jonah."

"oh shit." Zach said.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Leigh asked as her voice calmed down, she was scared about her next answer.

"You saying you aren't a thing with Jack is such a big lie, that's like me lying and saying that I didn't sleep with your brother while you were off in London."


I saw Daniel shocked but relieved, that all happened before them two were a thing.

"Kaylee quit lying." Jonah said.

"Is she?" Leigh ask him. "Tell me she is lying Jojo."

"I- We-" He then sighed and looked down at the floor.

"Fuck you!"

And with that she ran out of the building, grabbing her car keys that were on the counter. I went to chase after her but then I stopped and looked at Daniel.

"Go get her." I said.

And with that, Daniel ran out of the room following her.

I closed the door and spun around.

"Now you two better start fucking talking about this whole sleeping together thing or I swear to god you will be kicked out of this band Jonah."

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