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The boys just finished up the Orlando, Flordia show right now. Kaylee and I were sitting in the bus waiting for the boys to finish getting packed up in the venue.

"You ready for tonight?" I asked Kaylee.

We are going out to eat to celebrate Daniel 19th birthday, which is tomorrow. Kaylee seemed stressed out because she planned this whole thing out and it's a surprise dinner too.

"Just a little." She said as she tapped her foot.

"I still can't believe you even flew out his family. They are meeting us there at the place right?"

"Yeah but I-"

"Hey guys!" Jonah said as he walked on the bus, all sweaty.

"Hey boys, you guys were great out there."

"Thanks, the crowd went hard tonight." Daniel said as he got on the bus too.

"Let's hurry and get back to the hotel." Zach said.

"What's the rush?" Daniel asked as he sat next to Kaylee.

"Um I just wanna shower." He said with a nervous laugh following.

"And I was thinking we could go get a bite to eat, just the two of us." Kaylee said.

The plan is for Kaylee to stall while we get ready and go to the resturant where Daniel family is waiting. From there Kaylee will being home and we surprise him.

"Sounds great." He said, kissing her.

"Let's go." Jack said with a smile on his face.

When we finally arrived at the hotel, we split into three rooms. Kaylee and me, Jonah and Jack, then Zach, Corbyn, and Daniel. Jonah and Jack were the ones who planned on leaving first, knowing they weren't gonna see Daniel since they didn't room with him. I showered before Kaylee and got dressed, she planned to stall by taking awhile to do that. By time I was ready, Zach and Corbyn were out of the shower too. When I was walking out of the hotel room so were Zach and Corbyn.

"We're gonna go to Jack and Jonah room, bye Dani!!" Zach said as he closed the door.

"You're lucky zach was able to push pass Daniel to get in the shower before him." Corbyn said to me as the three of us walked down the hall.

"Yeah, me with my athletic ability ran past him." Zach said. I laugh at him and we make our way to the resturant.

The three of us get out of the uber and go into the resturant. I see Jonah, Jack and Daniel family. I walk over to them, hugging them.

"Hey Leigh."

I knew that voice, I turn around and see my boyfriend, Dylan. I smiled widely and hug him, shocked that he was here.

"What are you doing here?"

"I came to surprise you. Then Jack told me we were going out to dinner for Daniel and he invited me along."

I kissed him, "Thank you, I missed you."

"I missed you too."

I walk over to Jack and stand next to him, "you invited him?"

"Yeah, even though I don't like him, he is your boyfriend. And you are best friend."

"Thanks Jack."

"Guys they are on the way, let's sit down." Jonah said. I sat down with Dylan next to me on my left and Jack ony right. Jonah was across from Dylan and two spots were open next to him, for Daniel and Kaylee.

In the next five minutes we saw the two of them out the window. We all looked towards the door and watch them come in. Daniel had his hands in his pockets and looked around. He looked at us and kept looking, until he realized what was actually going on. He smiled and jogged over to us as we yelled surprised. He hugged his mom and his dad then turned to Kaylee.

"Did you do this?"

"Yes. Happy birthday baby."

He kissed her and continued to say hi to his family. Kaylee sat across from me and Daniel sat across from Jack. We all began to talk and catch up with each other, then we eventually got our food.

As we were eating and talking, Dylan placed his hand on my thigh. It was normal for me and it was just resting there, not even too high up. I smiled at him and continued to eat.

I could feel Jack's eyes on me do I looked at him. His eyes went from mine, to Dylan hand, back to mine.

"It's fine." I whispered to him.

He nodded and continued to talk to Zach. That's when I felt Dylan hand slowly make his way up. His hand was on my upper thigh and I pushed it away.

"Not now please." I whispered not wanting to make a scene, but he didn't listen. He placed his hand back on my thigh and continued to go higher. I put my hand on his wrist to try to push him off, but he wouldn't.

"If I were you, I would of already listened to her." Jack said as he leaned over me and whispered to Dylan.

"Whatever Avery, she isn't your anyways so stop."

"Dylan not right now." I whispered back at him.

He squeezed my thigh and that made me flinch, enough for Daniel to notice.

"Listen Dylan, I will make a scene right here right now if you don't get your hand off of her." Jack said as his voice deepened.

Dylan rolled his eyes and let go of me. I sat there awkwardly as I could feel Daniel eyes on me, he probably wanted to know what was happening.

When we finally arrived back at the hotel, Daniel family went to the floor above us to their room. The five boys, Kaylee, Dylan and I were in our hall standing outside our doors.

"There's two beds in our room so it can be Leigh and Dylan then me and Dani." Kaylee said.

We are trying to figure out a new sleeping arrangement. I was looking at the ground as I stood next to Jack and Dylan.

"Whatever, I'm going to the lobby to go get a coffee." Jonah said. "Figure it out when I come back."

"I wanna come!" Zach said as he chased after him. They both walked to the elevator and got in it.

"Is that idea fine with you L?" Kaylee asked me.


"She's fine with it." Dylan said.

"She can speak for herself." Jack said

"Stay out of it Avery." He said stepping up to him.

I tried to get between them but they acted like I wasn't there, still stepping up to each other.

"Move Leigh." Dylan said as he put his hands on me.

"Get your hands off of her." Jack said as he tried to move past me.

I felt myself get pulled out from between them, it was Daniel.

"Hey! Both of you fucking quit it." Daniel said as he got between them.

"Whatever. I'm just gonna go get a room for myself." Dylan said as he walked the other way to the elevator.

I didn't even talk to them as I grabbed my key card and opened the door, Kaylee following me.

"I'm not talking about it."

"Okay but someone else needs to sleep in here with you L."

"Tell Jo."

She sighed, "Okay."

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