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When we finally got back to the apartment we all decided that we are going to hang out in Jonah room for now. When we got inside I went over to the couch and started to strum his guitar. Jonah taught me how to play but I taught myself the piano. Jonah came over to me at picked up another guitar. He started to play a song that he would used to play for me every night. Once he did the first two cords my head shot up and I looked at him. He had a smile on his face and he continued playing. I started to play along with him as we started to sing. I completely forgot about everyone in the room because when I do sing it takes me to a happy place and helps me escape.

After we finish the song we hear claps all around us. I smile nervously and tuck a strand of hair behind my ear.

"I didn't know you could sing!?" Jack said.

"Neither did I! I might of heard you hum but that's it!" Kaylee said shocked.

"I don't like to sing in front of people, I'm only comfortable around Jonah. That's why I think I started singing because he was here with me."

Everyone started talking to be and how I'm just like a girl version of Jonah. I put down the guitar then my phone goes off.

404-614-8152- Hey Leigh it's Dylan


Changed 404-612-8152 to Dylan

Dylan-I was wondering if you want to do something tomorrow?

I bite my nail before answering back. I have only met him once I don't want it to be weird.

Dylan-Sorry if that sounded like a date, I just want to hang as friend.

Leigh-Sure! My place around noon?

Dylan-Sounds great. So what are you doing rn?

I smile down at my phone completely ignoring everyone in the room.

"Hello! Leigh!" Jonah said waving a hand in front on my face and shook me out of my trance.

"Ya? What's up?" I asked.

"What are you doing? We have been trying to talk to you but you have been on your phone the whole time."

"Oh nothing, I think I'm going to head back to my place. You can stay here Kaylee if you want." I said getting up and walking over to the door before anyone could try to stop me.

"I'll come, I'm actually tired." She said walking over to me.

"Okay. Night boys!" I said as we walked out the door.

As soon as we were out in the hall, with their door closed she grabbed me by the arm and took of running towards our place.

"Kaylee what are you doing!" I half yelled.

When he finally got to our room across the hall she stopped and turned to me.

"Who were you texting? Was it Dylan? Are you guys planning to hang out!"

It's like she read my mind.

"Yes." Is all I say as we walk inside.

"Omg yay!" She said squealing.

"Calm down, we're just hanging out." I said. My phone dinged and I looked at it then I smiled.

"You like him!" She yelled.

"Shut up!" I put a hand over her mouth.

"Ew! Kaylee!" I said pulling back my hand that she licked.

"So cute!" She said.

"Whatever I'm going to bed." I turn to the stairs and realized it's impossible for me.

"Just sleep in my room tonight and I'll sleep in yours." Kaylee said.

"Ok you need to stop reading my mind, but thank you."

I went to her room and pulled out a plain shirt and athlete shorts. We share most of out clothes plus I don't feel like asking for any. I put in the clothes and slide into bed. I text back Dylan then I planned on going to sleep.

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