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"What is it?" Jonah said walking over to Daniel.

Daniel looked at me then at Jack then back at his phone. He turned it off before Jonah was able to see it.

"What is going on?" Zach asked.

"Why did you have a panic attack?" Kaylee asked coming closer to me.

I was still in Jack arms, avoiding eye contact from everyone. He rubbed his hand up and down my arms.

"Someone just say something already." Jonah said annoyed. "We have to leave in..." he took his phone out, "20 minutes."

"Hold on twitter blowing up." He said unlocking his phone.

"Jonah I wouldn't." Daniel said trying to grab his phone but missed.

His eyes went wide and his mouth dropped open. I knew he just saw it.

"What th- how the fuc- Leigh!" Jonah said. He couldn't find the right words to say.

"It's not her fault Jonah." Jack said as he let go of me and walking up to Jonah.

"It's both of you! Do you know how much drama we already have and now this!"

"Stop yelling she already feels bad enough!" Jack slightly yelling.

"Do you know how long this is going to take to clear up!"

"That's not the point Jonah!"

"It kinda is." Daniel said speaking up.

I sat there watching the two boys arguing. Now I was wondering why Daniel wanted to get involved.

I saw Jack look at Daniel with a confused face.

"This doesn't involve you." Jack spat out to Daniel.

"It does and you know exactly why." He said stepping up.

"Okay well why did you kiss?" Jonah said, hands cross across his chest.

"She had a panic attack."

"Okay well that's not what the fans think. And you only had to do it once but you did it fucking twice!"

"I'm sor-"

"Whatever Jack. Wait did you just kiss her again? Is that why you told us to turn around?"

I didn't want to see this fight continue. Jonah doesn't argue about alot of things but when it comes to his family... don't mess with him.

"Yeah..." he said quietly.

"Oh my fucking god!" Jonah said running a hand threw his hair.

"Jona-" I started to say but he cut me off.

"I don't want to hear it. Just let me think."

"Jonah let it go, we will figure it out." Corbyn said.

He didn't say anything. Knowing him, he was biting his tongue so he wouldn't go off.

"I'm sorry." I spoke quietly.

"Shut up Leigh! You fucking messed everything up and now we have more drama to worry about. You are messing everything up! Do you know how many times I have to cover for you!? How many fans almost found put about your past and assuming you and Jack!" He yelled at me.

I flinched at the sound of his voice.

"Stop yelling at her!" Jack said.

"Stay out of this Jack!"

I looked around to see Daniel and Kaylee just staring at us. Zach and Corbyn were looking at the ground, trying to avoid everything.

I stood up and walked over to the wall, trying to get away from my own brother.

"Jonah stop yelling." I said feeling a tear drop from my eyes.

He bit the side of his cheek and his fist curled. I knew he was trying to control his self when he does that.

"I'm sorry I'm a fuck up." I said.

I ran to the door and down the hall. I heard someone chasing after me but I didn't look back. I ran to the end of the hall and opened the door to the stairs. I pushed it opened and starting running down the stairs. I would jump over steps so whoever was behind wouldn't catch me.

"Leigh stop!"

It was Zach.

I opened the door that led to the bottom floor and ran to the lobby. I made my way outside, then I felt a strong tug on my wrist.

I was forced to turn around and I came face to face with Zach.

"Let me go!"

"Why are you running?" He yelled back.

"You don't understand Zach! You were the one who followed me out here, not Jonah. He doesn't care so you shouldn't either."

I yanked my wrist from his grip and I kept running. I ran until my legs couldn't carry me anymore.

I knew I shouldn't of but it's what I do. Run away from my problems when I cant handle it.

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